2nd Trimester



  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    AJ- oh my! I hope the rest of your pregnancy is boring too! Yikes! I'm so happy everything turned out ok for you and baby!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Wow girl! So glad they figured it out so you can rest without as much worry!!!!
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    wow.. So scary, but glad you know what it is and the baby is ok.. Hope it's smooth sailing from here on out for you sweetie.. :smile:
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    AJ: Glad that it's nothing major... what is a polyp though?
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Aj - What a relief that LO is ok! I also hope that the rest of your pregnancy is boring and everything goes smoothly. Did they say you could do anything to decrease the bleeding or ruptures?
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    AJ- so glad to hear it wont hurt the baby. I bet that was a sigh of relief for you!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Hey ladies just looking for some of your own experiences. I am 15wk5d today and last night after my nightly walk I had some bleeding. Nothing major and I wouldn't have noticed it until I went to the bathroom and I could see it on the toilet tissue. Instead of freaking out like I wanted to I decided to wait and see if it increased or became worse. An hour later I checked again and it was gone and has been gone it was just that one time. Yes I called my doctor and am waiting for a return call still haven't heard anything. My mother in law says it could have just been from the exercise since I upped my speed last night and the miles ( I have been feeling a lot better). I still have some pain/cramping in my lower abdomen, but I have had that all along and was told not to worry about it. I have an appointment next week on the 5th so hopefully it was just the one time thing. Have any of you all experienced this? I think I will be taking it easy until I hear from the doctor or see him.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    AJ: Glad that it's nothing major... what is a polyp though?

    It's a growth that's typically not cancerous (but can be). When it's on/in your cervix it can cause irregular menstrual periods. During pregnancy, increased levels of estrogen make them bigger, and the increased blood volume from being pregnant can make them bleed easier.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Aj - What a relief that LO is ok! I also hope that the rest of your pregnancy is boring and everything goes smoothly. Did they say you could do anything to decrease the bleeding or ruptures?

    I am supposed to "take it easy" as much as possible. I've already been lazier than ever, so I'm not sure what else I can do! haha

    Thanks ladies for the lovely comments! I talked to my midwife again today, and I have to go see a specialist in 3 weeks. On the ultrasound, we also noticed that I have marginal cord insertion (means the umbilical cord isn't in the center of the placenta) and possible vasa previa (when the vessels from the cord cross over the cervical opening). Neither is anything to be really worried about yet, but early diagnosis can help us to decide whether I'll need a c-section or not! I will be doing a lot of praying in the next 3 weeks that everything is okay!

  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Hey ladies just looking for some of your own experiences. I am 15wk5d today and last night after my nightly walk I had some bleeding. Nothing major and I wouldn't have noticed it until I went to the bathroom and I could see it on the toilet tissue. Instead of freaking out like I wanted to I decided to wait and see if it increased or became worse. An hour later I checked again and it was gone and has been gone it was just that one time. Yes I called my doctor and am waiting for a return call still haven't heard anything. My mother in law says it could have just been from the exercise since I upped my speed last night and the miles ( I have been feeling a lot better). I still have some pain/cramping in my lower abdomen, but I have had that all along and was told not to worry about it. I have an appointment next week on the 5th so hopefully it was just the one time thing. Have any of you all experienced this? I think I will be taking it easy until I hear from the doctor or see him.

    I have had quite a bit of spotting (before my last 2 bleeding episodes), and the blood was from my cervix, not my uterus. There is increased blood flow to the cervix during pregnancy, and some things can irritate it so that it bleeds a little. Sorry if TMI, but mine will bleed a little if I'm a little constipated and have to push things out. Also, yeast infections are common in pregnancy which can also make your cervix "friable". As for the pain/cramping, I believe during this time the uterus is growing a lot because the baby is really growing. My midwife calls the minor cramping "uterus growing pains".

    I hope your doctor puts your mind at ease!!

  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    AJ: Wow, that's a lot of stress that you don't need, try to keep your mind busy, you look like you are calm and cool headed though, so just keep doing what your doing! I'll be sending good thoughts your way!!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I have had quite a bit of spotting (before my last 2 bleeding episodes), and the blood was from my cervix, not my uterus. There is increased blood flow to the cervix during pregnancy, and some things can irritate it so that it bleeds a little. Sorry if TMI, but mine will bleed a little if I'm a little constipated and have to push things out. Also, yeast infections are common in pregnancy which can also make your cervix "friable". As for the pain/cramping, I believe during this time the uterus is growing a lot because the baby is really growing. My midwife calls the minor cramping "uterus growing pains".

    I hope your doctor puts your mind at ease!!


    Well I probably got nervous over nothing, but it did freak me out. I spoke with my dr. office and was told it is probably nothing to worry about since it happened once and hasn't happened since. I am still just going to take it easy till my next appt on Thursday. My poor husband is feeling neglected because I have cut him off till then too. I would just rather be safe than sorry. I only have 24 weeks to go.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    AJ: Wow, that's a lot of stress that you don't need, try to keep your mind busy, you look like you are calm and cool headed though, so just keep doing what your doing! I'll be sending good thoughts your way!!

    Thanks very much! I'm trying to remind myself that anything can change within the next few weeks, and that whatever may have looked like a problem will probably be nothing to worry about. And after that, I am seriously taking a vacation. I need to mentally check out for a bit!
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    blink1021: Your poor hubby, haha! I agree with you though, it's best just to abstain for a bit! My midwife has said we have to wait until 20 weeks before we can have a little fun, but with everything that's going on, it may be longer! I might have to buy hubby a blow up friend.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    blink1021: Your poor hubby, haha! I agree with you though, it's best just to abstain for a bit! My midwife has said we have to wait until 20 weeks before we can have a little fun, but with everything that's going on, it may be longer! I might have to buy hubby a blow up friend.

    I told mine that I would find him a girlfriend since I felt bad and he said only if its Jennifer Aniston. So I guess he is just out of luck.
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Hi, ladies!

    Well, I am at about 13 and a half weeks now, so I figured it was time to join the 2nd trimester group...hooray for making it 1/3 of the way there!

    AJ....is a polyp the same as a fibroid? I have a fibroid in my uterus that I am pretty freaked out about, especially since it has grown some...but my doctor says they really aren't anything to be alarmed it if they are where mine is (out of the way, I guess?) Sorry you are having to go through that stress...ugh.

    Blink...sorry about the spotting. It doesn't sound like it was enough to indicate a big problem, so hopefully that was the end of it! Your husband and mine could be friends...I cut mine off, also, after my last spotting incident. He wants Olivia Wilde as his stand-in girlfriend...I told him no sale.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    AJ....is a polyp the same as a fibroid? I have a fibroid in my uterus that I am pretty freaked out about, especially since it has grown some...but my doctor says they really aren't anything to be alarmed it if they are where mine is (out of the way, I guess?) Sorry you are having to go through that stress...ugh.

    Welcome to the 2nd trimester!

    I know a polyp is different, but I'm not sure how. That's good your doctors aren't concerned about your fibroid. I know a lot of women have them, and polyps are common too. I'm just trying to take it easy for now until we know exactly what's going on down there! haha
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome to the 2nd tri Jaclynn!

    Blink...this might be TMI, but did you and the hubby do the deed at all that day? When pregnant our cervix gets irritated very easily and we also have a lot more blood flow in that area. So it is common for us to spot or bleed lightly after sex, *kitten*, internal exams, or even from heavy exercise. I am glad you talked to the doc and they reassured you all is fine. Trust me after having miscarriages I know even a little blood can be scary! I bled with my last all the way till 17w. And we weren't even having sex at all.

    Aj - Glad you are taking it easy. Sorry for your hubby, but I am sure he understands!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Welcome to the 2nd tri Jaclynn!

    Blink...this might be TMI, but did you and the hubby do the deed at all that day? When pregnant our cervix gets irritated very easily and we also have a lot more blood flow in that area. So it is common for us to spot or bleed lightly after sex, *kitten*, internal exams, or even from heavy exercise. I am glad you talked to the doc and they reassured you all is fine. Trust me after having miscarriages I know even a little blood can be scary! I bled with my last all the way till 17w. And we weren't even having sex at all.

    Aj - Glad you are taking it easy. Sorry for your hubby, but I am sure he understands!

    No we didn't have sex at all that day or for a few days prior. We really think it had to do with the exercise because it happened right after walking and it wasn't moderate at all I was pushing really hard. I still have lower abdominal pain, back pain and cramping but no blood except for that one time. I go back to the doctor on Thursday afternoon so trying not to panic.
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Well, I must have been feeling left out...because I had a bleeding scare today, too! I had some spotting a month ago (around weeks 8 & 9), both times ended being nothing (I had several ultrasounds). Then, last night, I sat down to pee...and when I stood up, the toilet had blood in it. It LOOKED like a lot to me, but I made my husband look and he said it probably looked like more than it was, since it mixed with toilet water. Anyway, this morning I had some very light brown spotting...called doctor...they had me come in (again). Listened to heart beat on the doppler (135...she said that was great...but I feel like everyone else always seems to have heartbeats in the 160's). Did a pelvic exam...said my cervix was irritated and bleeding some. Asked about sex...told her I had it late on Saturday, and she said it is very likely from that. Then she sent me on my way and told me again that she's worried about my anxiety and recommended a psych in KC. I love my doctor...I really do...and I know it seems like I overreact a lot (I'm 13 and a half weeks and have had 4 ultrasounds...don't even know how many phone calls I've made). Anyways, I've had no more bleeding today and I'm very glad we got to hear the heartbeat...my goal is to make it to my next regular appointment on the 17th without any more drama. Hope everyone else had a wonderful, stress-free day!