The Real Housewifes of MFP



  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    MadMaxV8 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    Here's a thought that I adhere to: it's not about being equal it's about being fair I don't want to be equal men and women are different There's no way around it with that said if someone breaks into the house at night I'm damn sure not getting up to check on it. He is!!!

    That is SOOOO right. The constitution doesn't not promise equality. It promises the opportunity to pursue a happiness.

  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    idk1970 wrote: »
    MadMaxV8 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    Here's a thought that I adhere to: it's not about being equal it's about being fair I don't want to be equal men and women are different There's no way around it with that said if someone breaks into the house at night I'm damn sure not getting up to check on it. He is!!!

    That is SOOOO right. The constitution doesn't not promise equality. It promises the opportunity to pursue a happiness.

    <3 the constitution
  • JennyRATL
    JennyRATL Posts: 199 Member
    edited February 2017

    This pisses me off because what about single dad's? What about same sex couples? (two dad's) I respected your love and respect for your wife but insinuating that women are better at it is just *kitten*.

    Ok off to eat my snickers now.[/quote]

    To be fair, I don't think this is what formerpl is sayin?. I think he was saying HIS wife is better at it. And I think someone (liftingriot?) implied that staying home and caring for the home and family wasn't hard work, hence formerpl's sarcastic remark about doing it full time not being valuable?

    ANYhoo, I'll trade the snickers for my Lady Godiva dark chocolate sea salt now!

    *ETA: sorry quote didn't work. tried to get rid of the multiple other ones above it for space...
  • JennyRATL
    JennyRATL Posts: 199 Member
    idk1970 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    MadMaxV8 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    Here's a thought that I adhere to: it's not about being equal it's about being fair I don't want to be equal men and women are different There's no way around it with that said if someone breaks into the house at night I'm damn sure not getting up to check on it. He is!!!

    That is SOOOO right. The constitution doesn't not promise equality. It promises the opportunity to pursue a happiness.

    <3 the constitution

    shhhhhh. I don't think we're supposed to say that, either! :D
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    JennyRATL wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    MadMaxV8 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    Here's a thought that I adhere to: it's not about being equal it's about being fair I don't want to be equal men and women are different There's no way around it with that said if someone breaks into the house at night I'm damn sure not getting up to check on it. He is!!!

    That is SOOOO right. The constitution doesn't not promise equality. It promises the opportunity to pursue a happiness.

    <3 the constitution

    shhhhhh. I don't think we're supposed to say that, either! :D

    Giggles :p
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    MadMaxV8 wrote: »
    @JennyRATL wrote: »

    This pisses me off because what about single dad's? What about same sex couples? (two dad's) I respected your love and respect for your wife but insinuating that women are better at it is just *kitten*.

    Ok off to eat my snickers now.

    Why can't women be ok that they are better at certain things than men are and visa versa?

    I'm ok
  • EatingAndKnitting
    EatingAndKnitting Posts: 531 Member
    I don't think you meant any ill by this comment but it is comments like this one that effect men's rights when it comes to their children and custody. It's the mindset that women are superior in the home to men that prevent men from staying home with their children. It was an emasculating comment even if it wasn't meant to be.

    My ex and I have 50-50 custody. Because he is his father and is just as important as I. For you to say that I can do the job of raising my child better than my ex can is flat out wrong. Aside from the first year of my sons life where I was his food source and his father couldn't supply him food there is no difference. My son is blessed with an incredible man as a father. And I can admit that often times he has been a better parent than myself.

    Our child will grow up to be a good man. To be compassionate and kind to be hardworking to honest and loyal because both his parents raised him to be. And if he so chooses to stay home with his children I will commend him on that.

    Here, here! What matters most to a child is the involvement of the parents, not the gender of the involved parents. Otherwise children of gay males would all grow up to horribly maladjusted, when that is just provably not the case. I point you toward Neil Patrick Harris and David Dutka(sp)'s children, from all accounts they are growing up to be fine, healthy, well adjusted, adorable children.

    On the other end of the spectrum we have mothers like Casey Anthony. I realize she's an outlier, but to say that women are full stop better at raising children is doing a disservice to a great number of wonderful men. I'm no fan of the men's rights movement, but I do agree that in some cases men are overlooked by society.
  • LittleLionHeart1
    LittleLionHeart1 Posts: 3,655 Member
    edited February 2017
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I agree with this very much. With one sole exception.
    Say you discovered you were unable to have children. Like me. I wasn't able to. We weren't able to. :/ So I took the other route that @Cutaway_Collar states, and then had my furkids. Who may possibly be more spoiled than some human children. Its okay.....
    Less, I might have been in the boat with alot of you with human kids. Staying at home with my child. They say if you were to pay a housewife for all the work she did, it would be in the six figures anually. And its okay for the fact that I am now my mothers mother. Roles do reverse later in life. I do have to change diapers, and alot of motherly things for my mother.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.
    I politely disagree with you. I am proud of my working wife. She brings home a salary and I find it empowering. She is not going to stay at home when ae have children and I support that 100% because I am a modern man.

    She tells every young woman she comes across not to depend on a man for anything except the spouse part. And that is the reason I married her.

    I love my mother very much. She was a stay at home mom and today she is old and alone. We have made sure she is happy but not a day passes I wished she kept her academic job. She was everything that is glorified about stay at home moms. But she didn't have one thing - independence, personal ambitions realized. She told me she dreamed of many things when she was a kid. And nothing happened. She delivered out two boys and dedicated everything she had to them and her husband. Worked well here. She has everything she needs now financially if not emotionally. But I can't say the same thing happened to a majority of the stay at home moms in the world.

    No woman should depend on a man for a bank account or for personal decisions. It's 2017. Everyone should have a cheque book with direct deposit going in. That's the lesson we should teach to posterity.

    Lots of stay at home moms have personal ambitions realized. Many find volunteering very rewarding, pursue other personal goals.

    I don't think anyone really should judge the way others choose to live their lives because people can find any life rewarding whether it be raising their children or others' children, working in the corporate world, philanthropy. I know many incredibly interesting women who devoted their lives to their kids and now do all sorts of incredible things wit their talent and time
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    edited February 2017
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.
    I politely disagree with you. I am proud of my working wife. She brings home a salary and I find it empowering. She is not going to stay at home when ae have children and I support that 100% because I am a modern man.

    She tells every young woman she comes across not to depend on a man for anything except the spouse part. And that is the reason I married her.

    I love my mother very much. She was a stay at home mom and today she is old and alone. We have made sure she is happy but not a day passes I wished she kept her academic job. She was everything that is glorified about stay at home moms. But she didn't have one thing - independence, personal ambitions realized. She told me she dreamed of many things when she was a kid. And nothing happened. She delivered out two boys and dedicated everything she had to them and her husband. Worked well here. She has everything she needs now financially if not emotionally. But I can't say the same thing happened to a majority of the stay at home moms in the world.

    No woman should depend on a man for a bank account or for personal decisions. It's 2017. Everyone should have a cheque book with direct deposit going in. That's the lesson we should teach to posterity.

    Your wife is choosing to work. That's great that you support that. More people need to support that.

    What if a man makes enough that his wife doesn't NEED to work, and she WANTS to spend her time raising her children? What if being a SAHM enables her personal ambitions, such as volunteering for a cause important to her or creating art while her kids are at school? Do you expect her to work when she doesn't want or need to just for "independence"?

    And what if a family realizes that daycare and babysitters are more of a financial burden that the lower-income earner not working? Statistically, that's still the woman. Do you expect families to put themselves through financial hardship just so a woman can have direct deposit going in (with more going right back out)?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm a SAHM. I tried to work when I moved here but never got much luck finding a job (French degree in English as a foreign language = not super useful in the US). Got two jobs that didn't pay well and where I was treated like *kitten*, then we got the kids.

    Needless to say, I'd never make enough money (even if I found a job... never heard back every time I applied to anything) to pay for aftercare/camp for the Summer, without even talking about snow days, sick days and Holidays. So, I don't work. I do groceries, laundry, sorting clothes, cleaning, cooking, I pick up the kids, help with homework (not an easy task with my kids, let me tell you), take the kids to most of their activities in the evening, pay half the bills, and take care of the kids when school is off (and sometimes I help out working friends with theirs). I take the kids to doctor appointments etc. My husband does yard work because he enjoys it and repairs stuff around the house (after I nag him for a month or two, typically), and does help with the kids when it comes to cleaning their room (I don't have the patience to clean everyone else's mess, to be fair). All I expect really is for everyone else to pick up after themselves but that's a battle I have to fight every single day unfortunately (and not just with the kids).

    The main issue really is the total lack of financial independence. I'm totally stuck and could never afford to leave. I look forward 10 years when my kids are in college and it just scares me... I'll just never be able to find a job and it's depressing to think about being stuck at home depending on my husband for the rest of my life.

    But I do take time for myself - I have time to exercise and to relax a bit. It's obviously easier when the kids are in school. So for now, life is mostly good at least.

    For what it's worth, one of my best friends is a SAHD and he absolutely loves it. It's really not just a woman thing. Everyone does what is right for their family.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    I don't think you meant any ill by this comment but it is comments like this one that effect men's rights when it comes to their children and custody. It's the mindset that women are superior in the home to men that prevent men from staying home with their children. It was an emasculating comment even if it wasn't meant to be.

    My ex and I have 50-50 custody. Because he is his father and is just as important as I. For you to say that I can do the job of raising my child better than my ex can is flat out wrong. Aside from the first year of my sons life where I was his food source and his father couldn't supply him food there is no difference. My son is blessed with an incredible man as a father. And I can admit that often times he has been a better parent than myself.

    Our child will grow up to be a good man. To be compassionate and kind to be hardworking to honest and loyal because both his parents raised him to be. And if he so chooses to stay home with his children I will commend him on that.

    You're a real super hero in my book @happilymegan . I wish more women were like you. The fact you can raise your son, support his activities, take care of your own household, and work 3 jobs is amazing. It shows that people can do anything if they want to. You would be a great example for my daughter and you're a powerful woman and role model. I seriously wish you the best.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    I live in a rural area where I would be paying out about as much in childcare and travel expenses as I would be bringing in as income. With a husband that can be called away at odd hours, and travels regularly due to his job, it was decided it was most beneficial for our family if I stayed home. It was as much my decision as anything else.

    Help help I'm being oppressed (.gif).
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    FeraFilia wrote: »
    I live in a rural area where I would be paying out about as much in childcare and travel expenses as I would be bringing in as income. With a husband that can be called away at odd hours, and travels regularly due to his job, it was decided it was most beneficial for our family if I stayed home. It was as much my decision as anything else.

    Help help I'm being oppressed (.gif).

    My husband works crazy hours too. He often thanks me for bringbhome which enables him to do his job which he loves. He also often makes more in a Month than some do in a year so our greed isn't such that we feel the need to amass wealthy. So I started home. Today I'll be taking the sister of a school mate of my son out to teach her skating. I'll often do that. It's like work but I do it because I love sharing something that I love and have a gift for. It's nice to be able to do things like make special cookies that take hours for school events, or teach people skating and not worry about getting paid for it.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    edited February 2017
    synchkat wrote: »
    FeraFilia wrote: »
    I live in a rural area where I would be paying out about as much in childcare and travel expenses as I would be bringing in as income. With a husband that can be called away at odd hours, and travels regularly due to his job, it was decided it was most beneficial for our family if I stayed home. It was as much my decision as anything else.

    Help help I'm being oppressed (.gif).

    My husband works crazy hours too. He often thanks me for bringbhome which enables him to do his job which he loves. He also often makes more in a Month than some do in a year so our greed isn't such that we feel the need to amass wealthy. So I started home. Today I'll be taking the sister of a school mate of my son out to teach her skating. I'll often do that. It's like work but I do it because I love sharing something that I love and have a gift for. It's nice to be able to do things like make special cookies that take hours for school events, or teach people skating and not worry about getting paid for it.

    My husband makes roughly the same income as a teacher, so we would clearly benefit from me working if I could find something close (not even thinking daycare). But like your husband, mine adores his job and my staying home makes it much easier on him to do it. I take care of all the finances, so our running joke is he makes the money and I spend it.

    I like being around during the day to help out other families with kids, too.

    We are both happy and I don't see how the way we run our family possibly affects how others run theirs.
  • Savagedistraction
    Savagedistraction Posts: 312 Member
    idk1970 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    This my sound old fashion, but my husband works really hard long hours I don't expect him to do any housework

    I am the same but shhhhh, be careful who you tell. Some women here will tear you a new one for being some mans doormat.

    They can say doormat if they like but I like my mothers saying. " the man is the head and the woman is the neck and she can turn the head anyway she likes :)

    I couldn't agree more. But I was quite literally attacked in a thread a few months ago for viewing it that way. Someone told me that my husband visited prostitutes. I try to keep my opinions on the matter to myself anymore.
    I never said took my words and twisted them. Nice try though.
  • formerpl
    formerpl Posts: 59 Member

    No but here we are looking like a couple goons. He's married though ;)
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    formerpl wrote: »

    No but here we are looking like a couple goons. He's married though ;)

    Aw. Cute goons. :D
  • Savagedistraction
    Savagedistraction Posts: 312 Member
    cee134 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    This my sound old fashion, but my husband works really hard long hours I don't expect him to do any housework

    I am the same but shhhhh, be careful who you tell. Some women here will tear you a new one for being some mans doormat.

    They can say doormat if they like but I like my mothers saying. " the man is the head and the woman is the neck and she can turn the head anyway she likes :)

    I couldn't agree more. But I was quite literally attacked in a thread a few months ago for viewing it that way. Someone told me that my husband visited prostitutes. I try to keep my opinions on the matter to myself anymore.
    I never said took my words and twisted them. Nice try though.
    Men like your husband are th largest consumers of prostitutes. Truth. Men need to chase, explore, conquer. They like having a woman like you at home because you make their life eaSy, but they are very rarely faithful to one.

    What did you mean than?

    Never said your husband specifically. Also, the amusing name calling on your part that followed was quite comical. Think I hit a nerve. Again, nice try.
  • Pamela_43
    Pamela_43 Posts: 315 Member
    idk1970 wrote: »
    This my sound old fashion, but my husband works really hard long hours I don't expect him to do any housework

    I'm with you on this! Same here.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    Most of the working moms tell me they are glad they don't have to stay at home. I post on mfp between the other crap I do at home. So do I need red lipstick to clean up dog *kitten* and cat *kitten* Boxes and clean toilets and floors? No. But you bet your *kitten* I put it on sometimes and when I do I'll take a selfie and post it if I feel pretty. Because soon enough I'll be buried in laundry and toys and dust and cooking and all the other crap I gotta do before I spend hours driving everyone here and there every evening and making sure everyone eats and gets homework done and picks up there own stuff as well. So I'm sure going to work and having to come home and do all that can be grueling but don't belittle those of us who are stuck doing it with no breaks 24/7 with no weekend evenings or vacations off. Ever.

    You sick days either
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    Most of the working moms tell me they are glad they don't have to stay at home. I post on mfp between the other crap I do at home. So do I need red lipstick to clean up dog *kitten* and cat *kitten* Boxes and clean toilets and floors? No. But you bet your *kitten* I put it on sometimes and when I do I'll take a selfie and post it if I feel pretty. Because soon enough I'll be buried in laundry and toys and dust and cooking and all the other crap I gotta do before I spend hours driving everyone here and there every evening and making sure everyone eats and gets homework done and picks up there own stuff as well. So I'm sure going to work and having to come home and do all that can be grueling but don't belittle those of us who are stuck doing it with no breaks 24/7 with no weekend evenings or vacations off. Ever.

    Ummm there was no belittling in my comment. I asked where is the equality and stated that stay at home isn't "the hardest job", never said it wasn't work. Stay at home parents are very fortunate. So please don't act like your being belittled by pointing out you have a lot of free time to do things that a person who works doesn't.
    And on the flip side, men should step up more in the household.
    But please clarify, if the husband works and then comes home to do family things on weekends and even their vacations, who technically gets time off that your not getting? Or are you saying going to work is a break, time off, or vacation?
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    I'm sorry, I didn't know that men are lucky to get a break by going to work. That is awesome. Some men may be busting their *kitten*, some may not. Just as some women are busy nonstop at home and more have free time.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    Most of the working moms tell me they are glad they don't have to stay at home. I post on mfp between the other crap I do at home. So do I need red lipstick to clean up dog *kitten* and cat *kitten* Boxes and clean toilets and floors? No. But you bet your *kitten* I put it on sometimes and when I do I'll take a selfie and post it if I feel pretty. Because soon enough I'll be buried in laundry and toys and dust and cooking and all the other crap I gotta do before I spend hours driving everyone here and there every evening and making sure everyone eats and gets homework done and picks up there own stuff as well. So I'm sure going to work and having to come home and do all that can be grueling but don't belittle those of us who are stuck doing it with no breaks 24/7 with no weekend evenings or vacations off. Ever.

    I really admire you, lady! I only have one kid (maybe another on the way, find out in the morning, eek!), and spend my whole day chasing him around since he just figured out how to climb things. It really is tough to feel pretty sometimes when you spend much of your day trying to clean another human beings bodily fluids (pee, snot, saliva...) off of you. I'd wear red lipstick, too! (If I had some) :)

    There are days when I wish I was working out of the home... toddler attitude is no joke, and stress of an office would be preferred. Plus a little more adult interaction, and a little less Mickey Mouse would be nice. But then there are days when I realize my kid just learned a new word or a new skill and I was there to teach it and see it. Those days make me so happy I made the decision to stay home and take care of the little tyrant instead of going to work just to pay for gas and daycare with a little leftover.

    I got a degree and spent years working and taking care of myself before I married my husband and had a kid. Now I stay home and take care of my guys. I'm happy with my choice, and I don't particularly care of others find my way of life somehow distasteful.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    Most of the working moms tell me they are glad they don't have to stay at home. I post on mfp between the other crap I do at home. So do I need red lipstick to clean up dog *kitten* and cat *kitten* Boxes and clean toilets and floors? No. But you bet your *kitten* I put it on sometimes and when I do I'll take a selfie and post it if I feel pretty. Because soon enough I'll be buried in laundry and toys and dust and cooking and all the other crap I gotta do before I spend hours driving everyone here and there every evening and making sure everyone eats and gets homework done and picks up there own stuff as well. So I'm sure going to work and having to come home and do all that can be grueling but don't belittle those of us who are stuck doing it with no breaks 24/7 with no weekend evenings or vacations off. Ever.

    Ummm there was no belittling in my comment. I asked where is the equality and stated that stay at home isn't "the hardest job", never said it wasn't work. Stay at home parents are very fortunate. So please don't act like your being belittled by pointing out you have a lot of free time to do things that a person who works doesn't.
    And on the flip side, men should step up more in the household.
    But please clarify, if the husband works and then comes home to do family things on weekends and even their vacations, who technically gets time off that your not getting? Or are you saying going to work is a break, time off, or vacation?

    " i have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    @LiftingRiot I believe you were indeed belittling stay at home moms with your last paragraph. Interesting how so many working men and women are also on mfp all day long and posting selfies as well. Guess their down time is more valuable though since they are getting a paycheck. But you know, had we been able to afford five kids in day care (my entire salary would have just gone to daycare) I could have gotten a job where I sit around and complain on mfp about how when I'm bored at work I play on the forums. Obviously working people are more valuable. Since it's a financial sacrifice to have a stay at home parent I am in the process of working on the budget so that I can afford school so that when my kids are older I will be able to go back to work.

    Ive posted on mfp around 5000 times and been here years. Some people have been on her months and posted tens of thousands of times. That can be seen as a metric for "free time"

    How is it belittling to ask what do you do when kids go to school? Your litteraly at home by yourself and can do anything. The most prevalent response to that is volunteer. The truth is staying at home affords you more opportunities to do things than someone that HAS to work because their family depends on it. If you feel belittled, that's on you for your own insecurities of what you do.

    That is great your going back to school. Keep it up. With an education and hopes that women get treated equally in work force, you can have a salary that wouldn't all go to day care.