2nd Trimester



  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    We are pretty sure on a girl name...Lucy Nell, but are undecided on boy name. I like Jude and Miles but my husband isn't thrilled about either, so I'm not sure. We are not going to worry too much until after we find out...in 2 hours!!!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    We are pretty sure on a girl name...Lucy Nell, but are undecided on boy name. I like Jude and Miles but my husband isn't thrilled about either, so I'm not sure. We are not going to worry too much until after we find out...in 2 hours!!!

    Chickybuns- Jude was our boy's name!! But we don't have to worry about that, because we are having a girl:) I think I'll keep it secret for now though. Our other daughter's name is Elsie- after my great-grandmother. Good luck everyone!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    DH and I have a short list of 3 names for boys, with the same middle name for each (after my best friend who passed away a few years ago). As for girls, we have one name we agree on, but it's not the #1 pick for either of us. He doesn't like my #1 pick and his #1 pick is a name I like, but it's at/near the top of baby names lists every year. I don't want my kid to be one of 5 in their class with the same name! We are also keeping our names a secret until the baby is born. DH's family is super opinionated, they were so disappointed with my nephew's name that when SIL was pregnant with #2 FIL gave her a list of suggestions! (I think they've grown to like the name, but are disappointed it is not Polish). Last time we were home MIL kepts listing off names to me and I think was getting annoyed that I said "no" to each one (I was also getting annoyed with her!). She kept suggesting names of people in my family, and I am not one for naming children after other living relatives (just my thing, I know lots of people are okay with it). In DH's family there's FIL named Aleksander, my DH and BIL *both* have Aleksander as their middle names, plus there's a cousin Aleksander. AND to top it off, DH has the same first name as his older cousin. MIL didn't care that her brother already used the name on his son, she wanted to use it, too! Anyway.... Inlaws are a dangersous topic with me, I like/generally get along with them, but sometimes I think my head will explode. :explode:

    Oh, and we've decided to paint the baby's room light blue regardles of gender. FIL is convinced we know it's a boy and won't admit it (we honestly 100% do not and will not know until birth!)

    Any news on the gender, Chickybuns?
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    I have picked a girl and boy name (we were told 90% chance of a girl at the NT scan, 5 weeks to confirm). Gianna Kylee, (DD name is Bianca Kaylee) and for a boy Adrian Cesar. DH name is Julio Cesar but he does not want to name any of his sons Julio (to common in both our families). We both come from the Dominican Republic and wanted names that are easily pronounced in English and Spanish.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    We both come from the Dominican Republic and wanted names that are easily pronounced in English and Spanish.

    DH is Polish, and if we choose a Polish name it has to be easy to pronounce and translate into English. People really struggle with our last name, I don't want the first name to be difficult, too!
  • tinyjourney
    tinyjourney Posts: 198 Member
    DH and I had a boy and girl name picked out. But we found out at 14 weeks (and again at 16) that we are having a little girl. So it will be Gabrielle Rose. I had picked Gabrielle before we met, he had picked Gavin before we met so we just agreed to stick with those. We are using each of our middle names to pass on for a girl and a boy.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I have my ultrasound today and found out we are having a boy! That is honestly what I was expecting for some reason, I think it's because that's what most people were telling me! It was so awesome to see him again, he was squiriming around like crazy, and we got some great pictures!
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    I have my ultrasound today and found out we are having a boy! That is honestly what I was expecting for some reason, I think it's because that's what most people were telling me! It was so awesome to see him again, he was squiriming around like crazy, and we got some great pictures!
    So happy for your Chicky!!!

    We have a boy named picked out, Elias Richard. It has been waiting for awhile after 3 girls :laugh: But as far as girl names??? We have totally ran out! There are a couple i liked, but DH didn't and same the other way. I am hoping we come up with something before Skittle makes their debut in October because I have a feeling it's another girl!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Congrats on your little boy Chicky!!

    I love everyone's name choices. DH and I have talked a bunch about names and have narrowed the list down but we don't have anything definite. We also decided we aren't going to tell our families (or anyone else) the name until she gets here. This decision was solidified yesterday when I told my mom and SIL some of our ideas. I told them DH really likes Caitlyn Jessica- they both hated it! That's the last time I have to worry about sharing names. That name was realyl high on our list and now I'm second guessing it... Everything else will stay between me and DH- our daughter, our name choice.

    Happy Monday everyone!

    22 wks 1 day (up around 15 lbs- but I had quite the splurge this weekend with donuts and icecream- totally worth it though!)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I think we decided on a name....Miles Glenn. What do you guys think? It woudl be nice to start calling him by name instead of he all the time :)
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I think we decided on a name....Miles Glenn. What do you guys think? It woudl be nice to start calling him by name instead of he all the time :)

    I really like that! I agree with you, it will be nice to have a name picked out to start calling the baby!
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Congrats on your little boy Chicky!!

    I love everyone's name choices. DH and I have talked a bunch about names and have narrowed the list down but we don't have anything definite. We also decided we aren't going to tell our families (or anyone else) the name until she gets here. This decision was solidified yesterday when I told my mom and SIL some of our ideas. I told them DH really likes Caitlyn Jessica- they both hated it! That's the last time I have to worry about sharing names. That name was realyl high on our list and now I'm second guessing it... Everything else will stay between me and DH- our daughter, our name choice.

    Happy Monday everyone!

    22 wks 1 day (up around 15 lbs- but I had quite the splurge this weekend with donuts and icecream- totally worth it though!)
    I wish I had done that Becky with our last two. My 5 year old is Meredith Joyce and when I first announced her name EVERYONE thought it sounded too old. My mother (whose name is Joyce btw) tried talking me out of it all the way up till delivery. But looking at her...that IS her name! She is a Meredith to a T! Then with our last we named her Eve Lynn Faith. Most people though two first names was stupid and told us so. But we loved it and it's meaning. Now people love it (after we correct them that it is not Evelyn lol).

    So this time when we find a girls name we aren't telling anyone!

    Chicky -I really like that name!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I'm so happy for you Chicky! Becky I totally don't blame you! Luckily all the names we have picked out everyone loves or if they don't they haven't said! Haha but we will be naming him/her any name we desire no matter what someone has to say about it. I'm sure after all our babies are here everyone will take a chill pill and go with it lol :)
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Congrats Chicky on the news! And the name is beautiful, very cute!!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Hello all! My name is Jamie and my due date is Dec 27th. I was one of those who got pregnant on birth control so needless to say this baby was a surprise. To date i have gained 14lbs and really concerned that i will end up gaining about 50lbs!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hello all! My name is Jamie and my due date is Dec 27th. I was one of those who got pregnant on birth control so needless to say this baby was a surprise. To date i have gained 14lbs and really concerned that i will end up gaining about 50lbs!

    Welcome to the second trimester. Let's hope both our weight gains slow a bit! But either way, we can take it off after baby!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I've been trying to slow my weight gain down too. I may have overdone it a tad Sat-Mon. I helped landscape my front yard and tweaked my back a little. Then Monday I was super stressed (couldn't stop crying- crazy hormones!) and went for a nice run. The run was amazing; however, it didn't really help my back rest. I'll take it easy by walking all week but I can't stop working out. It's way too easy to stop all together.

    Chicky- love the motivation pic!

    Jamie- congrats on your surprise baby :) And welcome to the 2nd tri. I know a lot of starting feeling much better in the 2nd tri. I got my energy and motivationn to workout and simply get off the couch back!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I've been trying to slow my weight gain down too. I may have overdone it a tad Sat-Mon. I helped landscape my front yard and tweaked my back a little. Then Monday I was super stressed (couldn't stop crying- crazy hormones!) and went for a nice run. The run was amazing; however, it didn't really help my back rest. I'll take it easy by walking all week but I can't stop working out. It's way too easy to stop all together.

    Chicky- love the motivation pic!

    Jamie- congrats on your surprise baby :) And welcome to the 2nd tri. I know a lot of starting feeling much better in the 2nd tri. I got my energy and motivationn to workout and simply get off the couch back!

    Girl it is SO easy to stop working out!! I can't believe I got out of the habit of it!! But you know they say it takes 21 days to make a habit so im on my way lol but i did notice that since I've been working out again I've got lots more energy throughout they day! Totally worth it lol
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I think we decided on a name....Miles Glenn. What do you guys think? It woudl be nice to start calling him by name instead of he all the time :)

    I love the name! lucky for us we have a boy and girl name already picked out for when we find out. If its a girl i get to have dinner at my restaurant of choice and if its a boy my boyfriend gets to have dinner at his choice of place! we have a little bet going on. lol
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Had another scare today! I don't know if my heart can take anymore. About a week and a half ago, I had some major bleeding after work. I went to the ER, they found the baby's heartbeat with the doppler, and I had an ultrasound the next day. Baby was awesome, and they couldn't find why I would have been bleeding.

    Today, at lunch, I start bleeding pretty badly again. I had an ultrasound in the afternoon, and then saw my midwife. Baby is still measuring 4 days ahead and looking great! The ultrasound didn't show any issues, but my midwife did an exam and said I have a polyp peeking out of my cervix! Polyps can cause major bleeding, and they usually don't remove them until after delivery. I am so relieved right now! I know there are still risks associated with polyps, but that answer is way better than the alternative.

    So now I'm just praying that the rest of this pregnancy is "boring"! Only 25 weeks to go!
