2 week challenge



  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Beeps- that is awesome!!!!

    I think today was day 7 of the burpee challenge- well that's how many I did. First week of my two week challenge wasn't bad. I only worked out 5 days this week, but I kicked butt all 5 days! :smile: This week I want to get at least 3 cardio, 3 strength and some stretching. I should have said eat cleaner - not clean. I did pretty well. DH and I went out last night so that was bad and I think I snacked A LOT one day, but otherwise did okay. I decided to add in IF this week.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    OK I need a total reset this week! Terrible weekend and I am feeling icky about it and just trying to move on.

    My goals for this month I should say-

    1) Stay under calories - EVEN ON WEEKENDS! (but, if I do go over make sure I do not go over my net for the week)
    2) 3 days strength/3-4 days running
    3) limit drinking to 2 days a week max ( I am struggling with this now that summer is here)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Look at all you "burpee" ladies go!! I *love to read about this....
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I hear you Chloe - I did some self sabotage this weekend after a great weekend starting IF. Saturday I knew would be bad but I let Sunday go as well with no real excuse. I need my one "off" day but I need it to better and I need to only have one!

    Here are my goal going forward:

    1. Goals: only one day of non adherence (aka, can eat more carbs/fat) that INCLUDES logging!
    2. Do all works outs - that's 3 NROL and 2 other workouts.
    3. Make my window clearer (12-9). I think I did pretty well starting out but I want to make it more standard (aka I ate late on Saturday night and didn't do myself any favors)
    4. 145 g of protein daily

    According to my handheld my body fat dropped quite a bit since last week. We'll see if that's the case! Either way, I am liking the IF experiment so far. I find it relatively easy to follow through on and I like that I can eat a big meal and its nothing to worry about.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey peeps. So on my goals, I did relatively well last week. I got lots of cardio in, although my "long" run ended up being the 4k tap and run we did (in about 29 minutes). It was SOOOOO fun! I sweat and all, but stopped to drink 4ish oz of beer every km. I will do another in September. If one comes to your city, DO IT! It was a blast. Other than that I did get 2.5 of my 4 strengths in. I dit one day of HIIT and would have done more strength but I ended up doing about 6 hours of manual labor over the weekend. I'm talking moving large pieces of concrete, pulling in cart, dumping, shoveling, etc. I am sore and burned lots of calories (yes I tracked them via HRM). So, there way no way I was lifting anything other than concrete. Good news is our yard is getting closer to completion. At least this phase.

    On the drinking front, I did much better than last weekend. I only had a couple glasses of wine on Friday and woke up at 6am all bright eyed and bushy tailed. Saturday we drank throughout the day (race and then grad party) but ended up not getting schmamered as I usually would drinking all day. I am having a hard time setting a specific number of drinks I'll have. I'm with Chloe, summer is here (well almost) and cocktails seem to be everywhere. So rather than say, "I will only have 2 drinks on these days" I am going to aim to only drink limited (2 or 3) one week night and not overdo it on the weekends a.k.a. not waking up with a hangover. My food is typically relatively good although last week included donuts one day, cupcake another, pizza Friday. So I need to try to eat cleaner for the most part. But I'm typically staying within my 1800-2000 cals a day.

    As for workouts, I'm sticking with what I've been doing and plan to continue this through the month of June:
    1 HIIT
    A, B, C, D Strength workouts
    3+ mile run
    3 other cardio days (this includes walking, running, whatever)

    Looks like you all are having a blast with your burpees! BTW, I do mine w/o pushups. Nice work ladies!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kate- Are you finding that with IF and the increased protein that getting enough calories is an issue? This seems ridiculous to say but I'm now worried about not getting 'enough' calories. Though I feel great and am full. I'm going to take a peek at your diary (hope you don't mind!) Keeping carbs lower and protein higher always leaves me fuller. Which I'm not complaining about and short term low calories shouldn't be an issue but thinking longer term, I need to find some ways to add more calories in without busting tightened carbs. If only I liked red meat! LoL. BTW- Your stomach looks awesome! Be proud! And BF down? Great news! You are rocking it!

    Ashley- I saw your updates this weekend...oh the joys of home renovations. They suck during but the after is worth it plus the during leads to nice calorie burns! Great job and so glad you had a chance to get a little fun in with that run. Sounds awesome!

    Chloe- You've got this. You bounce right back without a doubt. Your clean eating will keep you moving forward. :smile:

    Kc- Great job sticking to the goals. A little weekend splurge tends to get most of us! That's why Monday we are all back on and back on track quickly! Balance between having a little fun and being healthy!

    **I feel awesome** not even 'body' awesome but just better perspective awesome. When I dove into NROL and tried that increase in calories it just bummed me out in all kinds of ways mixed with chaos at work/home. Now everything is settled down. I'm loving NROL plus my added workouts. Looking forward to this camping vacation and 5k on the 16th. I feel well fed and fueled for my workouts. I, too, am loving IF. And I love that even if I feel a little hungry earlier I can move the window around a little without feeling like it was a fail kind of thing. So-positive Reese is back!! And thanks for bearing with me through not so positive Reese!! :flowerforyou:
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Reese - yes and no...at first it was a lot of food and I wasn't eating it all! But I am getting used to it and now I think I am getting plenty of cals. I'm doing 2000 cals on lifting days and 1560 cals on non lifting days. This averages out to what I was eating before 1750 cals a day. Feel free to look at my diary, just ignore the weekend :) The more I focus on protein the less I have to worry keeping carbs down - I agree it makes me feel full!

    I just need that scale to go down a bit and keep losing fat! I'll take pictures next week when I'm finished with stage 4. I missed after stage 3 since things were nuts so I will have a long time to compare!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am so glad I have all of you and your strategies to steal from, I need to do some changes to my diet and exercise plan.
    So I am going to try and eat cleaner: drinking only 2 nights each week, getting 100 grams of protein.
    I checked your diary for ideas, Kate, you are doing a great job getting a ton of protein!
    Workout-wise, I need to catch up on the burpee challenge, I thought it was Day 7?
    I am going to stick with stronglifts 5x5 three days this week, but next week I might look at trying something different for the month-can't decide if I should do the Spartacus workout or some other type of circuit training.
    I have decided not to try IF, but I do want to try calorie-cycling on my non-workout days.
    The weekend was pretty indulgent and I feel refreshed for my challenge and really needing to clean up my eating!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I wanted to ask you all about sugar. It seems I am over everyday and I don't feel like I eat a lot of sugar. My cereal is probably a little more sugary than it should be maybe (8 grams) and also my light soy milk has 6 grams. I have this for breakfast everyday. (Thinking of switching back to oatmeal breakfast). I also typically have a popsicle or fudgesicle at night. Plus I see today, my apple has 11 of the 32 grams of sugar MFP says I should have a day. I guess I feel like "sugar" is bad and I am always over. Does 32 grams seem low? It's the default I think.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I don't pay a ton of attention to sugar and here's why: it matters to me whether I get my sugar from an apple or a hershey's bar and MFP doesn't discern. So I sometimes I see high sugar numbers and try to cut the sources with "unnatural" sugar (like greek yogurt with fruit already in it/sweetened) but don't sweat the sugar that just comes naturally (like completely plain yogurt or fruit).
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I don't pay attention to sugar OR sodium. A person could make themselves crazy with the macros, I think. On some level, I think it's all about calories, but I know that I feel better, or am not hungry, or have improved mood from eating better, so I watch the protein, fat, carbs (40/30/30) and fiber (25 grams).
    even weight watchers isn't counting fruit anymore!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    So great to read up on everyone!!!

    Beeps, great loss on the inches woman!!!

    Reese, things sound wonderful for you! Glad the positive Reese is back! And of course we would stand by and listen to the not so positive Reese ;)

    Chloe, you will totally be right back on track, no doubt about that ;)

    KC, anxious to hear what you think of IF!

    Kate, great job on the BF loss!! I like your non-adherence day but still logging. I have my cheat day but I don't bother to log, lol!!

    Better, from what I've read, sugar is a contributing factor to belly fat. BUT, like Kate said, and as Amy mentioned, it can drive you mad keeping track because sugar from an apple, vs sugar from a Snickers are 2 totally different things. So, I just tend to watch the Big 3...Carbs, Protein and Fat.

    Ok, so baby steps for me.
    Workouts - I got in all my strength sessions, yay!! I only ran once, was supposed to be twice. Cardio - check!
    Logging - last week I made it through lunch Friday. This past week, I Logged everything except Sunday, so a little progress there :)

    Challenge for June:

    Workouts - continue strength 3x/week, need to run twice this week, Warrior Dash is Saturday!! And Burpees still going strong!

    Nutrition - I am just going to focus on eating as clean as I can and the 40/30/30 ratio, eating enough calories during the week. I tend to have big deficits during the week and then go over on the weekend, which overall may even out, but I don't know...my body is being weird and the scale still isn't cooperating. BUT I am feeling stronger, got a new PR for deadlift today, 125lbs! I'll take it :)

    Let's show June who is boss!!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Amy - I agree! It's enough to drive a person nuts with all the nutrients...I am working mainly on hitting my macros with at least 2 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit in a day (considering I would not touch green stuff growing up this is quite the triumph) that way I figure my nutrients are *close* to what the should be. I watch fiber and sodium simply as proxies for how naturally/cleanly I'm eating. Processed junk has lots of sodium, whole foods lots of fiber so when I am high on fiber and low on sodium it's a good indicator I'm making good food choices.

    Jen - way to go on the PR! I haven't straight deadlifted in a while (doing wide grip from box right now) and that made me miss it! Sounds like you're right on track for June! I hear you on the week/weekend thing. I can be good during the week with relatively little problem but the weekends are a different animal. I need to make myself log so that I don't do what I did Sunday and grab a chips ahoy every time I walk through the kitchen...I don't even really *like* them that much. They're just there and I knew I wasn't going to log it so I acted like it didn't matter. Bad news. I gotta be more honest with myself! I didn't even have a hangover as an excuse Sunday.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Thanks for the sugar feedback. I think I knew the answer already; just wanted others' opinions. I'm with you all; macros can drive you nuts. I watch cals first and foremost because ultimately that is what causes gains and losss. A calorie is a calorie. But I feel better when my sodium isn't through the roof and when my fiber is adequate (whole foods vs. out of the box). Jen, I have heard about sugar causing belly fat, which is my biggest problem area (especially since baby....still working that area out). I have also heard alcohol contributes to excess belly fat, which is probably my problem. :ohwell:

    So I just switched parking lots at work which gets me home about 10 minutes faster. This is great because last night I was able to get one of my strength sessions in before my husband and baby got home. So I think this is going to be my new plan - get it in RIGHT after work. They only take 20-25 minutes each so very doable. As does my HIIT. It's strange. I used to spend 1.5 hours at the gym. Now I'm just getting these little mini workouts in here and there. Whatever works I guess!
  • Hi ladies! I am new to this group, and this thread is AWESOME! You are such great inspiration!

    I just started the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution (skipped first 2 weeks cuz they were too easy...I have done her other DVD's) and am trying to eat cleaner. Was doing Weight Watchers, but found I wasnt getting enough calories.

    My 2 week goals:
    1. Workout 5-6 days per week, 4 x's Jillian Ckts, 2 x's Jillian Cardio
    2. Eat cleaner
    3. Drink more water!!!!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Good Morning everyone :)

    Nemesis welcome! How do you like the Body Revolution so far? I used to do Jillian DVDs all the time I probably own every single one. But, then I got a little burnt out with her.

    I have been so confused by the whole sugar thing as well. I do watch my sodium and try to stay under 1500 mg. I also try to keep my fiber up too. Has anyone ever heard of taking apple cider vinegar daily to reduce stomach bloat, I read about it Tosca Reno's eat clean book. I started doing it Friday twice a day. Tastes pretty bad and I can't really say how its been working, bc I ate like crap the entire weekend anyways.

    Yesterday was a good day, back on track! Getting in a speed work run tonight which should be a pretty good calorie burn. I am trying to keep my cals pretty low the next couple days to make up for the damage I did over the weekend, so don't fret if you look at my diary :)
  • ChLoE, I am liking Jillian's BR so far! Like I said, having done her stuff before, workouts 1 and 2 were too easy, but there are 15 workouts. 3 and 4 (what I'm working on this week) are much better. I don't feel like I;m going to pass out our puke, but I feel mildly sore afterwards. I;ll keep you posted!

    Also, I have a friend doing the Apple Cider Vinegar thing, she swears by it! She takes a shot glass, puts about 2 oz ACV and 1 tsp of raw honey to it and shoots it back every morning. Apparently raw honey is like icing, so it takes the edge of the ACV, plus its good for you anyway.

    Good luck and thanks for the welcome!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    hmmm I am intrigued! I have a huge problem with water retention and bloat (I had a great day yesterday and I am up 1.6 lbs from yesterday to show for it...grumble grumble). Chloe let me know how you think it works!

    Welcome nemesis!
  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Hello hello!
    Beeps - congrats on your inches lost!! That is fantastic!! May was definitely good to you!! I agree though, I want to see a gala pic :)

    Mama - I'm glad you're enjoying the IF!! Have you noticed any changes in your body yet? I'm also glad that you're feeling so great! I think that's the most important thing here :)

    kc - great goals! :)

    Kate - I'm glad you're liking IF too!! Do you think your bf% dropping has something to do with IF or just because you're awesome and a beast at the gym? :P

    Ashley - Sounds like you are doing well with your goals, and that race sounds like it was wicked fun! I agree with everyone else about the sugar too, I tried watching it a while back and it drove me nuts! I do watch my sodium just to make sure I stay under the mfp recommendation, but I don't pay too close attention to it. Also, I agree with how great it feels to do the mini workouts and still feel as if I worked out forever!!

    Amy - Great goals!! How do you plan on doing the calorie cycling on the non workout days??

    Jen - great job on your goals!! Your June ones sound great too and I'm sure you'll work it!

    Nemesis - welcome!! Your goals sound great too! That ACV "shot" your friend takes sounds interesting... I wonder if I have any at home to try!!

    Chloe - Let me know how the ACV works for you! if it works well I might add it in next week!

    My weekend wasn't too bad. I drank too much on Friday and I paid for it on Saturday!! I didn't go overboard with my eating though, so I was proud of myself in that sense. These next 2 weeks will be strict for me (as long as I can follow it!!) because I get to see friends I haven't seen in 3 years!! Last time I saw them I was a bit heavier from eating all of the delicious food from Italy, and when I see them this time I want them to notice that I'm toned and fit! I'm still doing crossfit and I LOVE it!! Yesterday felt great because one of the coaches complimented me a couple times, once when we were learning cleans he was going around correcting everyone and looked at me and said "i don't even need to watch you, you got this down!" yey! and another time he said I was putting the guys I was next to to shame :) Nothing like a great confidence boost!! Last nights workout was a leg killer!! Let me know if any of you want the workouts that we do and I'll post them! I have 2 more of the "on ramp" program classes and then 4 more to take whenever. I think I'll get them in next week, maybe do Sunday, Monday, Wed, Thurs?? I'm excited about it :) I do wish I still had my scale :( I'm not sure where I am in that sense, I just hope I'm not gaining!

    Here are my 2 week goals:
    No wine Mon-Thurs, limited alcohol on weekend
    3-4 workouts (depending on soreness from cf)
    Avoid unhealthy snack - no more ice cream and chips!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Beeps & chuisle - congrats on getting results

    Chloe - I am with you on the bad weekend. Let's get back on track!

    Better - I see you are getting good advice from everyone on the sugar. I would say ditch the cereal for the oatmeal and don't worry about the sugars from fruit

    Shander - that's awesome about your crossfit class, great job!

    I am doing a two week challenge - take 2 since I failed last time: stay under my calorie goal, exercise every day & log everything.