AverageJoeFit Member


  • I'm trying to send a PM to people asking for a Mentor, but PM's arn't working atm for me. You can try and PM me if you are looking for a Mentor still
  • C25k is a run walk combo that takes you from not being able to run for a certain amount of time and magus it so you can run for 30 min with it stopping. Google something like couch to half marathon will get you things like this…
  • The app c25k is a great running app for beginners. Also you could look up Yancy Camp (ocr trainer pay wall) or Hal Higdon (half marathon and marathon training)
  • For my family we end up doing most of the cooking one or two nights a week. Then lunches and dinner are just variations from the cooking we did before. Like.. 4 lbs Ground beef cooked can turn into, tacos, enchiladas, sloppy joes, spaghetti sauce etc. 4 lbs Chicken cooked can turn into some of the above plus curry with…
  • Yes you can build muscle while losing weight, but it will be super slow as building muscle usually takes a caloric surplus. If you want to Recomposition your body you just eat maintenence calories and your weight shouldn't change but you still lose fat but gain muscle. Rest weeks or what I think you are talking about are…
  • Obstacle Courses Race. Like Spartan Race, tough murder etc. I thought that was what you meant by Obstacle running.
  • Well for running you can download an app called c25k. There are also websites that have training plans like (google hal higdon). There are also a lot of running podcasts to listen to for advice. Your workout sounds pretty good for OCR training, but you could add in some dead hang or other grip strengthening exercises. Just…
  • People lose fat in different places at different rates. Just relax and stay the coarse it will come off eventually. :smiley:
  • Nope. You will have to occasionally change your goal to something else and back.
  • How long have you been dieting? If it has been over a month you could try a re-feed. Re-feed is a week where you just eat maintenence calories. Then after that week go back to dieting. It works for some people :)
  • On the website there is a place for you to be able to blog (My Home-My Blog-New Post). I can't find it on the Android app however.
  • You basically want to Recomp. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10177803/recomposition-maintaining-weight-while-losing-fat#latest That is the forum posts that talk about what you want. You need to lift weights and maintain you weight so you are building muscle and losing fat.
  • I have not done one, but I find your post interesting. I do Spartan Races because they are hard. The obstacles are straight forward, but difficult. I have never done a tough murder because I like to do things that are hard, but electricity and ice sounds more like torture then diffecult. Just my opinion.
  • I lost 50 lbs eating what ever I wanted and didn't pay a single bit of attention to anything but calories. Can you? Maybe, but it depends on how your body is. It is sure worth a try :)
  • Really 2 weeks is not bad for a stall. Stress can cause all sorts of things to happen to the body. Stay the course and the weight will start coming off again
  • Also where in the knee? Outside knee? Knee cap or behind it? Inside knee? Location makes a difference what it might be.
  • That plan is resonable. I did something similar as you think of you calories over a full week rather then daily.
  • If you mean that MFP says "If you have more days like today you will weight x by y." Then that is in a perfect world that people's bodies will lose that weight in a perfectly predictable manner. It is far from a prefect world and you wont lose weight like that 100% of the time.
  • Slow and steady wins the race for weight loss. .5 or 1 lbs a week is nothing to shake a leg ato specially if you want to keep the weight off.
  • I think of activity level as only what you do Monday through Friday. So you have school and work. That does involve walking but also sitting. I would say lightly active in you normal day to day life. The walk/jog, hiit and weights are all above and beyond a normal life style. Log those as exercise calories. For me I don't…
  • I did a combo of Insanity and p90x and let me tell you it rocks your socks off. You can get a routine off the Beach Body website super gym.
  • I have done p90x, p90x3, Insanity, t25 and a little of insanity max 30. I love beach body stuff and I hate going to the gym. Lost 50 lbs doing insanity and gained tons of strength doing p90x and p90x3. I like p90x3 for days that are busy and don't have a lot of time, but p90x is longer and can just burn you dry and you can…
  • What I have found to lose and keep weight off is to have goals. No matter how far fetched or anything. Just something to work towards will help you lose weight and something to keep the weight off. Losing weight is a good goal, but keeping it off needs a new other goal. Find that and you will keep it off. :smiley: Good…
  • Im willing to give it a try. I'm also on the mentor list under the getting started forum. If you want shoot me a private message.
  • What usmcmp said except if you are just starting weight lifting water will fill the muscles to help them recover from the workout. It is probably just water weight. Now that probably won't account for all three pounds, but 1.5 lbs water weight to recover muscles and 1.5 lbs from any thing from cycle to to much sodium the…
  • I lost 50+ lbs doing Insanity. Love to workouts and still do them from time to time. If you aren't losing weight you aren't eating or weighing your food right. I lost lbs so fast I had become anorexic and had to eat more. So you can lose a ton of weight fast specially the second month will make the weight pour off.
  • I think you are fine. I have been watching some powerlifting you tubes and podcasts and they say 180g for men and 140 for women. Now that is powerlifting, but you aren't that high so I'm sure you are fine.
  • I have not done body beast, but I have done p90x and p90x3 at home and those freaking ROCK. I have heard great things about body beast. Good luck and have fun :smiley:
  • First muscle weighs more then fat :) . That's a good thing. Next as muscles start to work they require more water to recover so your body tends to hold onto more water. Basically you are already starting the Recomposition phase of losing weight and your weight might fluctuate. Great job so far :D
  • Should be the same as the last time you list weight. Cut calories and time. Your older now so the weight might be slower to come off, but the overall gist is the same. What other suggestions are you looking for