formerpl Member


  • I use photos along with my weight logged
  • Lifting sucks while cutting, but we're getting there. 385x3 for 5 sets should have been very easy, but it just felt heavy. I had a lighting PR on this set though.
  • I was 312, no muscle when I started. I think I was just about to go to a 44 or a 46 pants waist. Now I'm 34/34 pant and 218. I lose and gain in cycles on purpose to gain muscle, but right now I'm losing to 199 for an insurance break at physical time, which is fine because I haven't been 199 since maybe age 17. I got close…
  • I think training intensity has to rise once you get to around that number for most people. Gotta handle stuff in the 315-365 range to bump that up. You definitely haven't hit your limit. I had a friend that pulled 405 his first time ever trying deads. Ugh.
  • Lifter here. Goals are strict ohpress body weight and bench 300 right meow. I pulled my groin doing a stupid leg press I've never used before a few weeks ago, so I should be back to squatting and pulling next week at regular intensities. @JstTheWayIam 23 pull-ups! Mother of pearl!! That's incredible. No kipping... right?
  • I do both, I actually get better lat activation from chins. My numbers are very close on both, might be able to eek out one more rep on chins than pull-ups
  • 16 is really good. 18!! Adding weight seems to really help me. My numbers are similar, i have done 6 with +25. I tripled +50 On my last working set, have not done weighted in a few months, going to get back after it.
  • Deads/posterior chain today. I will be of questionable usefulness when I get to work at 8. Lol
  • Agreed. I personally don't even really like being super low % (8-10) - prefer to hang out in the mid teens by bro science visual check method.
  • Highest 312 Lowest so far 208 Current 226 Like many mfp users my goals are centric around lifting - will start the cut back down to around 205 in about 8 weeks.
  • Look up Eddie hall strongman it's a really interesting documentary. Not a "movie." My wife found a French movie on there about two neighbors who date through their apartment wall without ever seeing each other that was hilarious. No idea what it was called but a google search may bring good results
  • Lately I listen to "workout radio" on pandora. Over time of me thumbing up and down it seems to hit fall out boy, awolnation, imagine dragons, Macklemore, etc. it's all a bit too top 40ish for my taste but I don't really listen to the words when I'm lifting it's more about having driving beats - I prefer rap and hip hop…
  • You traded the shovel for an excavator. That hole is mighty deep. Before this thread existed I had no idea some people looked down on Sahm like this. People always say they wish they did/could do what we are doing. The fulcrum of the argument is this; are children valuable enough for you to be unselfish and put yourself on…
  • I am loving this lol
  • You're right- to be fair cutaway came in first, left the door open, and I felt obligated to mansplain (ty for that I am stealing it) why sahm's rock, why cutaway is silly, and with that this particular joker is back out in the regular forum where he belongs :) you all are doing a good job of defending yourselves anyway.
  • No but here we are looking like a couple goons. He's married though ;)
  • Well put. The idea that it is noble to "gray" out the nature of the sexes is foolish to me. Hey guess what? My wife's earning potential is higher than mine. She would make the equivalent of 3 dollars more per hour than me if she worked full time (she works about 8 per week to keep her skills and credentials current and…
  • Yeah you're right - there's no difference between men and women at all. I should be ashamed of myself for admitting she's much better at a number of things than I am. Glad you're great at taking care of your daughter. Don't do it full time though it's not as valuable as any number of career choices you could be making out…
  • I love my family and spending time with the I love hunting, and it's super fun to take my older daughter out I like to lift weights and that's what really helped me from staying a fatty fatty two by four. I just didn't want to be "fit" until I started training again. Losing blubber is a lot more fun when there are muscles…
  • You're all welcome. :smile:
  • I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite. Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way. Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful…
  • It's all about balance. For me I I think I personally have to grind hard to get to the "goal" and then after comes the bacon and cheese.
  • Dem muscles. No evidence of any v cuts here. Not will there ever be. LOL