roni0906 Member


  • I am looking to have my tummy tuck in March, 2016. I m desperately wanting to get to 170 lbs before then. I know it is totally doable, however, I have had such a difficult time trying to drop the rest of the weight. I was 237 lbs when I had my son 6 years ago (3rd pregnancy). In 7 months, I had dropped to about 175 lbs and…
  • I bought the flex at the beginning of the year. I lost 15 pounds by using that and MFP and staying under my calorie goals with exercise. I just upgraded to the Charge HR last night and today is my first day using it. I am anxious to see how it compares calories burned per day against the flex.
  • I am excited to get my charge hr. I bought the flex at the beginning of the year and love it but I wanted the HR feature. Hubby bought it for me while on his business trip so I have to wait til Sunday.
  • Wow, I haven't been to the forum in awhile. So far so good. I am down a total of 15 lbs since the beginning of the year. I feel really great.
  • The nice weather really helps. Yesterday, i went for a long walk/jog and felt amazing. First time outside this year so far. The rest of the weeks is nasty but its all good since i will be mostly on the bike this week anyway. K
  • Well i have been i creasing my weight on each machine almost each time i lift (2-3 times per week full circuit) except bicep curls. Seems to be getting the job done. I feel stronger and think i look a little toner. Its only been a month so i will keep at it.
  • I am down about 7 lbs for January even with my long weekend trip to Vegas where all 4 days were cheat days. I am feeling so much healthier and have so much more energy even with just 7 lbs. i did injure my knee so i need to take it easy over the next week. I did too much too fast so i will still do my walks but no more…
  • ACCOUNTABILITY GOALS... Name: Lisa Date: Thursday, January 15, 2015 Weight: didn’t weigh 1. Logged Food? Yes 2. 10,000 steps? No, 9087 3. Under 1540 Calories? Yes, 1230 4. PM Workout? Yes 5. Exercise and Calories? Treadmill 58 min 367 6. Water (48 oz)? Yes 7. Multi-Vitamin? No DAILY TOTAL: 5/7 WEEKLY TOTAL: 10/49 I was on…
  • Wow, that is a lot of steps. Awesome job!
  • ACCOUNTABILITY GOALS... Name: Lisa Date: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Weight: didn’t weigh 1. Logged Food? Yes 2. 10,000 steps? Yes, 11,465 3. Under 1540 Calories? 1853 4. PM Workout? Yes 5. Exercise and Calories? Treadmill 40 min 328 6. Water (48 oz)? Yes 7. Multi-Vitamin? No DAILY TOTAL: 5/7 WEEKLY TOTAL: 5/49
  • Yes i would be interested in this accountability. I will start posting mine tomorrow.
  • I know how easy it is to get off track. Look for healthy bars like Fiber One to have on hand. If you fall off, get right back on. Good luck.
  • I started the week at 194. I am hoping for another good week this week. I would like to lose 2-3 lbs which I think is doable since my body is still probably in shock with the new healthy outlook. I know that eventually it will slow down or even no weight loss at all. I am prepared to deal with that and embrace it as I know…
  • Wow, what a weight loss. Great job!
  • That is great. I am trying to stretch about that much after my workouts. I have been taught that it is better to stretch warm muscles than cold muscles to prevent injury. I have never been very flexible. I missed my yoga class this past weekend because we were out of town. I have heard of the foam rollers be very helpful…
  • I did option 2) Tacos ground turkey (93% lean, 7% fat) cooked in a little olive oil to prevent sticking taco seasoning (20 calories per serving) lettuce (used instead of tortilla or taco shell) salsa tomatoes shredded cheese This turned out really good and was way healthier than the traditional version of tacos. I usually…
  • Hello All~ I am hoping to lose about 40 lbs myself. I created a group: Weight Loss Goal: 30-50 lbs, if anyone would like to join. I am trying to keep the group as a positive and motivational group. I think that it is important to have a support team and a group to "hold you accountable". I previously belonged to a website…
  • I just got my fitbit flex today. Looking for friends to compete in challenges.
  • Awesome. I am down 4 lbs this week to 194.
  • I only went over my calorie goal by a little and way under by my weekly goal so i feel good about that. I am excited to step on the scale today and see how much i have officially lost.
  • That is great. I also officially weigh in on Sundays at the gym but weigh myself at home daily too. I just can't help myself. I am well under my weekly calories but went over on 2 days this week but the average is great so i am happy with that. Keep going strong and you will reach your 40 lb lose.
  • I too just started using these machines. I would like to hear feedback from others that have used it for a good period of time. I just went on their website and they have "Workout of the Week". There are 17 weeks total. I will start using that. They also have a link that explains what levels there are so you can position…
  • I quit several years ago. It was hard and it took a long time to have a new normal as i always wanted to smoke when i drank or in a social situation. I was active duty so i exercised a lot and didn't gain any weight. As of now, i just passed 9 years since i quit but it has been about 5 years since i cheated and had a…
  • Favorite Appearance: my nose (I know that I can't really change it but I am good with that because I think I have a perfect nose-for me). Greatest Strength: I am a hard worker and always willing to help out others and/or share my knowledge. Proudest Moment of 2014: Buying a home. Looking Forward to in 2015: Meeting my…
  • I am doing a CORE class tonight at the Y and will probably add in some additional walking/jogging on the treadmill. I am feeling excited and have been motivated since I began 2 weeks ago. I haven't really faced any challenges or temptations yet so I am hoping that this continues for me. I think I read someone that if you…
  • I got it. Logged in with my computer instead of the phone.
  • I would very much like to join this challenge. I can't figure out how to enter my info on the spreadsheet though. Maybe because i am using my iphone?
  • Thank you both for sharing your goals. I too, have decided that this year is the year that I begin a new lifestyle not only for me but for my family. Less junk will enter my home and more activity will will be made. Luckily my kids are healthy at this point but i definitely don't want them to continue on the junk food…
  • Well, I am on Day 3 and feeling great. I am a little sore from my workout on Monday but a good kind of sore. I skipped the gym yesterday, but I still had my workout by shoveling snow for a little over an hour (thankfully, it was light and fluffy) and I feel it a little in my back this morning. I joined the "Chose to Lose"…