AverageJoeFit Member


  • There should be little arrows on the app or the website that let's you choose the day. On the app you can also swipe right to go back a day.
  • You burn calories no matter what heart rate zone you are in. You are just training in anaerobic zone probably.
  • 13 lbs in 32 days is amazing. That's over 2 lbs a week. Any faster weight loss is unhealthy. You are doing amazing and just keep it up. It will probably slow down soon too as you lose the fastest right at first.
  • Congratulations. Breast feeding burns calories. You have to be careful and not really diet as it can reduce milk production. As long as you eat healthy and don't go over board you my find yourself losing weight just by eating sensible and Breast feeding.
  • Generally speaking they say that people should get at least 30 min of exercise daily. That being said I consider any workout better then sitting on your butt. 30+ minutes is the minimum.
  • Cardio helps your endurance and over all fitness but it won't actually help you lose weight. If you want to add it in do it. Otherwise just count calories and lift if you want
  • All gyms are different so it might be hard too tell you specifically. As far as workouts go, what is your goal? Strength? Get strong lifts 5x5 and follow that. Running? Get c25k and it will help you learn to run long distance.
  • You can also get strong lifts 5x5 if you can get a hold of some weights. Also there is all the beach body workouts that don't use weights. You stream that for like $100 for a year I think. Also You Tube has a lot of options.
  • For the longest time I thoughthink I had Hamstring problems. It wasn't until talking to a massage therapist and having them poke around that I found out it was actually my IT band. I roll and stretch my IT band every workout now and don't have any problems anymore. Just my 2 cents :smiley:
  • I never ate my exercise calories back. In the year that I was losing my weight. I did refeed weeks every 5th week. Still lost 50 lbs
  • Weight loss isn't linear. It also depends on how many pounds per week you have chosen. Here is me. I started Feb 2015 at 245 lbs by Nov 2015 I was under 190 lbs. Doing the math I lost 1.25 lbs per week. Of course women and men are different. Also the pant size question I don't know because I didn't buy clothed until after…
  • I tend to set it low unless you are a manual labor person. Just my opinion to error on the side of caution
  • Exercise doesn't facilitate weight loss. Calorie control facilitatesystem weight loss. Although exercise won't hurt, but if you want to lose weight but a good Digital scale to weigh foods. Set lots of little goals even if they are simple ones like weigh every meal for a week. Finally be steadfast and patent the weight will…
  • I'm open to help if you want to PM me @mghaffar89 and @ribbod and @mgbb0611
  • I recommend that if you are measuring that you should weigh with a digital scale. I would also make sure you aren't to low with calories and maybe try a re-feed week at maintenance calories. If none of those work start checking your macro's. My wife doesn't lose weight no matter the calories if she isn't under 20% fat in a…
  • All the advice above is correct. Unless you are super competitive plan on a couple of hours. Eat simple foods the morning before so you don't have to go to the bathroom. It is a running race so practice running. Depending on were the race is practice running on hills too. Practice burpees and how to do them efficiently. I…
  • You can, but you have to be careful as exercise calories are often over exaggerated. Eat back half if you are going to. I didn't eat back exercise calories when I lost my weight. Lost 50+ lbs.
  • Soreness is cause by lactic acid built up in your muscles. Your body will re-absorb it on its own and you can help it by using the sore muscles. It doesn't hurt to continue working out with sore muscles. It sucks. You can go for a walk to help move the acid out of your legs. Maybe some yoga or something similar for arms.
  • 2 desks or tables and you have a bar dip machine, kegals, stairs can be repeatedly climbed, even a rolling chair if you sit on hit and wheel yourself around while sitting is a good leg workout. Just get inventive you can totally do a workout. The question is do you care what other people think? Because you might look silly
  • What about macro's? You are talking a lot about calories, but I havn't seen anything about macro's. You seem to be going through recomp successfully I might add. Also what about sodium and stuff? There are a lot of factors it could be.
  • I tried it and didn't like the taste of the food. They also want you to have milk with a lot of things and I'm allergic to milk so it didn't work for me. This was 7 - 8 years ago though.
  • I say after 4 weeks of cutting calories you should do a week of maintenance calories or a re-feed week. It helps keep those starving moments away and gives you something to look forward to. Just a thought.
  • Lost 50 lbs doing Insanity. Love it completed both months twice then just started doing second month overt and over. Time is the hard part your body will adapt to the Insanity and Intensity. Still do it on occasion for cross training purposes.
  • Look losing weight is hard. We all know this. It is a very long process that requires people to be steadfast. I took a month off of logging my food and I gained 10 lbs back. I now know that I can't trust myself to self regulate. So instead I am prepared to weigh and count calories forever. It what I need to do to stay…
  • Losing 3 lbs a week is kinda setting yourself up for failure. Generally it is healthy to lose no more then 2 lbs a week usually less. Working out doesn't help you lose weight either. It will tone up your muscles, but if you are to aggressive you won't maintain the weight loss plan.
  • Then there is the question of if the scale isn't moving, but how do your clothes fit? Are they feeling bigger? Have you moved your belt down a hole? Have you been measuring and has that changed? Be steadfast. The scale is just a number and that number some times doesn't move, but your fat does :smiley:
  • A lot of people have responded, but I'll put my 2 cents in. I eat less then 50% carbs. I eat 35% protein, 30% fat and 35% Carbs because I want the extra protein for muscle building. I have been through times of extreme low fat and low carb but I feel peekish during those times. Just IMO :smiley:
  • It is a pretty solid plan. I also see that you will have to adapt your plan if necessary. Just FYI Recomp is a super slow process and 10% by June next year might not happen. Don't get discouraged though and be steadfast. You can do it :smiley:
  • Good luck and remember this isn't a race. Slow and steady wins this race and be steadfast :smiley:
  • Hi, I did. When I started my weight loss journey I was doing Insanity by Beach Body, but the booklet with nutrition information talked about drinking and using a lot of fat free milk. I'm allergic to milk so I filled the booklet away and only counted calories on MFP. It worked great for me. My wife on the other hand did…