AI Ideas to hit macros
Not sure if there's a way to do this but when I'm planning my meals I find myself trying to hit my macro goals by improvising what foods to consume. It would be great to have a way to ask the app to suggest what meals or recepies I could eat in order to have the right combination of Protein Carbs and Fat. I'm sure there's…
Web Search frequent/recent should match app frequent/recent
When searching for frequent/recent foods the list online never matches the list on the app. They should be the same.
Clean up the corrupt food database.
Recommend someone go through and eliminate the totally wrong food nutrition entries in the food database. It is to the point now that I can't take most of the foods in the database at face value. I always go to a second website to verify. This is very time consuming!
Minimum / Target Macros
I'd like to be able to set a macro minimum. This would be especially useful when aiming for the typical protein target of 1g protein per lb of body weight..
Display weight loss from a specific date
Instead of limiting the weight loss graph to display weights over a given time span (one month, three months, starting weight, etc.), it would be great if the user could select a specific start date. This way, the user could track how much weight was lost since enacting a specific lifestyle plan.
Scan multiple items all and once for future use
When I bring my groceries I would like to scan all my items and save them as my foods for future use, then I won’t have to scan them again
Menopause Diet & Exercise Calculator
I think most menopausal women would LOVE to have more guidance on diet and exercise plans that can help with belly fat, weight loss, hot flashes and a whole host of other issues related to menopause. Everywhere you turn there's a program for "determine your hormone type and eat whatever you want and lose weight!" and other…
Add essential amino acid intake to diary nutrition summary page
Can you add the essential amino acid intake to the diary nutrition summary page? I'm trying to determine how much BCAA's I'm getting with food and this would be great feature to have!
Improved food search
MFP likes to acknowledge the millions of items in its database, which is fine, even though a large number are no longer usable because they are so out of date. I'm sure many people become frustrated trying to discern the accuracy of items displayed from a search. MFP could make it easier by: (1) Displaying an exact match…
I can't scan these. Qr ? Some products have this instead of the old barcodes.
Weekly Calorie Budget
The daily calorie targets are great, but it would be amazing to see the total accumulative 7-day weekly target displayed alongside the daily.
New fitness category - HIT
can we have a category for HIIT as this increases metabolic rate post exercise
As an app user, I would like to easily track my 18:6 intermittent fasting
Thanks for adding the new IF tracking feature. It would be helpful if it supported other timeframes such as 18:6 which is a common ratio in the IF world.
We need to make this app more social...
Me and my wife have used Myfitnesspal for over 2 years now, and often times we find ourselves needing slight additional features for mere quality-of-life. For example, I cook and prep meals, and I use the fantastic recipe creator this app offers, however, I wish I could send my wife this recipe, or share it with friends…
Easy way to see previous entries
It would be great if in the calendar view there was a differentiation between days that had been "completed". I dont do every day, but would like the option to look back on previous day's entries easily
Diary Section for Supplements
I take mostly the same supplements every day it would be nice to have those in a separate category from the meals and snacks.
Prolonged fasting
I regularly fast for days at a time; can you please remove the 24 hour fasting limit so I can “formally” track prolonged fasting?
Chart for reviewing historical Marco trends to help review/set percentages easier
As a new user, I love how easy it is to track calories, and so much other stuff about MFP! The one areas I do not have a good handle on yet is what % to set my macro targets at. To help, I would love a way to better review historically how I have done against my macro goals. On the IOS app, the Dashboard tab has a GREAT…
Custom Date selection on weight tracker
I want to be able to see my weight progress from a specific date to date
consistency of food diary starting point
In the website version, as you begin entry of items in the top component in your array of meals, after 2 lines of menu options, you are greeted with "Add Food to...", the search box, then the source options line; you can then scroll down the available Recent (default) entries. However, this is not true if you must examine…
Raw to cooked calculator
There are a lot of meal preppers out there and for those that cook for the entire week, it would useful to type total weight when raw and weight after cooking. So if you want to eat e.g. 100g of rice, the app would show that what you need on your plate are 200g (according to the weights inserted).
Please have our current weight & how much we've lost since starting on the front page of the app!
It drives me nuts that I click on 'weight' in the AM to enter it but there's nowhere to see on the app my total weight lost. Occasionally if it hits a milestone it'll pop up as congrats, otherwise I have to literally scroll down to day one and subtract today from then. Would be AWESOME to have that option in the settings…
Improve calorie prediction accuracy of AI meal scan camera via user entered plate size measurements
Improve calorie prediction accuracy of AI meal scan camera via user entered plate size measurement, e.g. diameter of plate, bowl or depth and diameter of cup and advise user to use the same plate, bowl and cup for all their food and liquid consumption.
A feature that allows a user to cycle their macros (carb / calorie cycle)
Currently a user can customise their daily nutrition goals by setting custom daily goals, this is ok, but it would be very useful to be able to take this customisation one step further by setting custom goals based on the workout intensity for a specific day. For example, to be able to set macronutrients for the following…
Adding Food To Diary After Editing
Whenever we need to edit an item it would be great if the option to add it straight to our diary was available After we edit it now we have to go back to our diary and search again. This problem was here when I first found MFP over 10 years ago. I'm back and it still hasn't been fixed. Is there a reason why it can't be…
Allow negative amounts when logging
I use recipes extensively and often do a one-off modification that excludes an ingredient. So for example my standard smoothie includes a banana. If I skip the banana it would be great be able to log the smoothie as a single item and then subtract the banana by setting the amount to -1.
Allow fractional servings when creating a recipe
When I create a recipe I want my serving size to equal 100 grams. This allows for ease and accuracy when measuring up a serving. An example: if the recipes ingredients total weight is 1268 grams I will round up to 1300 and divide by 10 to get the number of servings, 13. It would be more accurate if the input field allowed…
Allow deductions/negative quantities.
Meals are often listed here is a complete form. Let's say I buy a supermarket salad that comes with a dressing, but I don't use the dressing, the nutritional information includes that dressing. It's possible to find values for the dressing and do the math to create a new food (e.g. "xxx salad without dressing") but it…
Health Support
How to get help support?
food recs based remaining nutrient needs for day
Hello, myfitnesspal (MFP), You know what would be cool? ... If the app recommended foods to eat to close my calorie gap, and only in the nutrient bins i need. for example: let's say I have 300 calories left to eat today, but i've already consumed my daily goal for carbs ... but still have a gap on fat and protein ... it…