Improvements to Fasting Option
Dear Team, I’m not sure where to say this so I thought I would just email it to you. I am enjoying this app but I wish the intermittent fasting option include 18/6, 20/4, and OMAD as those are fasts I currently do occasionally. I also would love to see details about what my body is going though at each fasting stage. I…
New features for body composition
Hi guys! As a suggestion I'd like to see more options to track body composition, like body fat, lean mass and etc. Other apps already have it but I'd like to keep it in MFP. Why don't you have it yet?? 😁
Stand behind your “pal” motto
The high annual price of the Premium app should be shareable across same HH family members. Period.
End time on intermittent fasting
Please at an end time to the in-progress intermittent fasting tracker. I don't always start my fast at the same time, often don't remember what time I started the day before, and having to do the math is annoying, especially when adding that time should be really easy code.
Setting to not automatically update
I have not been able to figure out how to NOT have my nutrition and daily goals updated automatically to the suggested amounts every time I weigh in. I must not have something turned on as every time I update y weight it takes the daily goals to a new suggested amount and I'm trying to manage weight loss by things in…
Search and Favorite feature on workouts and
I wish the workout section had a way to search for types of exercises (Pilates, Dumbell, HIIT for example) and also a way to favorite or mark workouts that you find that you want to do but not necessarily right that second. There are some interesting routines in the workout section but because sifting through them is such…
Although my Strava is connected to my Peloton, it would be great to have a link between Peloton and MFP. I appreciate my workouts uploading automatically and having some specific information as opposed to just “cycling.”
I am glad that they brought Fasting into MyFitnessPal. I have been doing intermittent Fasting for a while now and would love to see 18/6 and 20/4 included in the options. I would also love to have the fasting feature on my Home Dashboard.
Monthly Custom Calorie Goals
Currently, you can add custom goals based on the days of the week. I would like to see an option to customize goals based on the month. For example, I customize based on my menstrual cycle (more calories during luteal phase, less during follicular/ovulation). This would also be beneficial for anyone that calorie/macro…
Search Engine Improvement
Searching, despite always including a brand name, returns many items with other brand names. If the results at least returned only items with the same brand name, it would be much easier to find the item you are looking for. I am sure that many other people have done what I have done on occasion, out of frustration: create…
Sodium g instead of mg
I think you should make salt measurements in g instead of mg, because people always write it in grams anyway and it messes up my nutrition goals.
Add meals
I think they should add an option where you can set up meals and then just add them to breakfast, lunch, or dinner or even snacks. I know they give suggestions from the previous days meal. But I feel like you should just be able to preset a meal and then instead of clicking each food your drink you just click one button…
Real asian foods
Please be more international. We don't have "Amerserve" and the like in Thailand, and I would not eat there it there were. Thank you.
Recent Discussions: don't include old announcements
I'm a regular user of https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussions as a way to see what's new without having to browse each individual subforum. As it stands, using this link (and based on the subforums I've chosen to see), I first get half a page of announcements, many of which don't have recent posts. So I would…
Calories Burned
Why doesn't it sync to Myfitnesspalapp??
Total weight of Meal
When we create our “Meals” it gives us the total calories of that meal. It would be great if the app would give us the total weight of the meal too. So when we come to eating only a portion of that meal we could work calories of that portion size. So if it’s a batch meal and we only eat a portion of it, I have add up the…
Ability to name custom macro goals
Using Lumen which provides daily macros categorized as a “Lumen Low” day, “Lumen Medium” or a “Lumen Boost” day. I enter these as individual custom macro goals and asking for ability to provide a label to give each custom macro set a name
Recipe Instructions
Please include written instructions with your recipe videos. Not everyone lilkes to follow a video when cooking. Not everyone is strictly a visual learner. Only having a video as instruction for a new recipe is not helpful. AAAAARGH!!!!!!!
Meal, item, and diary entry sharing
My partner and I both use MFP to track our macros according to a plan set by our trainer. It would be so helpful to be able to share an item or meal with him that i already logged using the iOS share features such as iMessage. Would also be helpful to be able to share favorited foods and scanned foods. In addition to item…
Save Favorite Foods
I love tracking my food intake with MyFitnessPal. But there should be a way to save favorite foods/condiments. I'm glad there's a section to save meal combinations, but I tend to not put in single items (say like, for me, I use Hienz Ketchup No Salt Added, due to me watching carbs and having diabetes). But there are so…
Multiple Users
I'd love to use this app for my whole family. I don't want to have to log out and log back in using different accounts to manage each family member.
One click to add water
Please let me know if this already exists. One water icon or water with a plus sign right on the dashboard to add water.
Calorie adjustment for exercise on NEXT day after earned (so can see actual & know real day total)
The option to add in calories you can eat each day based on exercise seems great, but how can I start planning meals for the day without knowing how many calories I can add in? What if I think I will make it to the gym that evening, but things happen... I suggest an option to add in your exercise calorie credit the next…
Better Workout Log Structure
As is, the workout section is pretty good, with intuitive calorie calculations and custom workout building BUT it offers very little in the realm of showing actual progress or helping you track the workout itself. Looking at a fully realised workout planning app like Hevy, you can see how its checklist feature of tracking…
Bariatric option
It would be nice to have an option for settings for Bariatric people. Ones who’ve had gastric bypass or sleeve and those specific goals and nutrition goals . Add in supplements and vitamins needed .
Spread Individual food over multiple days
I shop once a week, instead of adding Milk (or other) allowance across 7 Days, if you could add a function that can add total weight and split across days in 1 entry.
Calorie Cycling
I took several WOE concepts and worked them into this new idea. It has been very successful for me. As I said in another thread I weigh less than what I weighed in 1974. My blood pressure and blood sugars are normal (type 2 diabetes). I have lost 143 lbs from my heaviest and in the last 5 weeks I have lost weight every…
Sugar alcohols in nutrients
When will MFP include sugar alcohols in the nutrition summary tab? It has other foods from labels. With the rising popularity of keto and low carb diets and the need for diabetics to monitor as well it would be hugely helpful. Right now I can’t accurately calculate my net cabs for the day
MFP Website Macro bar(not sure what it's called)
I switch between the app and the website. On the website, it would be nice if the macro bar (shows how many calories, and how much protein, carbs, and fat is in each item logged) stayed at its position on the page so that it's easier to locate which column is which when you've scrolled down passed breakfast.