Shredders Reunion?
Hey, everybody - The last time we did this I ended up having surgery (due to an unrelated health problem) and had to quit. After surgery, I gained back everything I had lost, going from 173 pounds to 208 over a four month period of time. I'm finally getting back into health-conscious mode, and I was wondering if anyone…
Back pain with the 30 Day Shred...
Did this workout cause anyone else back pain?
Still chugging through it?
I haven't logged it on the spreadsheet, but I'm still steadily working out every morning at 5am. I'm on day 8 of level 2 (I take the weekends off). I've lost an inch on my waist but still fluctuate within the same four pounds. This week, TOM, I'm at the higher end, 142, last week I was at 138! Keep on keeping on. I really…
Final Results
Did my final measurements today. Since starting the 30 Day Shred: -I have lost 4 pounds. -I have lost 2" off my waist. -I have lost 2.5" off my hips. -I have lost 0.5" off my upper arms. (My chest has stayed the same.) I just wish there had been more discussion amongst the group during this past month. Wishing you all the…
I am DONE with 30DS!
Today, I finished Day 10 of Level 3! WOOHOO! Never thought I could get through this, but I proved myself wrong. I will take final measurements tomorrow morning. In Level 1, I thought I was gonna die for the first few days. But by the end, I was able to follow Natalie more than Anita, though I still had to make some…
Notice any weight gain???
Hey, all - Okay, I'm a little behind most of Santa's Little Shredders. Yup, I'm on the naughty list - but I'm only two days behind. I encountered something frustrating that I thought you guys might also have experienced. Last Thursday when I weighed in, I weighed 181. Today, after working my butt off for almost 10 days I…
Level 2 Chatter
I rested a day after finishing 10 days of level 1, just finished level 2. I have to say...I like level two workout better than level one but it certainly has kicked my butt! When I came to the circut 3 cardio I just couldn't get down to do whatever it was so I did a pitiful job of jogging in place (I thought - hey I'm…
sorry I'm out!
Hey girls! Sorry I'm out :-( I love it so much, but I just can not fit it in with my work and teaching (dance) schedule. I did it for a bit more than 10 days, but I can't let all the other work just not done. I decided to go back to my Kettlebellswings 3 times a week and do some jumping or push up (yes - push ups! I never…
Level 3 Chatter
Oh boy. Starting Level 3 tomorrow. I'm playing an orchestra concert, so I'll probably wait until after I get home to ensure I can still play the concert!!
Does anyone log their daily exercise?
And if so, what do you log?
where EXACTLY should i be measuring. specifically, my chest? under my boobs? around them? what about my hips and waist? i know these should be obvious answers but ive never done this before! LOL
Let's DO THIS!
Good morning ladies! Today marks day one for those who elected to start today. Let's keep this group FLOWING with positive energy! Lets check in when we get that work out in and let everyone know how GOOD we feel after!
Level 1 - Complete!
Wow...just finished Level 1! Yipeee! Proud of myself. How did you find Level 1? Ready to kick Level 2's butt!??
Today is my last day...
of smoking!! I'm sick and tired of my chest hurting and having to stop midway through each excercise for a 5 count just to breathe. I saw my Dr. last month and he pointed out that if I could make the decision to eat better and excercise then quitting smoking should be easy. Well, so far none of it's been easy but why not…
Finally Started
After a week of having a sickness bug and head cold, I finally started today which means doing the whole thing straight through I will finish on Christmas Eve :) So here's to the next 29 days :)
i still havent started!
no, not my period... ;) anywho, i did some insane weight training on sunday and my legs and butt hate me. i can barely sit down much less start doing side lunges or squat presses... siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhh
I was too excited to wait until tomorrow, so I started yesterday. It was definitely tough, but I felt good and confident. I didn't die. Tonight's workout was brutal. My finace did it with me, and I kept saying "I swear it wasn't this hard yesterday. I swear." Hang in there girls. We will get through! I am dreading…
Those of us who have done it before, this is a thread where we can pass on any wisdom we have to those trying it for the first time. :)
Question about frequency
This may seem like a stupid question, but I've never really seen it discussed: Is this program intended to have you do the workout every day? 10 days straight of Level 1, then switch to Level 2...10 days of that, then switch to Level 3 and 10 days of that? Not clear if there are supposed to be "rest" or "easier" days...but…
Offical start date and weigh in 11/18/2012
Today is my official start day. I weighed in this morning an was upset to find that I had gained .8 of a pound but then quickly got over it because I know weight flucates and I will lose it! SW January 1, 2010=214.8 CW November 18,2012=140.4 NYE GW=a 4-9 pound loss. Mini GW=130 UGW=120 Not sure how on point these…