Supportive partners/spouses/SOs/families

Tell us one (or more) ways your partner or spouse or SO or family in general has been supportive in your process of losing weight. :)

Little things or big things they've done to assist.


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    I'll start with ...

    My husband is building me a gym in our basement.

    We had a gym membership at a great place, and were both going, but then we moved and it became really inconvenient to go. We looked around at gyms in our new area, but none appealed to us. So ... he decided to build a gym at home. :) We'll both use it, but I suspect I'll be the main one using it because he works a physically active job and often needs rest more than another workout.

    He had the area where my trainer* is now located done in June, so I've already been using that, and he is nearly completion of the weights area. My little toothpick arms might soon develop some muscle mass! :grin:

    *Trainer - a device to which you attach a bicycle so that you can ride in one spot.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Excellent post!

    When I'm at my honey's house, he makes sure I have the kind of food I like.

    He tells me I look great and how proud he is of me becoming fitter and taking good care of myself.

  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    He nodded politely when I first started losing weight.
    If he is making dinner he checks if mine has to be weighed.
    He bought me the scales to weigh my food.
    He brings protein powder home for me if it is on sale at Costco, even if I am not out.
    He bought me a year pass at our rec centre.
    He doesn't mind doing dinner when I am using my pass and not making dinner.
    He comes to aqua fit once a week to keep me company.
    He calls me little mermaid because I was brave enough to go swimming in the deep end in my own last week, and swam 10 laps after 1 week of building up to it.
    Cheers when I tell him I can dead lift an Oly bar ( no weight on it, but hey, I tried).

    I could go on and on, but basically he has let me do my own thing, not complained, and supported quietly.

    Cheers, h.
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    edited September 2015
    A home gym would be the best present ever! Unfortunately we have no room.

    Mine is generally supportive and encouraging. Eats the food I cook, even though he considers it sorely lacking in potatoes and bacon. He comes running with me when it's too dark for me to go alone. Points out new bits of muscle definition. Tells me I'm beautiful and sexy - he's always done this, regardless of my weight. Tells me he's proud of how hard I work and how fit I am.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    edited September 2015
    My hubby stops at a special shop to buy fresh produce for me every week. He is not a fan of most veggies & fruit, so I know he does this just for me. He has been encouraging me ever since I began making changes, and he has been trying to make some changes, too. And he gets almost as excited about my little victories as I do. :smile:

    ETA: Oh! And when we went to see Mission Impossible, he surprised me at the start of the movie, with a little treat bag filled with exactly 15 g of pepitas. So cute!
  • oh_happy_day
    oh_happy_day Posts: 1,137 Member
    And he's never once complained about how much time I spend at gym!
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    Brother convinced me to start kick boxing where I was told about mfp.

    Brother and I joined a gym.

    To counter the supportive side because that would be too kind a post and even though he wouldn't read this post his head would get bigger.

    Brother has started complaining that I'm too skinny and runt like, trying to get me to gain muscles.
  • tomteboda
    tomteboda Posts: 2,171 Member
    I live with my parents, taking care of my mom full-time after she had a couple of strokes. My dad has been really supportive of my weight loss journey. When he cooks he leaves off cheese or dressings for me, but checks if I want them, and we take a 1 mile walk every night together, plus he walks with me on 3-4 mile walks on the weekend. It's really been quite enjoyable to spend that time with him, I realize I won't have him forever and I'm treasuring the opportunity.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Hubby does most of the cooking. We share shopping duties. His favorite foods are fruits (watermelon especially) so he cuts them up and put them in containers for me. We go to the same gym but at different locations.
  • ShandaLeaS
    ShandaLeaS Posts: 136 Member
    Hubby hasn't complained about my time to workout even though it means up to 2 hours with the kids and sometimes all the bedtime duties.
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    My husband points out during um intimate times that he can feel my muscles and tells me that they turn him on even more.
    He has started slapping my bum in public saying that I look awesome.
    He weighs all the ingredients and writes them down if he's cooking so I can enter them into my diary.
    The best part though? He tells me every day that he loves me regardless. But he is so proud of me
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    tomteboda wrote: »
    I live with my parents, taking care of my mom full-time after she had a couple of strokes. My dad has been really supportive of my weight loss journey. When he cooks he leaves off cheese or dressings for me, but checks if I want them, and we take a 1 mile walk every night together, plus he walks with me on 3-4 mile walks on the weekend. It's really been quite enjoyable to spend that time with him, I realize I won't have him forever and I'm treasuring the opportunity.

    I'm really sorry about your mom.

    But I think it's great that you and your dad are able to do things together. :)

    I moved back in with my parents a few years ago, for a few years, while getting another degree and it gave me a chance to reconnect with them. For about 13 years, I had been living about 2000 km away from them ... rarely saw them and didn't even communicate with them very much. Moving back in allowed us all to get to know each other again. And my father and I cycled together a lot during that time. :)

  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    My boyfriend has been quite supportive of me through both the highs and lows I've gone through since I have started this process.

    He suggests more active things for us to do together. Instead of just sitting around watching TV we go for walks.
    He sends me cheesy motivational memes as a way to cheer me on.
    He isn't afraid to give me a reality check when I need it.
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    edited September 2015
    This is such a cute thread!

    My fiancé has been extremely sensitive to my weightloss because I do unfortunately have a history of eating disorders, including bulimia. He always knows exactly what to say and when to say it. Although he didn't like a lot of the types of foods I make, such as soups, he is finding that he enjoys the healthier things I cook (or so he says). He always suggests things for us to do together like hiking or walking our dogs, and gets on my case if I haven't worked out in awhile.. Because apparently I get crabby.
  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    I think my husband is supportive largely because he respects what I'm doing, it makes sense to him, it doesn't seem like some lame nonsensical diet I learned about from Oprah or some magazine or from an infomercial or some alarmist half-wit selling a book or a blender or a juicer.

    He likes that I can lose weight and have ice cream or Twinkies or chocolate or cheeseburgers or diet coke everyday, because of CICO. I mention *diet* coke because of a funny conversation he had with his mother recently, where she informed him that she learned from the internet that diet coke's artificial sweeteners actually make people fat and advised we should switch to regular coke. She was apparently convinced this is so and my husband apparently got really annoyed by her advice and her reasoning. :D

    It's funny, though, whenever he goes shopping with me, he'll read the label of items he is interested in to "check the calories and macros." (His words.) That he is considering these things before putting something in the cart is somewhat supportive of me I think, but also I think he's enjoying knowing the calorie and macro breakdown of food items for its own sake now. Because it makes sense to him to consider these things.

    He is supportive in other ways, but this is getting long already, don't want to write a novel here on how wonderful I think my man is. :p
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    My husbands favorite hobby is to cook and he's REALLY good at it. He's specifically goes for low calorie and filling just for me now. It's amazing.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    edited September 2015
    My sister:
    Helped IMMENSELY me financially
    Has been helpful for my self esteem, especially when it came to what I wore.
    Encouraged me to not give up after my car accident and honestly just made me feel better by coming by everyday
    Introduced me to MFP years ago
    Was supportive with me getting rehab and other things when the rest of my family insisted I would be fine, despite what my doctors had been saying
    Isn't afraid to tell me when something looks bad
    Aside from comments about disliking the smell of sardines, she doesn't try and make me feel weird about getting smaller portions / weighing out my food

    My mom:
    Bought different health foods for me in the beginning
    Agreed to take me to the park when I wasn't able to drive
    Gave me a reality check when I was going too far with how little I was eating

    My dad has said a few nice things, but he also tries to take credit for my loss, says discouraging things, like "I don't want you getting fat again" ,and still calls me gorda sometimes.
  • BrianaDuBois
    BrianaDuBois Posts: 48 Member
    My SO has been really sweet. When I weighed myself for the first time in a long time, I realized I had gained about 25 pounds since last weighing myself. I was really upset, but he just supported me in losing weight.

    Since then, he has told me when he notices new changes.
    He eats all of my cooking and says he likes it.
    He runs with me when he has free time. The first time I tried to do C25K and couldn't even finish the first day, he just said "You'll get better." Today, I texted him to tell him I just ran 25 minutes straight.
  • momoharuno
    momoharuno Posts: 141 Member
    I'm not sure you want to ask me this, I can talk all day about how wonderful my husband is lol <3 from the beginning he was always 100% supportive, he gets super excited with me over every ounce lost lol he even goes over my photos I take every ten pounds lost with me and helps me see clearly which areas are smaller or more toned. He has always told me many times a day how much he loves me and how proud of me he is. He goes out of his way to weigh my food if I'm busy cooking so I can log accurately, he tells me everything I cook is wonderful, he goes shopping with me to buy goal clothes whenever I want, he goes to the gym with me whenever possible, and he has decided to join me on having a healthier lifestyle instead of just supporting it and has already lost 6 pounds so far! I'm very proud of him, he's my best friend and I could never love anyone else the way I love that incredible man <3
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    my sweetie started logging in MFP to support and encourage my logging.
    he buys me fitness equipment after helping decide what would work for me.
    he goes for walks with me.
    as my size changes, he encourages me to get fitting clothes.
    he's always sweet and romantic, even when i was at my highest weight.