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Copy a recipe instead of creating from scratch

I heavily use the create a recipe feature and have a ton of my recipes saved. I sometimes have a few different variations for my recipe - e.g., I’ll make the same chili recipe but decide to occasionally use turkey instead of beef. In these cases, I have to edit the recipe to fit my meal. With my chili recipe as an example, I have scanned all ingredients and left off the protein, which must be entered separately. I would prefer to have both versions saved, without having to scan each ingredient again, and use which ever matches my meal (turkey vs beef). I feel this would be an easy fix and save me (and likely many others) a ton of time.
6 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Jean
    Jean Posts: 909 MFP Staff
    You can currently copy any recipes you have created. At the moment this is only available on the website, which I understand may cause some inconvenience, so I will bring this feedback to our internal team to consider extending to the apps for a future update.

    On the web, here are the steps to copy a recipe:
    • Log into the website -
    • Click Food then Recipes
    • Find the recipe you would like to copy and select Copy
    • You'll be taken to the recipe editing screen where you should see (copy) at the end of the recipe title
    • Edit your Recipe and Save or Save & Log It