greasysgal Member


  • I shake a Tbs of it in with my Unjury Choc. Splendor protein powder, water & ice and it tastes (to me) like a Reeses pbc. Hi protein/lo carb treat
  • Hi everyone, back after lots of challenges. Feeling peaceful & free in many ways. Hope to catch up with all of you this winter.
  • I manually set my daily calorie goal a few weeks ago at 1400 with my mandated protein/carb/fat ratio but I guess my point(s) were that the websites set abnormally high daily goals and even though I am staying around my 1400 I am not losing at all. My brother lost 115 lbs so he could qualify to give the other brother his…
  • Hi guys, busy morning for me. Booked my brothers travel for his flight to the midwest where he is donating a kidney to my other brother next week. Otherwise, I am having (for me) a big issue. I have , for the last 6 weeks or so, been religiously logging my food staying in close proximity to my allotted daily calories. My…
  • Just out of curiosity did anyone hear from doughman on NM before it closed ? Would love yo know how he's doing.
  • What a perfect day ...almost. Got to watch 2 of my 3 favorite sports ...,tennis & skating all day. sanferris, back when i met my husband 30 years ago (thats a story in itself) his co workers called him Greasy. I call him Grease.....sounds better to me. But years ago, when we all got computers & started emailing, i picked :…
  • What a perfect day today (almost
  • Return to Me is one of my favorite movies of that genre. Bonnie Hunt wrote & directed it & the stuff she's written has such funny & poignant moments. I am working on my late nite cravings....wish me luck.....those are my carb-infested problem hours......anybody know a carb exorcist ? ;-}
  • Just checked my emails....someone at NM (a Ray perhaps ?) had mercy on me in its final moments (2:50am EST) and sent me the whole E28 program in a 66 page email file.....yeah !!!!! Thanks for lookin' out !
  • Hey everybody, you know....I never posted anything on PBS/WC on NM because I always thought it was a "real family' using NM for their daily chats/emails. I didn't realize all you guys were on it....a different kind of "real family" ! As I was reading my 10 days of E28 that I had AND looking at my food journals early this…
  • I am here !!! I was already in bed looking at NM on my samsung galaxy tablet when I realized I hadn't saved the 10 - E28 days & there was no way to get the others that late. I couldn't even save those on my would only save or email the link....not the page as written. If anyone has them I would really like…
  • After Gastric Bypass your body is in a constant state of malnutrition since the majority of your nutrients are absorbed by your small intestines & they have been "bypassed" so everything is going straight to the large intestines. Over time your body adapts in that it CAN absorb carbs & fat but protein & other vitamins &…
  • hi guys, i do wish i could see the total nutrients each day....important for me........thanks for setting this up. While I'm at the vulnerable beginnings of this phase of my weight loss journey I was worried that I would be thrown emotionally by NM closing & it would cause me to eat but I'm good & actively losing. Yeahhhhh…