Moving onto a new challenge below. Challenge with weights The above link will take you to my new challenge here on My Fitness pal July Challenge with weights Shelley
Feel free to modify exercises. Just let us know you are modifying. :wink:
May 22-28
Wow this has been a quick month. Let's make this last week count. Shelley
May's 2nd week
I am still doing the pushups every day no matter what else happens. And some stretching. Tonight I should get home on time. Will do our workout then.
May's First Week.
Let's design one for us Kathy. I want pushups for sure. And keep it to about 10 minutes. We can add your planks. Shelley
4th week and still limping along.
I must pick it up. Weather is getting nicer. Have to be able to garden. Shelley
Third week
Let's keep going.
Second Week
Let's get some improvement this week over last. One more set, a push up on our toes. Better form or whatever. I am shooting to add 5 more burpees to my set. Shelley
Ready Set Start April 1-7
This is where we will discuss our first week. And our goals. My goal is to be able to get through it all once. Shelley
Preparation for challenge
This morning I spent a few minutes doing the following. 40 jumping jacks 20 squats 3 burpees 10 pushups 30 mountain climbers Not as easy to accomplish as when I was 50. But felt good to do it Post here what you are doing to prepare if anything. Shelley
What to do?
Start learning the moves. And introduce yourself. Tell the group a little about your goals. And anything else that may help us know you. Feel free to ask questions The Challenge starts the first week of April. But feel free to start anytime and to start posting your progress. How did the workout go. Where you would like to…