feisty_bucket Member


  • A new reply; neat. Had it for a year and a half; still using it regularly. It's awesome, though it did have the common problem of an arm getting stuck at the bottom sliding position (There are youtube videos showing the problem. It was under warranty and a guy came out and fixed it, but that took a whole lot of badgering…
  • I'm a 53 year old dude and have been doing 6:1 or 5:2 for... I dunno, maybe a decade or so? On eating days I'll lift weights, but on fasting days I'll just go run sprints. Some times I get hungrier than others, and it's more distracting, but i've found a few food things that make it not bad. 1. the "snake juice" guy is…
  • I'd suggest logging your weight every day in a notebook, naked, right after you wake up and watch what happens over a few weeks. Mime will change by 3-5 pounds, up & down, from one day to the next. It's due to whatever my intestines are up to at the moment. Nothing to do with fat loss/gain. You'd have to be overeating by…
  • A vegetarian can't just eat some meat and have it go well, because they've lost the enzymes to digest it. If you were to go omnivore, you'd have to very gradually reintroduce it to your diet. I think your problem is that you're not eating enough, and your protein is low-quality.
  • Yeah, I've been doing Mosley-style 6:1 or 5:2s for maybe a decade since learning about it. It works great; would recommend. In practice: I weigh myself every morning. If weight is over target weight, then my next running day is also a fasting day. That's it; very easy.
  • Throw the rest out, and then don't do it tomorrow. But you've gotta forgive yourself and not make a big deal out of it, 'cuz it's really not. You can easily make the deficit in, say, a day.
  • Bread sucks, IMO. Better to put whatever you were gonna put in a sandwich, into a bowl, and then just eat it from there.
  • Don't ask here; you're gonna get a bunch of nonsense. Those findings were fraudulent: https://www.livescience.com/oldest-people-may-not-be-so-old.html
  • Looks solid. You've got an overhead push & pull, and a chest/back push & pull. Suggestion: you've got isolated bicep work, but no isolated tricep. If you've only got time for one, I'd do the triceps for bigger arms. Also, I don't think you need to do two forms of bench press. You can move your grip around from set to set.…
  • Good deal. FWIW, there was a study recently showing no benefit to the 16:8 style of IF.
  • Hi. Good job so far. Out of order responses, sorry: >Should I try and force awake after 8? IMO, no way. If you can sleep, then sleep. I wouldn't force myself awake unless it's a must like a job or time-sensitive chores, etc. Sleep is our friend. >my calves are killing me! I have done foam rolling and stretching, putting on…
  • IMO, it's best to weigh yourself daily, log it, and notice if it's trending in the direction you want. My weight will easily fluctuate by almost five pounds a day, up or down, eating normal stuff.
  • Our Tonal got installed a couple days ago and I've been doing one of the suggested intro programs. It's very beginnery, so I'm also doing more focused workouts on the in-between days. Really liking it so far and getting used to how it operates.
  • I do the same workout schedule on fasting days as eating days. However, I prefer to do fasts on sprinting/HIIT days instead of weightlifting days.
  • Rad! I've been intrigued with the Tonal since a couple months ago when I started reading about them. They don't have a demo place in our area, but we were on a road trip to Salt Lake City and got to try one out at a Nordstrom there. We were totally sold, and so placed the order a few days ago. Now, the wait begins. Stoked…
  • During the big lockdown in '20, I got a set of the big loop bands and used those with some dumbbells instead of the commercial gym. Still using them, and building up a home gym as I'm not super stoked about going to commercial gyms any more. I like that they're portable, and so bring them along on trips. Also, the door…
  • Here's a really good FAQ: https://www.reddit.com/r/ResistanceBand/comments/fnyk7f/how_to_switch_from_weightlifting_at_the_gym_to/ It helped me out last March when I switched from the public gym to just dumbbells and loop bands at home. You just need a set of loop bands and a door anchor (small looped thing that goes in a…
  • https://reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/ has a lot of good info for exercising with no, or very little, equipment. I've been using a couple adjustable dumbbells I already had. And more recently a resistance band set (about $50) that I wish I'd gotten years ago. That's been super useful, and I'm really stoked about all the…
  • Sure. I've been here for a bit over five years, and doing fine, mostly in maintenance. I rarely track my food these days, as I eat mostly the same stuff and know it well. But do track my exercises. It's still helpful, and seeing my friends do their thing in the feed is a good reminder.
  • I've got a little routine at home, that starts after most trips to the bathroom: some jumping jacks, some air squats, some pushups, and then downing a glass of water. That's to try to make up for when I'm being sedentary, and keeps me hydrated. Just takes like a minute or so.
  • Yeah, I'm a big fan. I fast once a week generally for maintenance/health purposes (6:1) but switch into 5:2 mode if I get a bit puffier than I'd like. Once you get used to it, it's pretty easy IMO. Been in this rhythm for maybe five years or so.
  • Old threads are the best threads ;) FWIW, I'm always barefoot in the house and that includes for exercising. No problems.
  • Pretty good. The dumbbell curl isn't needed as you're making the biceps work in the pulldown and row. Also, the top 3 leg exercises you listed are redundant. I'd do either the goblet squat or leg press (maybe alternate each session), and add a leg curl. The general principle is you want a push and a pull movement along the…
  • Eh. I go to a gym in Manhattan and nothing there is ever cleaned. When I come in from the outside world, I decontaminate by washing my hands really well (and finish with rubbing alcohol if I was in an especially high-germ environment (like the gym)). When medical people say "don't touch your face," they mainly mean _don't…
  • OP: that routine looks fine. I'd do that, but the problem with dumbbell-only workouts is there's no way to do a pulldown movement with them. Fortunately, you've got a Bowflex so you can add a pulldown to the routine. With that combo, you should be able to do everything you need to do.
  • Welp, looks like our protagonist has deleted his account.
  • What is it? Nobody knows! Calorie burns are "impossible" to get accurately. But I'd bet money that's what the problem is. Do you have a better guess? 'cuz that's all we're doing here.
  • Shifting your schedule around is mostly about your bedtime, so I'd concentrate on figuring out how to do that earlier consistently. Then the early workout stuff will be no problem.
  • Noooo way that's happening. I'd expect you're really burning about 25-30% of that. Look up expected calorie burns on this site, and other sources. The ones here are even exaggerated, but they're nowhere close to what this monitor is telling you.