BigNate17 Member


  • Alright guys it seems like everyone is missing the point where she says she had surgery to lose half of herself. I'm assuming it is bariatric surgery? If that is the case, then it is absolutely possible that 1200 calories is too much. I know people who have done that surgery as well and were told to stick to about 1000…
  • First of all quoting the NHS is not educating yourself. I would love to see the studies that show eating 45g of protein for a woman regardless of weight is recommended. Oh right, there are none. Regards to osteoporosis: "In the studies where dietary protein intake was found to have a negative impact on bone health, there…
  • 100g regardless of weight? You can't assimilate more than 100g of protein anyway? Please educate yourself first before ever giving anyone advice. There is a lot of misguided information and advice on this post so it's time to clear things up: 1.) In order to preserve as much muscle mass as possible, increasing protein…
  • Lol that's hardly an issue, but yes in short the amount of calories needed to maintain your weight has increased therefore a gradual increase of roughly 100 calories per week will help you find your new maintenance levels while repairing the damage you have caused your metabolism during the prolonged period of a caloric…
  • Come on..
  • If you're eating fruits/nuts/grains then that is not even close to being keto because your diet looks like its high carb... If you have trouble getting enough protein, try eating quinoa/peanut butter/beans etc.
  • Lmao that diet you're describing is nothing like keto
  • Start a lifting routine + go into a calorie surplus = Weight gain
  • Yeah 1000 calories is good...for breakfast
  • I remember from an earlier post you said you had to limit fats due to medical reasons? In any case, you are doing a lot of cardio but eat at 2400 calories for at least 2 weeks and if you are still losing weight then increase the calories slowly. Did you read the discussions on your earlier post about how the amount of…
  • In simple terms you can expect a small strength gain while taking creatine monohydrate which can lead to increased muscle size, however a small percent of people are non-responders meaning that creatine has no effect on them at all. You can also expect to gain a couple pounds of water weight which is normal as well. But I…
  • No
  • It's healthy if: 1.) You enjoy eating low carb 2.) You're hitting your macros and micros consistently 3.) You can see yourself eating a low carb diet forever. Because if not then you're just asking for a bad rebound
  • Personally I do take creatine monohydrate even while I'm in a calorie deficit as I find it helps with maintaining my strength during my lifts. However, you will likely gain a couple pounds of water weight and you have to be on point with your diet if you don't want to look bloated all the time. At your weight I would just…
  • Most protein shakes are keto friendly. Just be on the look out for ones that have 0g of carbs
  • Lol you should do a little more research because reverse dieting is not bro science... By implementing a gradual increase of calories every week it is absolutely possible to increase your maintenance calories if done right. Nothing to do with diet? Then how do you explain people that crash diet at extremely low calories…
  • So much wrong with this statement.. There are numerous studies that have protein at a 0.6-0.8g/lb of body weight being optimal for bulking. So anymore than that would definitely be considered "unnecessary". You're also basing her protein needs on her 2400 calorie diet and NOT her weight which is completely backwards…
  • Search up Matt Ogus lower body mobility/warm-up on YouTube. Best one I've seen so far.
  • How long do you have to train for it? When I trained for my half-marathon I did 3 short runs a week and 1 long one on Sunday, then increased the duration for both each week. Since you are a new runner you can try: Week 1 Tuesday - 0.5k Thursday - 0.5k Friday -0.5k Sunday 2km Week 2 Tuesday - 1k Thursday - 1k Friday - 1k…
    in 1st 5k Comment by BigNate17 August 2017
  • Doesn't mean you've been doing it wrong, you've just been doing it differently. Everyone has their own preferences, I was just giving what works for me. Also depends on when you had your last few meals, personally I need to have a lot of carbs 1-2 hours before my workout or else I won't have enough energy. OP didn't…
  • Keep doing what you're doing. Loose skin is just part of the process so don't be discouraged. Since you don't have access to a gym at the moment, the best way to build chest muscle at home is by doing push-ups and push-up variations. Depending on the set of dumbbells you have at home you can even do floor presses and…
  • Wrong on so many levels. Unless it specifically says weight gainer on it then most protein shakes are generally around the same calories. Hemp protein powders will not have any less calories than a typical whey protein shake, and in fact may contain more. I definitely agree with making your own shake or buying unflavored.
  • 200grams is a little unnecessary. Just for reference I'm 6'2 180lbs and you take in 20 grams more protein than I do. However if you enjoy eating foods that are high in protein while meeting your calorie requirements then more power to you, but most people including myself would rather lower that protein number in order to…
  • Avoid any movements that are going to aggravate it further and book an appointment with a chiropractor to have it looked at. Missing a couple workouts is better than injuring yourself further and ending up missing months of workouts.
  • In before "" or the guy that always criticizes not enough of this or too much of that. Anyways, I use Muscle Pharm Assault Black. Has been one of my favorite pre workouts for a while.
  • Going to have to disagree with you on this. A good pre workout meal will give the body the fuel it needs for a successful workout. Personally I have a moderate portion of protein and a big serving of carbs before my workout to give me the energy that I need. Disagree with the three meals a day idea too. You can eat as…
  • I used to have the same issue due to the fact my ankles are about as flexible as steel. There are a lot of videos on YouTube on improving ankle flexibility which helped me. In the meantime while you are working on that, you can add 5lb plates on your heels when you squat which will help you squat depth. I bought Addi…
  • Eating out of boredom is one of the biggest diet killers out there for sure. What personally helps me combat this is to snack on foods that are low calorie but filling. My favorites are: 1) Broccoli salad: 300g steamed broccoli mixed with Greek yogurt ranch or Caesar dressing. Very filling for about 200 calories depending…
  • It's better to overestimate than to underestimate when eating out. A good way to eat out without tracking calories is to get half your plate filled with vegetables, quarter protein, and quarter carbs. As well as a big salad with dressing on the side to keep you full.