Stage 3



  • Kooopons
    Kooopons Posts: 167 Member
    Did my first stage 3 A today and goodness me. Please tell me I'm not the only one who could not complete 24 lunge and squat jumps. Ugh
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    Lori - I did my first workout B today. I didn't love it. My hamstrings were still moderately sore from Tuesday's Workout A, so the deadlift/row was pretty tough @ 75 lb., even with less weight than I know I can deadlift (105 lb.), and less weight than I know I can row (85 lb. in Workout A on Monday). So it was frustrating.

    I do love lat pulldowns though, so those felt good, but I thought the single-leg partial squats were weird too. They were hard, even without added weight, but I'm not sure *how* low we're supposed to go. Are we supposed to get as low as we can, THEN add weight, or add weight even if you're not getting to parallel or lower?

    I think I liked back extensions OK too, but I did them just with bodyweight (arms crossed at my shoulders), and I think I'll need to add weight next time. YTWL was OK, but awkward as hell, especially the W. It was hard to remember to keep my elbows close on the starting position.

    Abs & Prone Cobras just seemed to take FOREVER with 3 sets, and then HIIT put my total workout time (including a 3-min. stretch and 10-min. warmup before I lifted) to 1 hr., 45 minutes. Which is ridiculous. I think I'm going to start putting the BWM (Workout A) and HIIT (Workout B) on the days after I lift so I can be in & out of the gym in 90 minutes.

    For the partial squats, I stand on a box and only go down as far as I can while keeping my back flat, which is about half the range of a full squat, so my thigh is definitely not parallel to the ground (that sounds almost impossible to me!) I use 20 lb dbs in my hands. I feel like the extra weight keeps me anchored and keeps me from wobbling.
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    Did my first stage 3 A today and goodness me. Please tell me I'm not the only one who could not complete 24 lunge and squat jumps. Ugh

    Nope, me too!
  • worthyofchange
    worthyofchange Posts: 165 Member
    My BWM saga:

    Today was 4A for me and it was only today that I did the whole BWM and 2 sets of it too. I'm pretty proud!

    On 1A I got up to the jump lunges and just simply quit.
    The next two workouts I did 12 of each exercise instead of 24.

    Today I did them all and it was sheer torture for the jump lunges but everything else was just regular torture :)
    I did the first set in 3:30 and then sped it up to 2:55 for the second set.

    The caveat is that I did them an hour AFTER the rest of the workout. I drove home. Had breakfast. Got my kids started on their day. Then did the BWM. Sure it would have been a lot slower otherwise.
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    I do love lat pulldowns though, so those felt good, but I thought the single-leg partial squats were weird too. They were hard, even without added weight, but I'm not sure *how* low we're supposed to go. Are we supposed to get as low as we can, THEN add weight, or add weight even if you're not getting to parallel or lower?

    In the book it says to go as low as you can go without hurting your back or knees... then he continues to say "remember it's a partial squat"... so from that I gather that the goal is not to go parallel.
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    I do love lat pulldowns though, so those felt good, but I thought the single-leg partial squats were weird too. They were hard, even without added weight, but I'm not sure *how* low we're supposed to go. Are we supposed to get as low as we can, THEN add weight, or add weight even if you're not getting to parallel or lower?

    In the book it says to go as low as you can go without hurting your back or knees... then he continues to say "remember it's a partial squat"... so from that I gather that the goal is not to go parallel.

    I agree. I don't think we are supposed to go parallel, but now I have the question of how to make it harder on the floor. Or should I just up the reps? I don't really want to use a box because that means I have to run all over the gym between the squats and lat pulldowns. But 6 just didn't seem enough. I do have to hold my hands out front to maintain balance so I'm not sure I could hold weights. But I'm open to suggestions. (Even though it does sound like I'm not. :wink: )
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    So I did my first B workout today. It does seem much easier than A. But I really pushed my self this time and really upped the weights from what I had been doing before...on most things.

    On the back heavy do you go? I deal with chronic back pain so I tend to baby my back. I started with BW which was very easy, upped it to 5 lbs...still easy. Did last set at 10 lbs...and it was still pretty easy? I just don't know how much to push this one.

    Last comment....regarding the time. First of all I forgot my phone so was unable to time my recovery periods. But here is what I did approximately.

    5 min warmup
    I only do a 60 second recovery between sets. Today was approx and probably closer to 45 secs.
    I superset the abs AND the cobras. So I do D1, D2, D3 and E, rest, then repeat. This is really the only thing that got my heart rate up there today. This rest period was probably closer to 90 seconds.

    It still took me right at an hour to complete in this manner. I know that theoretically I should be able to lift heavier if I have longer rest periods, but I just can't be in the gym 90 - 120 minutes at one time.

    I did my BWM and HIITs together on another day, which really makes a nice third workout.
  • avalynsmom
    avalynsmom Posts: 78
    Your hamstrings can absolutely give you lower back pain!! Most people that have lower back pain have tight hamstrings/glutes/backs of their legs. I'm a massage therapist, so I know how to avoid it thankfully (I stretch for at least 10mins after every workout) Do some hamstring and glute stretches, a lot! And if you can find a foam roller, foam roll away baby!

    Would you mind giving some specific suggestions for stretches? I could really use some help in this area as well.

    My first workout B today. I'm looking forward to it.

    After every workout, I stand with my feet just under hip width apart and lean forward to touch my toes, hold that for 15-20 seconds, do it again with my feet spread much wider. Those are for hamstrings. Another good hamstring stretch would be lying on your back and lifting your straight leg straight up in the air, you can use a towel or tshirt or something to hold your foot with, and then pull so your toes pull back, you'll feel that in your hamstrings.

    For glutes, I can't really describe them well, we used to do one stretch in high school called beauty queens, but I don't really know how to explain it. I don't have a whole lot of time right this minute, but if I do later I'll try to find some youtube vids. Or you can always look up hamstring stretch or glute stretch on youtube! I'll see what I can find for you in a bit:)
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. I did do some looking on you tube tonight and found some. Now it's just getting them implemented. :smile:
  • avalynsmom
    avalynsmom Posts: 78
    This is a GREAT hip/glute stretch, my FAV for low back pain:

    This one is a pretty good one too:

    This is a pretty good hamstring stretch video

    That's all I've got for now!
  • avalynsmom
    avalynsmom Posts: 78
    Thanks for the suggestions. I did do some looking on you tube tonight and found some. Now it's just getting them implemented. :smile:

    Yup, ya just gotta start making it part of your routine! I don't leave the gym without stretching, did once and will NEVER do it again!
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    This is a GREAT hip/glute stretch, my FAV for low back pain:

    This one is a pretty good one too:

    This is a pretty good hamstring stretch video

    That's all I've got for now!

    These are perfect! Thank you! A foam roller is on my shopping list for today, as well. :wink:
  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    So I did my first B workout today. It does seem much easier than A. But I really pushed my self this time and really upped the weights from what I had been doing before...on most things.

    On the back heavy do you go? I deal with chronic back pain so I tend to baby my back. I started with BW which was very easy, upped it to 5 lbs...still easy. Did last set at 10 lbs...and it was still pretty easy? I just don't know how much to push this one.

    Last comment....regarding the time. First of all I forgot my phone so was unable to time my recovery periods. But here is what I did approximately.

    5 min warmup

    I only do a 60 second recovery between sets. Today was approx and probably closer to 45 secs.
    I superset the abs AND the cobras. So I do D1, D2, D3 and E, rest, then repeat. This is really the only thing that got my heart rate up there today. This rest period was probably closer to 90 seconds.

    It still took me right at an hour to complete in this manner. I know that theoretically I should be able to lift heavier if I have longer rest periods, but I just can't be in the gym 90 - 120 minutes at one time.

    I did my BWM and HIITs together on another day, which really makes a nice third workout.
    I also superset all the abs. Rest time approx 60 sec (give or take a few seconds). 10 minute warmup. Usually takes 75 minutes. I use a 25 pld plate on the back extensions. I don't have a bad back but def. don't want to get one!!! This is the most weight I could/would go on these. Seems like all the workouts are light on triceps. I may have to add more tricep work. I need it!!! Flabby triceps are not attractive. :)
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Did my first stage 3 A today and goodness me. Please tell me I'm not the only one who could not complete 24 lunge and squat jumps. Ugh

    Koopons -- I completed them, but it took me NINE minutes. I kept having to stop and catch my breath, but I pushed through all of them in my 1st A workout.

    Today was my 2nd A workout, and I did all the stationary squats & lunges, but then only 6 jump lunges & 6 jump squats for both sets. The first BWM still took me 4.5 min., and the 2nd set took 4 minutes. I'm completely impressed by anyone who can do all 96 reps in less than 5 minutes! :o
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I do love lat pulldowns though, so those felt good, but I thought the single-leg partial squats were weird too. They were hard, even without added weight, but I'm not sure *how* low we're supposed to go. Are we supposed to get as low as we can, THEN add weight, or add weight even if you're not getting to parallel or lower?

    In the book it says to go as low as you can go without hurting your back or knees... then he continues to say "remember it's a partial squat"... so from that I gather that the goal is not to go parallel.

    I agree. I don't think we are supposed to go parallel, but now I have the question of how to make it harder on the floor. Or should I just up the reps? I don't really want to use a box because that means I have to run all over the gym between the squats and lat pulldowns. But 6 just didn't seem enough. I do have to hold my hands out front to maintain balance so I'm not sure I could hold weights. But I'm open to suggestions. (Even though it does sound like I'm not. :wink: )

    Thanks ladies. I used to figure skate, so for sit spins, I used to be able to do what he describes as "pistol squats" with one leg straight out in front, and squatting below parallel. So I figured I'd try for parallel with body weight, and then add weight. But where he does acknowledge that it's specifically a partial squat, maybe I'll just add weight next time and see how it feels.

    Lori - if you're holding your hands in front of you for balance, could you possibly hold a weight plate to your chest instead? I don't know if that would be any easier to balance than having hands down by your sides, but you'd be able to stay close to the lat pulldown machine.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    So I did my first B workout today. It does seem much easier than A. But I really pushed my self this time and really upped the weights from what I had been doing before...on most things.

    On the back heavy do you go? I deal with chronic back pain so I tend to baby my back. I started with BW which was very easy, upped it to 5 lbs...still easy. Did last set at 10 lbs...and it was still pretty easy? I just don't know how much to push this one.

    I did all 3 sets in Workout B1 with just body weight. I pushed myself too hard on A1, so I wanted to see what the DOMS for workout B would be like before I added weight to this one. When I do B2, I'll definitely try a 10 or 25 lb. plate to see how that feels. If I need something in between, I'll have to use a dumbbell. I liked these though.
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Waddup ladies! Did 2A yesterday and besides the dreaded plank - I really like A! Totally hate B :( My body issue is my lower half, so the fact that its always sore when I'm done makes me feel like I'm making some prgress in that area :) And again that BWM hurts soooo good! First time for me was 2:48; 2nd 2:31. Hope I'm doin it right :)

    Overall I still feel awkward doing that one arm up other one down squat move. My body is always twisting alll weirdly. This I don't like. Don't like planks either - I suck at them and strangely my time is getting worse? Is it a mind thing? I don't know - have a lovely day all!!!!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Waddup ladies! Did 2A yesterday and besides the dreaded plank - I really like A! Totally hate B :( My body issue is my lower half, so the fact that its always sore when I'm done makes me feel like I'm making some prgress in that area :) And again that BWM hurts soooo good! First time for me was 2:48; 2nd 2:31. Hope I'm doin it right :)

    Overall I still feel awkward doing that one arm up other one down squat move. My body is always twisting alll weirdly. This I don't like. Don't like planks either - I suck at them and strangely my time is getting worse? Is it a mind thing? I don't know - have a lovely day all!!!!

    Regarding the planks, sometimes I can beat my best time, and sometimes I fall short too. I think since engages SO many muscles, if I'm sore (or even just fatigued), it plays a big part in how long I can plank. Plus, I think since I'm so long, they're just harder for me that a short person (well, that's what I tell myself anyways).
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    Waddup ladies! Did 2A yesterday and besides the dreaded plank - I really like A! Totally hate B :( My body issue is my lower half, so the fact that its always sore when I'm done makes me feel like I'm making some prgress in that area :) And again that BWM hurts soooo good! First time for me was 2:48; 2nd 2:31. Hope I'm doin it right :)

    Overall I still feel awkward doing that one arm up other one down squat move. My body is always twisting alll weirdly. This I don't like. Don't like planks either - I suck at them and strangely my time is getting worse? Is it a mind thing? I don't know - have a lovely day all!!!!

    Holy Moly! 2:48 for your BWM is amazing!!!

    I have a hard time with the 1-arm overhead squats too. I did them last week with 7.5/15 lb., but today dropped down to 5/10 lb. for my first 2 sets. I went back to 7.5/15 for the 3rd set though. I don't know how I'm going to make the jump to 10/20 lb. though.

    I split my planks today too. First set was 45-45, 2nd set was 60-30, and for the 3rd set I pushed myself, trying for 75-80, but I made it the whole 90 seconds. I was shocked! Thrilled, but in shock for sure. I do think they're a mind thing sometimes. It's easier for me if I don't look at my watch as much. It's not like I'm going to go longer than that anytime soon though, so I try to hold as long as I can without looking.
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    I do love lat pulldowns though, so those felt good, but I thought the single-leg partial squats were weird too. They were hard, even without added weight, but I'm not sure *how* low we're supposed to go. Are we supposed to get as low as we can, THEN add weight, or add weight even if you're not getting to parallel or lower?

    In the book it says to go as low as you can go without hurting your back or knees... then he continues to say "remember it's a partial squat"... so from that I gather that the goal is not to go parallel.

    I agree. I don't think we are supposed to go parallel, but now I have the question of how to make it harder on the floor. Or should I just up the reps? I don't really want to use a box because that means I have to run all over the gym between the squats and lat pulldowns. But 6 just didn't seem enough. I do have to hold my hands out front to maintain balance so I'm not sure I could hold weights. But I'm open to suggestions. (Even though it does sound like I'm not. :wink: )

    Thanks ladies. I used to figure skate, so for sit spins, I used to be able to do what he describes as "pistol squats" with one leg straight out in front, and squatting below parallel. So I figured I'd try for parallel with body weight, and then add weight. But where he does acknowledge that it's specifically a partial squat, maybe I'll just add weight next time and see how it feels.

    Lori - if you're holding your hands in front of you for balance, could you possibly hold a weight plate to your chest instead? I don't know if that would be any easier to balance than having hands down by your sides, but you'd be able to stay close to the lat pulldown machine.

    Shoot! If you used to be able to do a "pistol squat" I say go for it! The partial is designated in the name and he mentions it again in the "descend" description. But he also says "lower yourself as far as you can without feeling strain in your back or knee." So go for it!