Hamez_UK Member


  • After a great start to the year I've ballooned back up a bit so am trying hard to get back on it. I will add you so we can help to motivate each other :)
  • Food used to be my go to relief for stress but now it's walking. Heaphones in, music up and a nice walk around the park or along the beach and I am calm again.
  • I've heard that Cut/Bulk cycles are a lot more effective (and quicker) than a Recomp. I'm still cutting though, it's a long process...
  • I'm doing 16:8. It's a great tool to help you stay in a deficit. Lost a lot of weight on it a year or so ago so starting on it again. I eat between 12 and 8pm, so effectively I just don't have a breakfast. Fits my lifestyle perfectly.
  • Presents: - New gym/running trainers - A race bike - Apple Watch Goals - Recover from Patella Tendonitis - Run first ever triathlon - Hit goal weight of 170lbs
  • I'm from Kent. Feel free to add me, need as many inspiring friends as possible!
  • Walking, running, weight lifting, swimming, badminton, tennis, soccer, rock climbing, yoga. Find something that you enjoy and you will burn much more efficiently than something that you find a chore.
  • Awesome job. You look stunning :smile:
  • Massive inspiration for me! I am about at your starting point and have a similar goal. I've subscribed to your blog for more motivation :smile: Well done on your journey so far.
  • As Jane said. Protein powder is just an aid to hit your protein goal. Set that appropriately then you will know if you need the powder. It all depends on your goals.
  • I'd lower the weight. Form is more important than the amount of weight you can lift. If you are questioning your form can you get someone to observe? Does your gym have instructors that can help? Can you video yourself and upload it on the forums for a critique? Before you add any more weight you need to make sure that…
  • Mine is working now! I did the following: - Delete links on apps - Delete links on websites - Re setup link using Apps section on MFP
  • This, and stop obsessing over the scale. Weight fluctuates, whether it is water weight or whatever else. Forget the gain, stick to your goals and it will work out in the long run.
  • I do exactly this.
  • Mines been doing the same. Let me know if you work it out. This morning I've deleted the links between EVERYTHING. Am hoping it will log my run for me properly later.
  • If you have worked on form for 2 weeks then you should have been lifting pretty light weights. Stick to you planned rep range and just slowly increase the weight. For example, if you have been doing bicep curls with 10s, pick up the 12s next time, then the 14s the time after that and so on. This way you will keep the form…
  • LIFT! Get on a good lifting program and make sure you have rows and pull ups in there (stronglifts is good for this) and continue with your MFP goals. You will start to notice a difference this way.
  • Do your goals need changing on MFP? Are you eating too much? Do you eat back the calories as MFP always over estimates calories burned. Also, have you noticed any other changes, are you building muscle? The weight shown on the scale is only an indicator. Maybe take pictures or measurements and watch the change in those…
  • As many have said. Work on your pace, not by speeding up but by slowing down. Get the distance first, then the pace will improve over time.
  • You could do all of this and lot lose weight or none of this and lose weight. Losing weight must be 90% diet. The exercise just assists the diet.
  • I have done it in the past and have just started again this week. It has worked wonders for me, not because of all the rubbish fake science behind it. But because it is a great way that I can eat enjoyable meals a day but still keep my calories down. I do the 16:8 method, which basically means I don't eat breakfast.
  • Mine's been like it for months..........
  • I've had a couple of plateaus in my different weight loss ventures over the years. This time round I finally found the way to get past it: Log you food properly! Before I was guessing by entering foods that sounded similar and estimating the weight. Now I enter the exact brand and food I am eating and the weight, either…
  • I do exactly that. Weigh in first thing on a Monday then put the scales in a cupboard (out of sight out of mind) until next Monday. I'd get fed up with fluctuating weight if I did it every day and probably get bored. Doing it on a Monday helps me to behave more at the weekend too because I know if I go nuts, my weight will…
  • I'm eating an average of about 1700 calories a day and if I up this to improve my mood my weight loss will stop. Are there any particular foods that I could eat instead of my usual that would help? Average days meals would be: Breakfast - Cereal Lunch - Leftover dinner from last night or pasta pot from local supermarket…
  • I am really enjoying Stronglifts 5x5. Am 5 weeks into C25k and 3 weeks into Stronglifts and feeling pretty good from the combination
  • I've just started doing the Stronglifts 5x5 and am loving it so far. Nice simple workout and the phone app is brilliant. It works out your weight and progresses it depending on how well you are doing.
  • I personally do the two on separate days, but my strength work is lifting in the gym. If I was doing both I'd be tempted to do strength first or I my strength would be a lot weaker after a run.