whitespider360 Member


  • I got it from my mother, and I'm almost positive that my daughter has it, she has all the signs of having it. I can't find a dr around this little hick town to test for needs to be tested. And you have to have a dr referral to get to see a endocrinologist. They're just telling me that the hair growth is from being over…
  • Has any of you passed PCO down to your daughters?
  • Anyone can add me too! I've been on this low carb diet jan 1st and down 16 pounds. I have 100 pounds to lose, so this is gonna take awhile. I'm gonna need a lot of encouragement, not to stay on the diet but for advice and support. I will be glad to give it back too.
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS and an adrenal disorder years ago and was told that my red blood cells take over my white blood cells. Now my white blood cells are lower than normal and stay that way because of this. Can't seem to get them up, nothing is working. I was wondering if any of you have this same issue with your white…
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS years ago and was told that my red blood cells take over my white blood cells. Now my white blood cells are lower than normal and stay that way because of this. Can't seem to get them up, nothing is working. I was wondering if any of you have this same issue with your white blood count.
  • I'm not wanting to cheat by any means. I have read that people being on low carb diets should have a cheat day. So, I just thought I'd ask about it. I'm new to this type of dieting, just trying to get all the details about it as I can. The low carb diet is the best diet I have ever been on. Cheating and gaining is not…
  • Oh no, any weight loss ideas will go through me. We are on a low carb diet and it's working so that's what we are sticking to right now. There's no way I'm going to take advice from a teenager on weight loss, it to important. This is a lifestyle changer!!!
  • Oh, I know very well how harsh kids can be. They started picking on my daughter about her weight at a very young age. I ended up having to take her out of school and homeschool her because of the bullying she was getting from other students. The teachers refused to do anything about it. I was picking her up everyday crying…
  • I watch everything she eats. I have her on a low carb diet same as me. She has lost 18 pounds so far. She was very depressed about her weight and now that she is losing she is feeling better about herself. I have taught her what to look out for on websites, and what not to post. We are a very computer educated family. But…
  • All you do is click on their name and add friend pops up on next screen.
  • Ok, thank you so much..
  • I read that carbs turn into sugar in your body. I am on a low carb diet and have lost 14 pounds this month by cutting out carbs.
  • I'm doing the low carb diet too. Feel free to add me if you like. My biggest concern is with the low carb diet is. On a 1200 cal low carb diet how much fat are you allowed. I just switched to the low carb diet about a week ago. Got the whole on it, Hahaha. (single mom here). Having to learn the ropes for 3.
  • Good!!! I was really worried about that. Cause I've stopped losing and I thought maybe that was one of my problems.
  • I'm getting very discouraged, it's been 22 days and I've only lost 8 pounds. I haven't cheated once and I've increased my exercise routine. It's just not coming off.
  • I'm trying the low carb diet also, and it scares me too. Cause it goes against everything I've ever been taught about dieting. Stay away from fat and calories!!! I'm slowly learning what I can eat but I just can't bring myself to eat a lot because of the guilt of cheating, and being afraid of gaining weight. Especially…
  • You can add me if you like. I've got 100+ to lose and I'm gonna do this. Got the motivation and the mind set this time. Haven't had it in years.
  • No, I don't have scales, I know I need some badly. Never have use scales before. Don't know anything about them. I'm new on here. I use measuring spoons and cups. And yes, I know eating to much does cause weight gain. I've also had several hormonal and medical problems that has contributed to my weight.
  • Honestly I'm not, cause I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror. It makes me sick at my stomach to see me being this big, I hate it. I've always been big except when I would lose my weight, but I just can't take it anymore. So I hate food!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I weigh 250 pounds and since I've joined MFP, it's been 20 days and I've lost 8 pounds. Don't know if that's good or bad, was hoping it was more. MFP had me on a 1400 cal diet, so I dropped my goal weight and brought down my cal diet intake to 1210. And to this day I still can't reach my cal intake. It tells me almost…
  • I lost 65 pounds and couldn't tell the difference because I was to big. Still wear the same clothes, and still look the same. Don't look like I've lost a single pound to me. No one noticed, guess it depends on your body type to see weight loss. It takes me several several several pounds to lose for people to notice my…
  • I started out at 315 before I joined to site. I'm down to 251, I got at least 105 more to go maybe more. I'm eating under my calorie goal, been on here for 11 days now and have lost only 6 pounds. Needing friends also so feel free to add me.
  • I am a diabetic and I am taking my meds daily and my blood sugar ranges between 87-107. I use to be up in the 400's. I've lost 65 pounds since then. Before I joined the site I weighted 315 pounds. I have an adrenal disorder that causes my body to retain fluid. So that's why I'm on the fluid pills. And I have high blood…
  • I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, adrenal disorder and hypothyroidism, yes it is very hard to lost weight and a very slow process. But it will happen. You just can't give up. The meds that the endocrinologist might give you are steroids (mine were) which causes me to gain even more weight. And weight loss is very…
  • Thanks for everyone's advice. My kids are worried about me taking this diet thing to serious.
  • I'm looking for a new set of scales too. The set I have are digital and it gives all kinda different weights when you step on them. Been searching around and don't know what to buy, don't want junk like I have. Can't spend a lot of money on them. If you find some let me know. Those Tanita scales listed above are really…
  • I'm on my 4th day and I still can't reach 1200 calories. I just can't hold that much. My thing tells me to eat more but I just can't. And I have 100+ pounds to lose. I drink like 10-12 glasses of water a day. Friend request are welcome.
  • Ok, this is my personal secret to lose inches, so don't laugh. When you walk, if you wrap your troubled areas with saran wrap (several times) you will lose more inches and melt more fat faster. I went from a size 24 to a size 8 in 7 months using this method.
  • Ok, this is my personal secret to lose inches, so don't laugh. When you walk, if you wrap your troubled areas with saran wrap (several times) you will lose more inches and melt more fat faster. I went from a size 24 to a size 8 in 7 months using this method.
  • Thank you all for your help and support. My daughter has asked me to help her, she is 14. Had to home school her because she was bullied so bad in school because of her weight. I've never been a big eater that's what I don't understand. I'm never hungry because of the meds I take. I'm a diabetic and the meds takes my…