What the hell????



  • AndreaG170
    AndreaG170 Posts: 104 Member
    Katie, I hope today was better than yesterday. Work and responsibilities and life can get in the way, but the important thing is that you set aside time to make your life healthier. Hopefully this weekend coming up can be a fresh start.

    Vader, people get migraines for all different reasons, and weather affects some people because of the barometric pressure changes... Actually, changes in barometric pressure give my dog anxiety. I wouldn't want to know what a headache felt like that stemmed from having a metal plate in your head. *shudder* That just sounds awful. Speaking of awful, how's the hand?
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Katie, I hope today was better than yesterday. Work and responsibilities and life can get in the way, but the important thing is that you set aside time to make your life healthier. Hopefully this weekend coming up can be a fresh start.

    Vader, people get migraines for all different reasons, and weather affects some people because of the barometric pressure changes... Actually, changes in barometric pressure give my dog anxiety. I wouldn't want to know what a headache felt like that stemmed from having a metal plate in your head. *shudder* That just sounds awful. Speaking of awful, how's the hand?

    Katie, stop reading, drink a glass of water and now you can continue.

    Oh Andrea, you will slowly learn that most things I say are not serious nature...though a plate in Margaret's head would not shock me! Thanks for asking about the hand...it is healing well from the injuries and I pretty much have full use of it now. Working at the rental house is almost done. the bathroom gets painted and put back together tonight and tomorrow morning. 3 new doors and array of trim work, cleaning and yard prep all have to be done by Sunday morning!

    My water intake is going pretty well but I haven't been able to swim yet this week. It is supposed to be much warmer through the weekend so I'm hoping to get in the pool at some point.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I've never knowingly gotten a plate inserted in my head........ Bill.

    Sounds like we're all pretty busy. I haven't been able to to out for a run to start hills training yet, but I'm hoping to today, and at least try the pullups at the park. Of course, i'll probably just hang there... I have an opportunity to pick up a heavy bag today at a yard sale, so if I can figure out where to hang the thing... :-D
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Any survivors?

    Bring out your dead!!!
  • AndreaG170
    AndreaG170 Posts: 104 Member
    Any survivors?

    Bring out your dead!!!

    Nice! I have successfully only drank water from Sunday 'til now. Had a migraine to prove my caffeine addiction, but I am hoping I'm over that now and I don't plan on adding coffee back into my daily routine. As for the exercising, I completely failed. But once I get a migraine on a Monday and then again on a Tuesday and have headaches Wednesday, Thursday and Friday... all is lost. I'm hoping I'll feel better this coming week and I'll get to ride my bike or something.

    Anyone else?
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I didn't get any time to exercise all week. On top of moving, we had a bunch of functions and events to go to. I am itching to get out and run some hills, though. And bring the kids to the park so I can try chinups. I looked up pullups and apparently chinups are easier so it's good to do those first.

    Andrea, you are a trooper!

    I had a cup of coffee at the neighbours' on Thursday. It was plunked down in front of me before I could object and I didn't want to be rude. They're an older couple from our church. So I didn't quite make it through. But I tried!
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    For the past two weeks, I have only been able to do yoga one day (Monday, two weeks ago). No gym, no other form of exercise besides stress at work (does that count?)

    I've tried to drink water, but have been chugging caffeine more, to stay awake and on my toes.

    Between last week (end of June) and the week before, I've logged in about 40 hours OT.

    I feel pretty wiped out. I think I can safely say, I've been absent here. Sorry guys.

    Next week should be better but we'll have to see - limited internet in the mountains.

    Keep on going on guys, for the ones who are sticking this one out! I'm rooting for all of you. :flowerforyou:

    PS - on a side note, I did make it all the way down to 120 lbs twice this week (YAY me!), but husband says it doesn't count when you lose the weight the wrong way, by skipping the meals because of work. Guess it doesn't count, but I was thrilled when I looked at the scale. :blushing:
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    I finally was able to swim for about an hour yesterday. and I'm including strength training in there as well since I spent a solid 20 minutes throwing my kids as high as I could into the pool!!!

    I did very well water wise except for Saturday. However, my eating sucked badly as I was working in the rental house (if you've read my status updates you'll understand). it was brutally hot here this weekend and I was losing 3 lbs every day and then putting it back on a night when I'd eat and drink about 5 glasses of water.

    My belt is officially down a notch though and I'm still having to pull them up occasionally.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    My belt is officially down a notch though and I'm still having to pull them up occasionally.

    Losing your pants = NSV!

    And Katie, high five for 120! (even though it was through crazy work and little food.) Just make sure you keep it off the healthy way. :-)
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    yes, Katie...very good with the 120!

    Margaret, I hope your move is going well. I still have about 25 boxes of stuff that haven't been unpacked in the 4 weeks since we moved.

    Andrea, those caffeine headaches will go away. I know it's tough but you can do it and you'll feel better for it!
  • Goingnuts2
    Goingnuts2 Posts: 160 Member
    Wow, a lot has been going around since I've been absent. How's everyone's challenges going? Katie - how sweet it is to be at 120 lbs!! So happy for you, that is definitely a milestone :flowerforyou:

    Things are finally settling down and I hope to get back into the challenge and start completing my food.

  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Well, the water only and 1 new exercise challenge was only a week. Let's do a July long challenge, especially since I'm on vacation for two weeks in the middle and need you drill sargeants to keep me in line. :-)
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Well, the water only and 1 new exercise challenge was only a week. Let's do a July long challenge, especially since I'm on vacation for two weeks in the middle and need you drill sargeants to keep me in line. :-)

    Name the challenge!!!!
  • AndreaG170
    AndreaG170 Posts: 104 Member
    No headache today! Yay! We made homemade tacos and fresh guacamole today for dinner and it was fantastic. Anyone trying new recipes lately? Have a happy 4th of July tomorrow and enjoy the fireworks while I consider giving my dog a tranquilizer!
  • AndreaG170
    AndreaG170 Posts: 104 Member
    Well, the water only and 1 new exercise challenge was only a week. Let's do a July long challenge, especially since I'm on vacation for two weeks in the middle and need you drill sargeants to keep me in line. :-)

    Name the challenge!!!!

  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Yo, what's cookin' people??? is it going to be up to me to set this challenge for the next 3 weeks? I'm thinking something from the 10th to the 31st. should we do a calories burned goal? Calories burned contest? number of workouts goal? You have until tomorrow morning to decide or I will implement all 3!!!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Number of workouts sounds good or calorie goal.
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    Number of workouts sounds good or calorie goal.

    Very decisive of you...thank you Margaret!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Number of workouts sounds good or calorie goal.

    Very decisive of you...thank you Margaret!

    Uh... You're welcome? (Not sure if you were sarcastic considering I picked 2...)
  • AndreaG170
    AndreaG170 Posts: 104 Member
    I like calories burned.