NoIdea101NoIdea Member


  • This. I'm afraid i don't see any difference in the pictures, but it won't be long, keep it up :)
  • One of my pet-hates is when people do the whole 'you didn't gain it all in a week, you won't lose it all in a week!' When I used to binge I could easily eat an extra 3000 calories in one evening, and that is having gone over my calories for the day. Added up over a week, you are looking at a possible 7lbs gain. That would…
  • None of them. Seriously.
  • .....I really don't get the point of this post. Ummm....congrats?
  • I believe it was Master Yoda :p
  • We don't know as oyu are the one doing the sabotaging; so you tell us. Then you will be one step closer to fixing it!
  • Stick to your guns. Eventually she will see that you are serious and buying you treats that you aren't eating or moaning about your smaller portions is just a waste or time and money. 10lbs in a month is fantastic. Sounds like you got this :)
  • To be fair, as harsh as it is, your partners approach sounds exactly like what you need-you need to stop looking for support everywhere but yourself. Do this for YOU. Make your own choices, your own routine, find your own motivation. Personally, when it comes to motivation (I have a severe lack of self-discipline myself!)…
  • Secret eating can be difficult to break, but it can be done! I used to get terrible anxiety eating in front of people, to the stage where I would buy a burger from the work cafeteria, and then go on a mile long walk down to the park where no-one would see me eating it (as well as the standard consume 3000 calories as soon…
  • I understand how you feel. I weighed 112lbs at 5ft 3 and was with a guy for three years who was always telling me I was fat, tubby, worthless, blah, blah. I was so miserable about my weight and how fat I was (it's only looking at pictures now I realise how slim I was). Fast forward three years and I am 133lbs and the…
  • I thought the extra sugar comment was sarcasm.......?
  • Yep, wide hips right here and a booty to match. I love it! No thigh gap for me.
  • One of those things that have various meanings; for some it means eating at maintenance for a day, for some it means not calorie counting at all, for some it means allowing yourself to eat things that you have otherwise cut out of your 'diet'....all depends on your everyday routine as to what you define as a cheat day…
  • If you're only on your second day and you're freaking out like this, you may need to think about whether this 'diet' is sustainable, because if it isn't, you won't get very far with it. Try planning your meals in advance otherwise, and stick to the plan so you're not caught unawares.
  • What do their eating habits have to do with anything-they aren't force feeding you whatever they eat are they? And if you don't want to go out with them, just don't go out with them. You're an adult, you make your own decisions right?? If it is a case of you know if you accept a lift off them and will be forced to go to…
  • SOMEONE clearly needs to read the guidelines as to what constitutes a post to be flagged! Some of these just seem ridiculous and unnecessary. Stop flagging people just because you disagree with what they are saying or because you are so set in your own way you don't want to listen to other peoples…
  • You are making this pretty confusing. It really doesn't have to be. Enter your stats into MFP. Take that number and add what you need nursing. Eat whatever you want ensuring that you are weighing all of your foods and keeping a log so that you know you are not going over that number that MFP, plus nursing, has given you.…
  • That's awesome, great job! I started strength training again today; i have been extremely lazy for the past week and a half, after only a week of doing it religiously again. But this morning i got up, and as i am on a late shift, fit some in. Just got to stay motivated to make this part of my daily weekday routine again!
  • Apologies, the website for the above is, not!
  • OK, I am a bit of a comic book geek. I also lack motivation to work out; when I do I love it, but it is just the thought of it! I'm not a big fan of cardio, but love weight training. However, I don't have a gym membership, just dumbbells at home. I stumbled across deebee's workouts (, and they are BRILLIANT. Can…
  • I know your pain-I also work full time but have been studying a long distance Masters (so all online) on top of that. I am definitely a stress eater, boredom eater, and I love snacking when I'm studying, just can't seem to resist. If mindlessly snacking when you're studying is a problem for you, I found that it was more to…
  • Take your own lunch.
  • I completely agree with this. And I LOVE Just Dance! I don't have version 4 though....might have to check it out if it gives you that good of a work out, thanks OP :)
  • Is your wife weighing all her food with a food scale? Because it sounds like, despite her best efforts, she is eating more than she thinks. Don't just trust packets or serving spoons and cups, get a scale which measures in grams or ounces and give that a go. Or maybe she is overestimating the amount she burns exercising,…
  • My partner has no problem with the fact that I slow dinner down by wanting to weigh everything he is putting in it. He constantly tells me that he doesn't think I need to lose weight but understand it is how I feel about myself that is important, and so supports me and congratulates me when I mention I have lost weight. I…
  • Today I went to the pub and wiped out ky deficit with booze. But to be fair, this happens every Monday, so I am going to learn to expect this and adjust my weekly calorie goal to reflect this :)