Important stuff will go here one day.
Hi, I'm Jeremy. I started this group because oddly, there isn't one. I couldn't find a group that does calisthenics as their main training. Everyone is on some kind of commercial program or running or bodybuilding type routines. I've just gotten back into exercising and this round has been better than any previous one. I'm…
Human Flag
Hi I started doing calisthenics couple of months ago... my target is to be able to do the human flag. but theres no step by step plan on how to achieve it, so i feel like im basicly running around in circles without getting closer to doing the exercise. is there anybody who can help me out with this? thx pz V
Convict Conditioning Progress
Hey. I'm working through the Convict Conditioning progressions. I'd find it helpful to post/get feedback on my progress. Currently I track my current state using the CC iPhone app.…
Calisthenics for me
Hi everyone. I'm using Calisthenics to get into shape. I started about a week and a half ago and invested in a pull up bar. I'm following this progression. I'm at the first level with all the exercises except for two -- deep squats(reps 8;8;7) and…
How to Muscle Up
my take on the muscle up best of luck guys! have fun!
Lose the fat first?
Serious question - I am 5 feet 3 inches and weigh 162lbs. I think I should be around 140 and that is with some muscle development overall. I practise yoga at an intermediate level and also Back/Bicep, Chest/Tricep, Legs calisthenic split routines twice a week. I swim for cardio, also some cycling to work when I can; around…
Reddit bodyweight fitness site
I just came across this site and figured I would post it here in case it is helpful to anyone -- excellent resource for all things bodyweight strength training.
help with routine
hey guys, I know my routine is bad but I have no idea what I should change :/ Could you guys take a look at it? I'm doing handstands everyday, when I leave my room I do a few so I learn to balance (I want to progress to unsupported handstand pushups). core+biceps: >core stabilizations >leg raises >front lever >pull ups…
Where is everybody?
I was hoping that this group would be more active. There has been a lot of good bar training videos posted on youtube lately. I am currently at 13 unassisted pull-ups now. I want to get to 20 and then start trying to do some muscleups. Hows everyone else doing?
Mass suit or weight vest
Anyone have any experience with a mass suit or weight vest? I was thinking that once I'm able to hit 50 consecutive pushups I would get one or the other of these to continue attempting to build mass. I'm thinking the vest is the way to go since it gives resistance during the downward pushup motion and being able to be used…