15 pounds (7kg) Gone By Valentine's Day 2016

Hello again everyone! I have unfortunately gained back the weight I lost in 2013 and 2014 so am looking to take these 15 pounds off AGAIN! Scary how it comes back. Not to be discouraged but going through changes in life can cause this to happen. If we are here on MFP then we must be here for a reason. To be and stay accountable for our health and our weight.

Please join me in this group to get fit this winter!

Add your self to the Google Drive Spreadsheets and we can determine when the weigh-in days will be. Let me know if you have any suggestions.


edit 11/24. I added an option for height as well.
Owner: thom2369Leaders: thom2369Created on November 17, 201552 membersPrivacy: Public



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