Sore Hamstring

The other morning, I noticed I twinge of something in my right upper leg, backside. I was in the middle of a 4 miler and had done hill work the day before. That was Tuesday and the discomfort is still there. It feels like a cross between the very beginning stages of a Charlie Horse and a tight IT band. I didn't run Wed or Thurs and instead walked and did the elliptical respectively. Supposed to do 10 miles today but will be opting for a walk instead. I've been active and doesn't prevent me from doing anything, but I don't want to force running on it. I tried to foam roll and it was tender but I couldn't get the type of relief I get compared to when I roll my outer legs. I'm away for work so going to the DR isn't an option, nor am I at that point. Any tips for what I should do? Shouldn't do? I never felt a tear or pop, and since it's only one leg, I'm assuming it wasn't the hill work. 31, F, 124lbs, 30-35 weekly miles, plus occasional biking, swimming, tennis, golf. Thx.


  • ronocnikral
    ronocnikral Posts: 176 Member
    edited February 2017
    I would personally rest until 1) it feels better and/or 2) you get professional help. I fought a very similar issue through a rugby season in college. Any time I would sprint, I would irritate my hammy. Amazing how when the season ended and I stopped running, I didn't see the issue pop up again.

    As I pointed out in your other thread, "struggling with running schedule," I would back off the intensity/frequency once you do get back up and going. JMO.
  • BaddS4
    BaddS4 Posts: 302 Member
    Rest up and do some light yoga to help that area out.. It won't happen overnight but will be beneficial for you long term if you keep doing it daily.. You've pinched a nerve and need to take care of it now.. Also use a tennis ball on the affected area on the floor and work the area.. It will relieve some of the pressure.. I have had this pain before and it's worked for me....
  • Charlene_1985
    Charlene_1985 Posts: 122 Member
    Thx for the tips. I scheduled a massage for Tuesday.
  • AverageJoeFit
    AverageJoeFit Posts: 251 Member
    For the longest time I thoughthink I had Hamstring problems. It wasn't until talking to a massage therapist and having them poke around that I found out it was actually my IT band.

    I roll and stretch my IT band every workout now and don't have any problems anymore.

    Just my 2 cents :smiley:
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,692 Member
    I pulled a hamstring doing speedwork with a group that was much faster than I. It was only on one side. I made the mistake of trying to stretch it out, and made the leg worse. (I didn't read the advice that warned me about not overstretching it until afterwards.) I could still run, but it hurt when I ran hills or tried to go fast. So I didn't. I just kept my runs easy and continued to train. I ran my first marathon on that leg about six months afterwards, and only had to cut one of my training runs short. It took about a year and a half for the pain to go away completely and that leg is still much tighter than the other, but it hasn't bothered me now for over a year.
  • Charlene_1985
    Charlene_1985 Posts: 122 Member
    Didnt run Friday, Saturday was a scheduled rest day, and I did my normal 6 miles today and took it easy, especially on the few hills I had to climb. No pain. Had almost 29K steps today. Yay. Still keeping my massage on Tuesday.