Supportive partners/spouses/SOs/families



  • LuckyAndi
    LuckyAndi Posts: 203 Member
    My boyfriend always gives me a big hug, kiss, and slap on the behind whenever I tell him I'm down another pound. He tells me how proud he is and that I'm doing a great job. He's even considering making some changes himself, just for health because he's 5'7-8" and around 150lbs, so he doesn't need to worry about weight right now.

    The biggest help is him not letting me give excuses or give into all my cravings. He makes sure I keep myself in check and eat in moderation.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    He understands how much my goal means to me and compliments me regularly to keep me feeling on top. This is vital for someone like me who is very self-aware at the best of times. He congratulates every single pound lost :)
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    My partner has no problem with the fact that I slow dinner down by wanting to weigh everything he is putting in it. He constantly tells me that he doesn't think I need to lose weight but understand it is how I feel about myself that is important, and so supports me and congratulates me when I mention I have lost weight. I love him so much for it :)
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    He got a pedometer app on his phone and competes with me. We have been going for night walks instead of collapsing in bed to watch TV.

    He went out to get me a battery for my food scale the minute it died.

    He hugged me in bed and said, "WOW! Your belly is shrinking!"

    He has never complained when it's salad night, and even suggests salad night when we've had too much heavy food.

    He checks nutrition stats when he's shopping.

    He walked behind me and said, "Dang, your dumper looks hot in those jeans." (Yes, dumper.)
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    He's paid a lot of co-pays for docs and lab work related to my WLS. A LOT of co-pays.

    He's stopped bringing home my trigger foods; he eats them at work or when he's out with the guys.

    If he makes dinner, he weighs my food and if it's more than 2 items, he writes it down and brings me a post-it.

    When I need to walk and he'd rather be playing a video game, he goes walking with me.

    He asks me about why I'm doing something, then actually listens when I geek out about it.

    He tolerates my recipe try-outs and even makes requests outside of his food comfort zone.

    We go shopping together now and he spends time reading labels with me.

    He set up rewards for my last set of losses... 175 spa day, 150 bikini with attached vacation, 125 Louboutins, 115 silk for a new dress and coat, 106.5 (GW) pearls.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Dh tells me he wants me to be happy with my body and compliments me. He doesn't comment on my food choices.
    Dd sometimes exercises with me. She is a teenager so I want to model healthy weight loss and positive habits.
  • EmmaCaz4
    EmmaCaz4 Posts: 113 Member
    My fella has pushed me from the start. I said I wanted to lose weight yrs ago, but never stuck to it. Then I decided to really put effort in. He came running with me to be my pacer and push me further when I would have stopped, he trained me at home when I couldn't get to the gym, he got me into the gym and taught me how to use all the equipment. He pushes me harder in the gym when i'm having a down day, spots me and supports me. He's a fitness nut himself and tends to eat very similar but we work out between us what we having for tea. He gives me motivation when I need it.
  • Domicinator
    Domicinator Posts: 261 Member
    My wife does most of the cooking because I'm just terrible at it. (I'm really good at cleaning the kitchen up afterwards though!) Even for the most complicated, ingredient filled dishes she makes, she always tries to figure out serving size/weight/calories for me as accurately as possible, and files the recipes away for the next time we have them. She also leaves all the packaging out on the counter for me in case I want to scan something into my log.

    But more importantly, she puts up with my crabby-ness on days where I just want to pig out on everything and feel like I'm fighting the urge all day. She is very understanding about it. I couldn't be doing this without her help and patience. Well, I could, but I'd be a mental case.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,064 Member
    edited September 2015
    And also ... (I've mentioned some of this elsewhere, but I'll put it here too ...)

    My husband makes dinner most evenings, and he often presents me with my plate complete with a sticky note on the edge containing the weights of the food on the plate.

    He also emails me links to any recipes he uses off or wherever else he gets them, so that I can upload them into MFP.

    He bought the current scale we have in the kitchen for me. He wanted a scale down in his workshop, and our previous kitchen scale was rather basic. So he took that one, and bought me a nice-looking new one that goes with the decor. :)

    We go grocery shopping together ... that's something we've done right from when we first got together. My eyes aren't what they used to be and I need to carry an array of glasses now, so I don't always have the right ones for reading the small print on the labels with me when we're shopping ... so he reads them out to me. I also think in calories, not kilojoules. So many things here are listed in kilojoules, but I know that if you divide kilojoules by 4, you're right in the ballpark of calories. While we're shopping, I'm constantly saying, "What's 3000/4?" "What's 980/4?" and things like that. He's really quick with the math, so he just fires off the answers to me.

  • toriraeh
    toriraeh Posts: 105 Member
    This thread is so great! Sometimes, I think we all feel like people around us just don't get it but it's so nice to see a thread like this!

    My husband goes for "runs" with me. And by that, I mean he basically shuffles next to me while I run. He can easily run a 7 minute mile while I run closer to 13, but he still likes to do it together.
    When he cooks, which isn't often, he uses cooking spray instead of oil or butter.
    He goes to the gym with me, even when he doesn't feel like it, to spot me.
    He tells me all the time how proud he is and how great I look. He doesn't care if I lose more weight as long as I'm healthy.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    He supported me, even when I have started this before and never stuck to it.
    He put our daughter to bed so that I can go to the gym, and makes sure he doesn't plan anything that would conflict with my gym time or derby time.
    Whenever I complain about not wanting to go, he encourages me and reminds me that I will feel better if I do go, but still recognizes when I am exhausted and just need a night off.
    He eats whatever I make for dinner, and keeps my weaknesses out of the house when I am home.
    He encourages me to buy new clothes and will take me shopping for stuff that fits. (I have a hard time buying clothes for myself).
  • RebeccaNaegle
    RebeccaNaegle Posts: 236 Member
    We meal prep together, go to the gym together, compliment each other, notice the differences in each others progress, help each other with form, the whole nine yards! Love it!
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    My husband is doing it with me , so we are both super supportive, he however gets like 2100 valories a day vs my 1470. He went to the store to pick up treats one night. I was bummed because i didn't have any calories left. Before he even opened the bag he asked how many calories i had left for the day. I frowned abd said 40. He was sooo happy! He had bought me 40 calorie fudgesicles. It was cute.
  • FoodFitnessTravel
    FoodFitnessTravel Posts: 294 Member
    Mine is not only supportive, but he PUSHES me to work out and to push myself beyond my limits even when I don't want to and I just wanna stay at home, eat ice cream and watch shows. I get mad at him but every single time after he forces me to work out (when I didn't feel like working out in the first place) i felt amazing!
    He doesn't like me eating sugars, unnecessary carbs or sugary drinks, instead he always encourages me to eat healthy and nutritious things. He doesn't believe in counting calories but he is extremely fit. I am so happy that working out is what we have in common!!
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    My wife has been extremely supportive - not pushy when it comes to meals. I tend to be the pusher when it comes to exercise.

    Years ago she bought an elliptical, which I used for the majority while getting back to a decent weight. We have been DIYing the basement to include a weight room and small workout area. Just picked her up a Bosu.
  • Venus_Red
    Venus_Red Posts: 209 Member
    Mine is supportive by granting my wishes and not making a huge deal of it. It is important to me that this become a lifestyle for me instead of a "diet" so our family just accepts food choice and activity changes (which in and of itself is supportive, I know).
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Even when I was out four times a week, he didn't complain or interfere.
    We joined a gym together. I stuck with it; he comes occasionally.
    He doesn't complain about home cooking. If he doesn't like it, he quietly breaks open the beans.
    He pats his stomach and brags on my home cooking for helping him lose weight.
    He let me take his Walkman on my longer run yesterday. This is a big deal for my OCD man.

    My daughter was opposed and distraught about my decision to go ahead with WLS, so I stopped talking to her about it. Now that I am much more active, she is openly proud of me.

    My niece, bless her heart, encouraged me to try some fun runs this year including the Tough Mudder.
  • rhyolite_
    rhyolite_ Posts: 188 Member
    He paid for our home gym (about $3,500 up front) so that I could work out whenever I wanted/needed to. He's the cook in our family, so he asks me what I'd like to eat (or what I have calories left for) every day so he can buy/prepare it. He even asked me to teach him about the app I use for logging and show him how to do it so he could weigh/log for me on nights he makes bigger dinners.

    The other day I overdid it at lunch and only had calories left for a small dinner, which left me unsatisfied. My husband made a plate that looked exactly like mine and said he'd eat the same as me so I didn't feel left out. :)

    He's always been very good to me in this journey (and through everything else), mostly because he's so excited that I've been successful in recovery from my ED.
  • bloody88
    bloody88 Posts: 120 Member
    My bf prefers me to have extra weight. He was actually pushing food to me so I would gain weight for the past years.
    When after a couple of years together I gained some weight, and told him that I wanted to lose it, he didn't like it. After he saw that i was serious about it and i didn' t give in to his "sabotage" of bringing home high calorie food, while having a conversation with him that I didn't feel comfortable in that weight:
    1. He agreed on buying food every week that would fit into my calorie goal, our budget is tight atm so he ended up spending less money for himself
    2. He cooks lunch for me when he doesn't have night shift
    3. He weights every single ingredient he used for that lunch
    4. He boils eggs when i am about to get back from the gym so i can get my post workout protein
    5. Every week after we resupply the fridge, he chops(?) the chicken breast fillet off the chicken, trims it from fat and puts it in small bags after weighting it, to portion it out.
    6. He checks if i have milk/apples/yogurt/chicken/cereals supplies(things that he doesn't eat)for the week and he buys anything if needed without telling me
    7. He reminds me to go to the gym when i am slacking :wink:
    8. He checks the expire dates on the products i am eating, and reminds me the day before, for example don't drink that milk tomorrow, it's about to expire.
    Five months later, he still does that. :smile:
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,064 Member
    Mine has also been encouraging me to get some nice clothes in my current size. Just recently, he told me to go out and buy dresses (I like dresses, and usually wear dresses or skirts) ... but he put one stipulation on it. No black. When I was heavier, I wore a lot of black, so he is encouraging me to get into some colour now.

    Jokingly, I said I would try to find something in a dark navy or charcoal grey. He rolled his eyes.