Run keeper

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?! I have MFP linked to RK and vice versa but it doesn't always add my exercise time to MFP.


  • tiggerlove
    tiggerlove Posts: 225 Member
    edited September 2015
    delete both , reinstall them then connect them again..that should work..Good Luck
  • Hamez_UK
    Hamez_UK Posts: 36 Member
    Mines been doing the same. Let me know if you work it out. This morning I've deleted the links between EVERYTHING. Am hoping it will log my run for me properly later.
  • Hamez_UK
    Hamez_UK Posts: 36 Member
    Mine is working now! I did the following:

    - Delete links on apps
    - Delete links on websites
    - Re setup link using Apps section on MFP