RunKeeper not syncing

RunKeeper and MyFitnessPal are connected but not syncing. I went for a walk this evening and finished at's now 11pm and still, the exercise hasn't shown up in MyFitnessPal. What's wrong?


  • josiereside1
    josiereside1 Posts: 199 Member
    Trying to find out the answer to this myself!
  • hmrambling
    hmrambling Posts: 321 Member
    Yesterday's run still is not in MFP. Programs are connected. Logged with GPS.
  • Hamez_UK
    Hamez_UK Posts: 36 Member
    Mine's been like it for months..........
  • AlexanderHuggler
    AlexanderHuggler Posts: 1 Member
    Same for me, quiet often it takes a few minutes, sometimes its instant, but today... i went for a run, and that run shows up in Runkeeper as a activity, but neither in MFP or Fitbit its synced.
    But its also not showing up in Runkeepers FitnesFeed... maybe there is either a issue in RK's side internal server structure or MFP and RK arent talking to each other :S i would like to see the heartrate of my last run in fitbit but since it does not get the info from RK im screwd -.-
  • stacey_rayner
    stacey_rayner Posts: 46 Member
    I know this is a few months old, but my runkeeper app is not syncing today. Well it actually synced but it changed all my calorie data after it saved so i had to edit them to reflect what i did (luckily i remembered) and that is when it is not syncing. I made a note of it mentally and well still if it does it again tomorrow when i hit the gym up again.
  • dahankzter
    dahankzter Posts: 5 Member
    This is happening too much... Why would I pay when the integrations fail so often?