SchweddyGirl Member


  • Salad prep all your veggies and proteins on Sunday, then just make them day of. Once you learn how to store your veggies, they can stay fresh for the whole week. This allows you to mix and match what you feel like having that day. Want a southern salad? Toss together the lettuce, some defrosted frozen corn, black beans,…
  • 10 mile bike ride on the trainer.
  • I have been mixing it up depending on distance....though I did do a HM on my treadmill on Sunday. If they are shorter runs that don't require me to do a water refill then I will just run from the house and give space to any individuals I pass. And I go super early...right at not many people out on the trails.…
  • OP...and anyone else coming in here to get a recommendation on a mask to wear while running...if wearing a mask is a necessity to you then a good option is a gaiter. You can wear it around your neck and then pull it up over your mouth and nose if you pass individuals, then pull it back down once you are a safe distance…
  • February started out kind of cruddy for me. I was suffering from some pretty severe depression the past few days. I have managed to pull myself back up. Still feeling a little bit down. Had 6 miles on the books today, but only ended up doing 5. At least I laced up and still pounded pavement. Here are my totals: Feb 1: 0.94…
  • Hello everyone, Sorry for the late miles posting. Final totals: January: 169.44 YTD: 169.44
  • @sulwen314 Congrats on starting running. I started out using the C25K program in 2013. The running community is a great group to be a part of.
  • @rheddmobile Memphis and all suburbs have leash laws. I dont see many unleashed dogs around my neighborhood, but I see them all the time in leashed areas of Shelby Farms. I will sometimes take my pup off the leash on the dog park side of the tour de wolf, but is only if there aren't others on the trail. I will sometimes do…
  • @rheddmobile It is! I was running with the Schweddy Belles for a long time and still friends with the majority of them. I also volunteer for Barry's waterstops during their marathon training runs.
  • @T1CarnivorRunner Yes, I am down in Memphis.
  • I am in for a total of 168 miles (run + walk) in Feb, with a running total of 70 miles.
  • Oh yeah, April Flanagan. I know A LOT of the MRTC board members and really good friends with one of MRTC's volunteer coordinators. I live over near Bert Ferguson Park. On your map you started out okay, but you took a right on the purple trail when you should have stayed on the white trail, and then towards the end you took…
  • I am just here because someone said bacon.
  • So the issue with trying to practice for the 8K race is you really need to be able to use the map feature on your watch (if you have it) because it is a zigzag on the three different trail routes that are at Stanky. If you don't know the exact course by heart, then you will get lost. At least come race day, MRTC will have…
  • @rheddmobile Oh...the lovely Stanky Creek. I don't run the WORS, I usually volunteer for it. But this year I have had to work on each race day (3K and 5K) I should be able to make it out to Stanky to watch the creek crossing though. That is generally where I set up to watch the race at. Luckily, the weather looks like the…
  • There is also a Racing Weight cookbook. I have made a lot of recipes from it and it is broken down into levels: runner's who don't cook, athletes with some cooking experience, and athlete's who love to cook. I also have Shalane Flanagan's Run Fast Eat Slow. I got it as a present one year for Christmas. However, I haven't…
  • I tried Noom a few months ago, and while I did like the psychology behind it and liked how it made losing weight feel like a game, I found it to be better geared towards individuals who are just starting out on their lifestyle changes. Like others, I found their lack of recipe building an issue for me. A number of the…
  • I weigh myself every day...immediately after I wake up and use the bathroom. This is the weight I log, whether it is up or down. Sometimes I will weigh myself later in the day after a run to get an idea of how much fluid loss I suffered. I never log this weight, as I immediately drink it back (16 oz for every lb I loose).
  • If you are worried about your iron intake you can always just cook in cast iron. It won't be logged, but it is one way to get iron in your body without having to take supplements.
  • You know...working in the Emergency Management field leaves me feeling like an under paid babysitter sometimes. I swear...last night involved the world's biggest headache on the Mississippi River. But at least I was able to get home, get some sleep and get up for my 5 mile run before work. With all the other walking around…
  • I am a huge fan of his runSMART project.
  • There are so many out there, you really just need to research the one that will work for you. If you are wanting to get faster then you should be looking for a plan that has some speed work. Or, if you find a plan that works for your schedule and it doesn't have speed work then do one of the runs on a fairly hilly course…
  • It has been a long night at work...I just want to get home, sleep, then wake up to go on my run. 5 miles scheduled for tomorrow. Here are my updated totals: Jan 1: 2.47 Jan 2: 3.28 Jan 3: 3.74 Jan 4: 8.12 Jan 5: 3.13 Jan 6: 5.32 Jan 7: 8.64 Jan 8: 4.80 Jan 9: 5.67 Jan 10: 4.50 Jan 11: 17.58 Jan 12: 1.31 Jan 13: 5.78 Jan…
  • My choice of activewear comes down to how reflective it is. Since I sometimes run after work (which is currently at 5 AM since I work the night shift) I focus heavily on reflective gear. So I will often opt to pay more for the highly reflective gear than for lower-priced pieces without any. One item I don't care about how…
  • Hey everyone... Ran in the Glides earlier and they worked well. I think the added support holding my feet in the correct position shocked my body a bit, but no pains or anything. Question for people who run long distances with their dogs (10 miles +), what kind of high protein dog food are you feeding your pups? I am…
  • Hey everyone! So got new shoes yesterday. I had the sales associate rewatch my run, and I am glad I did. It seems that I have developed pronation in my left foot that is causing my arch to collapse a bit. He could easily see it in the Ghosts (which have been my go-to shoe for years). So now, I am trying out the ASICS…
  • has some awesome dessert recipes that aren't very high in calories.
  • I always keep my dill pickle juice for juice shots after my long runs.
  • Without knowing your swimming form, it cant really be said if your breathlessness is due to lack of breathing from your head underwater or due to the physical exertion itself. Also, is this after each lap? Or after the whole swim? If you were pausing after each lap, this is allowing your heart rate to fall back down. So,…