Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Marcie--Cisco is so cute and obviously doesn't get any attention from you! :)

    GreasyGal--I think struggling with staying on the healthy path is the hardest part of our journey! I gained all but 10 pounds of the 90 pounds I lost back. Why? How could I let myself do that? For me it started when I stopped losing, I switched back to my old thinking of 'I can't do this, I'm not worth it, etc'. I have slowlllllllllllllyyyy started back to weighing/measuring all my food and letting myself get into the right healthy mindset. Will I be able to keep this up? I don't know but I sure hope so. I am really just trying to say we have all been where you are and we get it!

    Anew- glad you don't have the TA problem! That's good news :)

    Arobed--5 under 4 will be very busy but hopefully fun too!

    Ferris--I love that you still have the llama picture up :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, wow, I really slept in this morning and can't wait for my coffee.
    Physical therapy today, so I'll feed the animals, jump in the shower and head out the door.

    I'll try to get back this afternoon, or...see you in the morning.
  • jcsteele3
    Finally found this and I'm already a gillion comments behind...so what else is new? Hi Peeps!!!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    jcsteele3 wrote: »
    Finally found this and I'm already a gillion comments behind...so what else is new? Hi Peeps!!!

    Hi JC! Glad you found us!
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Hi JC / HP !!! How is everyone this afternoon? It's lunchtime so I thought I would stop in and warm up .

    I wonder how Granny & Billie are doing? I sure do miss seeing them. :(
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2015
    Morning everyone. I really slept in this morning! Loving not having to wake up to a blaring alarm clock this week! Just woke up to a waggy tailed dog probably thinking is she ever going to get up and play with me?!

    Yesterday I had no appetite when I woke up, but I could eat a horse this morning! I think I'll make a tuna salad sandwich and have some of those pink beans I made earlier in the week.

    Didnt do a whole lot yesterday. May be more of the same today. We'll see where the day takes me.

    I watched a couple movies yesterday. A sad love story called "Return To Me" (guy's wife dies in an auto accident, her heart gets transplanted in another women, guy inadvertently meets and falls in love with that other woman), and a comedy western called "Goin' South". Both were pretty good.

    I'm starting to forget what the sun looks like. We've been cloudy and foggy all week. Still no measurable rain though. Still holding at lows in the 40s and highs in the 60s.

    Greasygal, glad to see you popped in yesterday. Please come again!

    Sheryl, I hope PT goes well for you today. Thanks again for sending me the E28 files! I'd like to post them here in the group, but I think they are trademarked and the Ray's would probably frown on that.

    Tammy, I wonder about Granny and Billie too. Billie stopped coming to the PBS/WC last year. Glad Sheryl keeps in touch with them.

    Jlhawki, good to see you here yesterday!

    Debora, babysitting that many young kids while not feeling well! I hope you are feeling better today!

    Well all, I guess I will close for now and get the day going. Have a great day!
  • jcsteele3
    Spent all morning setting up my FitBit on my other computer. I fond I can log my food there so, for now, I'll just do that. I'll check here every so often to see what all of you are up to...Stay safe & well. I do check Facebook regularly so hope to see yo there.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning, or should I say good afternoon. Couldn't sleep a wink last night so finally went to sleep about 11:00 am and woke up to hubby coming in after work.

    He leaves for San Diego on another business trip Sunday and will be gone until Thursday evening. We have family there so he gets to see them in the evenings when he's off the clock.

    Jlhawki, thanks I am happy with the good news.

    Mygnsac, I think I am going to find that movie "Return to me" for my friends and mine next movie night. Haven't had one of those in months. She has horses and the cold and rain keeps her out with them, then she is exhausted by the time she is done caring for them.

    Ferris, I am sure therapy went well for you and I love the Llama pic too!

    Arobed, I hope you survived the very busy day. :D

    Hi JC, glad you could make it over here. :D

    Now I am off to make some dinner, see you all later.

  • greasysgal
    greasysgal Posts: 15 Member
    Return to Me is one of my favorite movies of that genre. Bonnie Hunt wrote & directed it & the stuff she's written has such funny & poignant moments. I am working on my late nite cravings....wish me luck.....those are my carb-infested problem hours......anybody know a carb exorcist ? ;-}
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hey all, you can just call me Jannie or Jan! I had to make a new name but jlhawki seems so weird. Have a great night :)
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    greasysgal wrote: »
    Return to Me is one of my favorite movies of that genre. Bonnie Hunt wrote & directed it & the stuff she's written has such funny & poignant moments. I am working on my late nite cravings....wish me luck.....those are my carb-infested problem hours......anybody know a carb exorcist ? ;-}

    Minty gum often exorcises my carb cravings. I always have gum at the ready when the late night munchies rear their head! That, or I sip on a cup of tea or broth, or just brush my teeth. I find I dont want to eat anything once I've brushed my teeth. I always have to beat back the evil munchy monster!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning everyone, yesterday was a really good day. It was interesting taking care of 5 kids - not as hard as I thought but I was always busy - helps with the steps you take. The youngest did take a morning nap. The twins acted like the might but one try didn't work so I left them up. They were just everywhere. When we went up for a snack, one of them was up on a stool in nothing glad. Kind of gives you the idea that maybe they have done some fending for themselves. They would also cuddle at times too. I'll see them one more time on Sunday evening when we go for the birthday party.

    Then I headed for another town for my errands. Had to go to the 4-H office and pick up Ava's medicine. We live out in the country so drive a lot to get places too, Anewstart. I ended up taking the college all the way home, got home, put almost everything away, fixed supper and then we went to Thomas' play. It was very well done. We won't talk about what I ate. My habits haven't been so good. I so mostly okay calorie wise - just need to eat better things

    Today is get things ready for Sunday, go to Jeremiah's basketball game and whatever else happens. Oh year, I teach tomorrow so need to get the lesson ready - I've slacked this week.

    Elaine, how is it working with entering foods. The learning curve is a steep one. I looked at youtube on cronometer last night and it does show a lot more but I have learned how to check my calcium, A and C and I didn't pay attention to the long list that NM had be said not to pay a lot of attention to it. So I think this will work okay. Do you go to the hospital on the 3rd?

    Anewstart, I don't think a fitbit will do you much good with biking. I'm loving it for the walking. Makes my daughter mad that I'm getting more steps in than she does in a day a lot of times even though she's pretty busy at the daycare. Glad you know the problem with your wrists but is there anything they can do now?

    Tammy, love to see you popping in.

    Greasygal, hi to you. Glad to have you here.

    Sheryl, glad to hear the blood clots are breaking up and PT is helping. I've gotten away from walking with Leslie. Maybe you trying again will encourage me.

    Marcie, I'm so glad you're staycation is going to well and I'm sure way too fast. Cisco won't like it when you start leaving again.

    Jan, hi. So great to see familiar faces in a new place. Makes it a little easier.

    Hi JC, guess this means you have your fitbit. How are you liking it?

    Okay, this is the longest post I've written in a long time, we'll see if it will all fit in one or if it will become two. I need to get started on the day. They always speed by. Have a great one. (And it all fit in one.)
  • jcsteele3
    Yes Deb, got my FitBit at 4 PM on Thursday. So far I'm using their site to log food but not up on what everything means. They don't offer vitamins so I think I'll enter my daily vitamin & calcium as FOOD. I haven't seen anything that lets me know if what I'm eating is good or bad, just calories. I do like the fact that I can check at any time and see how many calories I have burned for the day. With the Charge HR I can also check my Heart Rate which I like.
    I am going to send Granny an e-mail and tell her about this GROUP. I love that I copied the link my FitBit.doc and all I have to do to visit is click on the link; no signing in or anything.
    I see some new faces here which is GREAT. Welcome Everyone!
    Sheryl, I'm watching your progress...GO FOR THE BLUE!!!
    Going back to see what I've missed. I was surprised to see that this was started on January 10th.
    I am so glad that all of you PEEPS have found a new home.

    Have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!
  • Pam_Ray
    Hi guys! Looks you have a good start on the PBS/Water Cooler Room!

    I'm feeling my way around this site. I'm sure there are things I haven't seen yet. My FitBit is on a truck and is to arrive today, looking forward to getting it. Still going to use MapMyWalk...what can I say, I love charts.

    Jim and I are going to the San Diego Museum of Art in Balboa Park today, to see “Gauguin to Warhol: 20th Century Icons from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery. It's a beautiful sunny day.

    Enjoy life!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good Morning, I made a fresh pot of coffee and enjoyed a mug while watching my favorite Saturday morning tv show, Recipe Rehab. It's on CBS if you want to look for it. A family presents their favorite, rich, unhealthy dish and two chefs rehab it into something healthier. Then the family is given all the ingredients and instructions and they fix both recipes at home and score them. A nutritionist gives them the score for health, but the family gives the scores for taste and ease of preparation. This morning was a cherry cream pie. I'm not too interested in fixing that. Last week was country fried steak...my most favorite dinner. Both recipes baked the steaks instead of frying, so I went online and copied the recipes, but I haven't tried to prepare either one yet.

    I usually get on the computer before the tv, but lately, I've really been sleeping in. Even when not sleeping, my bed has become more and more comfortable, I like to just lay out and stretch. Some of my PT exercises are done in bed too, morning and night.

    PT was very painful again, but like they say..."no pain, no gain" and now I can see that to be true. I am getting more and more range of motion in my arm, YAY!!!!!!

    My hair is growing out and I look frightful. Ha ha ha, it's coming in very wavy and curly, like when I was a little girl. All through junior high and high school, I did everything I could to straighten it. I guess, I'll revert back to those days and tinker with my hair again, like a teenager. How about a blue streak for fashion?????????

    Those of you who know me well, know I have a "thing" for names. Gotta get them right.
    I see most comments typing "greasygal", and it's "greasysgal". Would love to know your story behind that name, but for now, I just picture a guy named Greasy and you're his gal. Too cute!

    Greasysgal, I had a craving last night and was satisfied by cottage cheese. Who knew? But, it did the trick for me. I usually crave more protein than carbs and go for yogurt or hummus with some fruit. Or left over country fried steak!!!!!

    John's still in bed and the animals want their breakfast. I'm feeling good enough to take over the feeding again. Throwing out cracked corn for the birds is easy, but putting hay in the hay racks is more strenuous, but I can do it now. I'm so thankful that I'm getting better.

    I guess I better get to it, and since there's basketball on tv today, John will be occupied and I can come back here later. Time for me to get started logging everything, food and exercise again.
  • Pam_Ray
    sannferris, I love the curly hair! Several girls on my walking team have the same wonderful hair. <3
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Thanks Pam, I have to learn to embrace it. But, isn't it always the case...that we want what we don't have. My sister has fine, straight hair and is always getting a perm. I envied her hair and she envied my thick, coarse, curly hair.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2015
    Morning all.

    I like seeing the long newsy posts again! I don't know what the character limit is here, but I havent reached it. I doubt we'll be OORing much around here.

    I guess I'll actually leave the house today. Need to make a run to the grocery store. Ive been plowing through the produce this week and need to restock.

    Dad has started logging his food religiously again. He wants to drop about 10 pounds. He seems to like MyNetDiary. He was letting his eating slide and has jumped back on the healthy train. He's weighing his food again and doing really well. He takes the dog for a walk at least twice a day, usually goes for a faster walk by himself once a day (he says one just cant get the heart rate up when walking with a dog that insists on marking every blade of grass they pass!). That on top of the nightly exercises he does for his back is keeping him moving.

    I stop over now and then at the NM Family Page on FaceBook, but I just dont get the intimate vibe like here. A lot of very short comments over there. Still, its nice to see all those NMers.

    There is one really nice, funny, non-NM man here on MFP that I and a ton of others have been friends with for awhile who informed us last night that he must close his MFP account because his wife is mad at him for spending so much time here talking to us. I always wondered how he was able to spend so much time here and still have a life in the real world. I guess that answers that! Real must always trump virtual.

    Whew! Cisco just got on my lap, and he is definitely not smelling like a rose this morning! I think he is due for a trip to the groomers. I'll begin my "that dog stinks" campaign today. Dad will get the hint and set up an appointment after he gets tired of hearing me whine! He's in charge of the keep the dog smelling good chore! I'm in charge of the keep the cat clean chore. I think I got the better chore since the cat cleans himself. ;)

    I guess I'd better hit the road. Later today I'll start my weekly cooking. I need to hardboil 14 eggs, make a batch of pumpkin protein bars, make some cashew milk, and make a pot of something. It's been awhile since I made lentils, so that might be my pot of something this week. We got lentiled-out and stopped making them this winter.

    Have a lovely day everyone. :)

    P.S. Sheryl, I've always wished I had course curly hair! I inherited my family's fine yucky hair. Thanks for the correction on greasysgal's name. I never noticed that!

    P.S.S. Anew, here's the trailer for that movie "Return to Me."

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Ugh, I had a large response and lost the whole thing. I don't think I am going to start over again though. Everyone have a great day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Oh Good, Marcie, glad it was taken in the way it was intended. I was afraid that I would be considered too nit-picky by my rant, but I've always been this way.
    Your stay-cation went by too quickly, only the weekend left.
    I think I'll go over to Facebook and give it a try, I want to lurk and keep up with everyone's news. I may not say much there.

    Jannie, glad you like Mochadot's photo, she's a precious one. Oh, wait, they're all precious, just in different ways. I will probably keep llama pictures for my profile pics for awhile, especially if I go on Facebook.

    I just found out that one of our neighbors came by yesterday while I was at PT and asked if we want to take a rooster off her hands. Fortunately, John didn't give an answer until he talks to me. I say absolutely NOT. I've had a go at roosters and I won't do that again, they crow all day AND all night, I couldn't get any sleep. So, now, I have to contact that neighbor and give her the bad news, she's stuck with that rooster.

    Debora, let's encourage each other to do Leslie. I haven't started yet, but I'll let you know when. I emailed Granny again, (she got me started on Leslie when she visited), but haven't gotten a reply. I thought she and I could do it together again too, but if she doesn't respond, I don't what else to do. I'm so concerned about her.

    Today is my parents' 65th wedding anniversary. Wow! I don't know how they lasted so long. I guess they both thrive on their bickering. Listening to them drives my sister and me nuts. At least we don't live with them anymore, but my sister sees them about once a week.