The Real Housewifes of MFP



  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    JennyRATL wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    Most of the working moms tell me they are glad they don't have to stay at home. I post on mfp between the other crap I do at home. So do I need red lipstick to clean up dog *kitten* and cat *kitten* Boxes and clean toilets and floors? No. But you bet your *kitten* I put it on sometimes and when I do I'll take a selfie and post it if I feel pretty. Because soon enough I'll be buried in laundry and toys and dust and cooking and all the other crap I gotta do before I spend hours driving everyone here and there every evening and making sure everyone eats and gets homework done and picks up there own stuff as well. So I'm sure going to work and having to come home and do all that can be grueling but don't belittle those of us who are stuck doing it with no breaks 24/7 with no weekend evenings or vacations off. Ever.

    Ummm there was no belittling in my comment. I asked where is the equality and stated that stay at home isn't "the hardest job", never said it wasn't work. Stay at home parents are very fortunate. So please don't act like your being belittled by pointing out you have a lot of free time to do things that a person who works doesn't.
    And on the flip side, men should step up more in the household.
    But please clarify, if the husband works and then comes home to do family things on weekends and even their vacations, who technically gets time off that your not getting? Or are you saying going to work is a break, time off, or vacation?

    " i have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    @LiftingRiot I believe you were indeed belittling stay at home moms with your last paragraph. Interesting how so many working men and women are also on mfp all day long and posting selfies as well. Guess their down time is more valuable though since they are getting a paycheck. But you know, had we been able to afford five kids in day care (my entire salary would have just gone to daycare) I could have gotten a job where I sit around and complain on mfp about how when I'm bored at work I play on the forums. Obviously working people are more valuable. Since it's a financial sacrifice to have a stay at home parent I am in the process of working on the budget so that I can afford school so that when my kids are older I will be able to go back to work.

    Well CLEARLY you MUST have a tyrannical mysoginistic patriarchal husband to make you even have that many kids! *rolls eyes* Heck it's like The Handmaids Tale up in here!! You poor thing!

    But be careful you don't allow your kids to think it's a good thing for moms to stay home! Don't want girls to think it's OK or satisfying raising humans!! GMAB

    Fist pump to you!!

    I'm still trying to figure out why the heck men are in a thread for housewives anyway?! One that was set up for wives to come here to vent!

    Seems to me some men can't just let women talk without butting in to mansplain what equality and feminism are.

    Sorry. Wasn't aware the man is oppressing women again and men are not allowed in a Public forum on a social site. We will get back to work like good boys.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    If women had the potential to make as much as men then maybe there would be more SAHDs out there.
    I choose to work outside of the house and I have a good job. I shouldn't make less money than my co-workers who are males unless they do more work or better work. They do not.
    That income disparity will close only when women come out in full force and more join the workforce.

    It's already happening. In the coming years, more will. Millennials are already rejecting the value system of their parents.

    I will only believe you if you quote a website.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    JennyRATL wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    Most of the working moms tell me they are glad they don't have to stay at home. I post on mfp between the other crap I do at home. So do I need red lipstick to clean up dog *kitten* and cat *kitten* Boxes and clean toilets and floors? No. But you bet your *kitten* I put it on sometimes and when I do I'll take a selfie and post it if I feel pretty. Because soon enough I'll be buried in laundry and toys and dust and cooking and all the other crap I gotta do before I spend hours driving everyone here and there every evening and making sure everyone eats and gets homework done and picks up there own stuff as well. So I'm sure going to work and having to come home and do all that can be grueling but don't belittle those of us who are stuck doing it with no breaks 24/7 with no weekend evenings or vacations off. Ever.

    Ummm there was no belittling in my comment. I asked where is the equality and stated that stay at home isn't "the hardest job", never said it wasn't work. Stay at home parents are very fortunate. So please don't act like your being belittled by pointing out you have a lot of free time to do things that a person who works doesn't.
    And on the flip side, men should step up more in the household.
    But please clarify, if the husband works and then comes home to do family things on weekends and even their vacations, who technically gets time off that your not getting? Or are you saying going to work is a break, time off, or vacation?

    " i have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    @LiftingRiot I believe you were indeed belittling stay at home moms with your last paragraph. Interesting how so many working men and women are also on mfp all day long and posting selfies as well. Guess their down time is more valuable though since they are getting a paycheck. But you know, had we been able to afford five kids in day care (my entire salary would have just gone to daycare) I could have gotten a job where I sit around and complain on mfp about how when I'm bored at work I play on the forums. Obviously working people are more valuable. Since it's a financial sacrifice to have a stay at home parent I am in the process of working on the budget so that I can afford school so that when my kids are older I will be able to go back to work.

    Well CLEARLY you MUST have a tyrannical mysoginistic patriarchal husband to make you even have that many kids! *rolls eyes* Heck it's like The Handmaids Tale up in here!! You poor thing!

    But be careful you don't allow your kids to think it's a good thing for moms to stay home! Don't want girls to think it's OK or satisfying raising humans!! GMAB

    Fist pump to you!!

    I'm still trying to figure out why the heck men are in a thread for housewives anyway?! One that was set up for wives to come here to vent!

    Seems to me some men can't just let women talk without butting in to mansplain what equality and feminism are.

    Sorry. Wasn't aware the man is oppressing women again and men are not allowed in a Public forum on a social site. We will get back to work like good boys.

    You're not married are you?
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    If women had the potential to make as much as men then maybe there would be more SAHDs out there.
    I choose to work outside of the house and I have a good job. I shouldn't make less money than my co-workers who are males unless they do more work or better work. They do not.
    That income disparity will close only when women come out in full force and more join the workforce.

    It's already happening. In the coming years, more will. Millennials are already rejecting the value system of their parents.

    I have worked since I was 15. I believe that each person's abilities or lack thereof should be the basis of how they are paid. Gender has nothing to do with it.
    No female should be punished because another stays home with their kids. There is no fairness in that.
    @LL5lifts is right, a lot of people don't want to work just to pay daycare. Daycare is extremely expensive. A parent being at home with their kids is a wonderful thing for the kids, but it is not bonbons and soap operas for the moms all day.

    You're exactly right, it's not fair. So please tell me, why are women not treated equally in workplace?
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    Damn, I thought this thread would be cat fights and wine drinking like on the tv shows. That's what happens on those right? I've personally never watched but can imagine. :lol:

    I've experienced being a working married mom, then gave up a job I loved and made sacrifices so I could stay home because one of my daughters was struggling with her asperger's and just needed extra time and effort I couldn't give while working. Staying at home was not easy. It can be monotonous as well as amazing and rewarding. When I got divorced I had no choice but to go back to work and now I do the single mom thing. It's hard AF, but you just handle your business. When I was unemployed a few months ago, the depression was crippling. I did volunteer at a food bank, which I actually had to visit at one point in my unemployment. I felt worthless not being able to support my family, so I'm beyond blessed that I'm back to work again.

    I guess sometimes we all feel like venting and complaining about our life circumstances, but comparing our lives to others' is just stupid and pointless. Own your life. Worry about your own shiz and not what everyone else is doing.

    Sorry you had to go through that but it's awesome you overcame it.

    If your going to post or "vent" on a public forum, shouldnt you expect someone to respond?
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    If women had the potential to make as much as men then maybe there would be more SAHDs out there.
    I choose to work outside of the house and I have a good job. I shouldn't make less money than my co-workers who are males unless they do more work or better work. They do not.
    That income disparity will close only when women come out in full force and more join the workforce.

    It's already happening. In the coming years, more will. Millennials are already rejecting the value system of their parents.

    I have worked since I was 15. I believe that each person's abilities or lack thereof should be the basis of how they are paid. Gender has nothing to do with it.
    No female should be punished because another stays home with their kids. There is no fairness in that.
    @LL5lifts is right, a lot of people don't want to work just to pay daycare. Daycare is extremely expensive. A parent being at home with their kids is a wonderful thing for the kids, but it is not bonbons and soap operas for the moms all day.

    You're exactly right, it's not fair. So please tell me, why are women not treated equally in workplace?

    Who hurt you honey?

    Why has someone had to have hurt me?
  • formerpl
    formerpl Posts: 59 Member
    JennyRATL wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    Most of the working moms tell me they are glad they don't have to stay at home. I post on mfp between the other crap I do at home. So do I need red lipstick to clean up dog *kitten* and cat *kitten* Boxes and clean toilets and floors? No. But you bet your *kitten* I put it on sometimes and when I do I'll take a selfie and post it if I feel pretty. Because soon enough I'll be buried in laundry and toys and dust and cooking and all the other crap I gotta do before I spend hours driving everyone here and there every evening and making sure everyone eats and gets homework done and picks up there own stuff as well. So I'm sure going to work and having to come home and do all that can be grueling but don't belittle those of us who are stuck doing it with no breaks 24/7 with no weekend evenings or vacations off. Ever.

    Ummm there was no belittling in my comment. I asked where is the equality and stated that stay at home isn't "the hardest job", never said it wasn't work. Stay at home parents are very fortunate. So please don't act like your being belittled by pointing out you have a lot of free time to do things that a person who works doesn't.
    And on the flip side, men should step up more in the household.
    But please clarify, if the husband works and then comes home to do family things on weekends and even their vacations, who technically gets time off that your not getting? Or are you saying going to work is a break, time off, or vacation?

    " i have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    @LiftingRiot I believe you were indeed belittling stay at home moms with your last paragraph. Interesting how so many working men and women are also on mfp all day long and posting selfies as well. Guess their down time is more valuable though since they are getting a paycheck. But you know, had we been able to afford five kids in day care (my entire salary would have just gone to daycare) I could have gotten a job where I sit around and complain on mfp about how when I'm bored at work I play on the forums. Obviously working people are more valuable. Since it's a financial sacrifice to have a stay at home parent I am in the process of working on the budget so that I can afford school so that when my kids are older I will be able to go back to work.

    Well CLEARLY you MUST have a tyrannical mysoginistic patriarchal husband to make you even have that many kids! *rolls eyes* Heck it's like The Handmaids Tale up in here!! You poor thing!

    But be careful you don't allow your kids to think it's a good thing for moms to stay home! Don't want girls to think it's OK or satisfying raising humans!! GMAB

    Fist pump to you!!

    I'm still trying to figure out why the heck men are in a thread for housewives anyway?! One that was set up for wives to come here to vent!

    Seems to me some men can't just let women talk without butting in to mansplain what equality and feminism are.

    You're right- to be fair cutaway came in first, left the door open, and I felt obligated to mansplain (ty for that I am stealing it) why sahm's rock, why cutaway is silly, and with that this particular joker is back out in the regular forum where he belongs :) you all are doing a good job of defending yourselves anyway.
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    Damn, I thought this thread would be cat fights and wine drinking like on the tv shows. That's what happens on those right? I've personally never watched but can imagine. :lol:

    I've experienced being a working married mom, then gave up a job I loved and made sacrifices so I could stay home because one of my daughters was struggling with her asperger's and just needed extra time and effort I couldn't give while working. Staying at home was not easy. It can be monotonous as well as amazing and rewarding. When I got divorced I had no choice but to go back to work and now I do the single mom thing. It's hard AF, but you just handle your business. When I was unemployed a few months ago, the depression was crippling. I did volunteer at a food bank, which I actually had to visit at one point in my unemployment. I felt worthless not being able to support my family, so I'm beyond blessed that I'm back to work again.

    I guess sometimes we all feel like venting and complaining about our life circumstances, but comparing our lives to others' is just stupid and pointless. Own your life. Worry about your own shiz and not what everyone else is doing.

    Sorry you had to go through that but it's awesome you overcame it.

    If your going to post or "vent" on a public forum, shouldnt you expect someone to respond?

    Of course that's the expectation! People ain't selfie-ing just to see their pics some place other than their own phones either! :lol:
  • SAHM2481
    SAHM2481 Posts: 6 Member
    My husband just asked me the other day if I liked being a housewife to which I replied, YES, of course?!
  • JennyRATL
    JennyRATL Posts: 199 Member
    edited February 2017
    formerpl wrote: »
    JennyRATL wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    Most of the working moms tell me they are glad they don't have to stay at home. I post on mfp between the other crap I do at home. So do I need red lipstick to clean up dog *kitten* and cat *kitten* Boxes and clean toilets and floors? No. But you bet your *kitten* I put it on sometimes and when I do I'll take a selfie and post it if I feel pretty. Because soon enough I'll be buried in laundry and toys and dust and cooking and all the other crap I gotta do before I spend hours driving everyone here and there every evening and making sure everyone eats and gets homework done and picks up there own stuff as well. So I'm sure going to work and having to come home and do all that can be grueling but don't belittle those of us who are stuck doing it with no breaks 24/7 with no weekend evenings or vacations off. Ever.

    Ummm there was no belittling in my comment. I asked where is the equality and stated that stay at home isn't "the hardest job", never said it wasn't work. Stay at home parents are very fortunate. So please don't act like your being belittled by pointing out you have a lot of free time to do things that a person who works doesn't.
    And on the flip side, men should step up more in the household.
    But please clarify, if the husband works and then comes home to do family things on weekends and even their vacations, who technically gets time off that your not getting? Or are you saying going to work is a break, time off, or vacation?

    " i have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    @LiftingRiot I believe you were indeed belittling stay at home moms with your last paragraph. Interesting how so many working men and women are also on mfp all day long and posting selfies as well. Guess their down time is more valuable though since they are getting a paycheck. But you know, had we been able to afford five kids in day care (my entire salary would have just gone to daycare) I could have gotten a job where I sit around and complain on mfp about how when I'm bored at work I play on the forums. Obviously working people are more valuable. Since it's a financial sacrifice to have a stay at home parent I am in the process of working on the budget so that I can afford school so that when my kids are older I will be able to go back to work.

    Well CLEARLY you MUST have a tyrannical mysoginistic patriarchal husband to make you even have that many kids! *rolls eyes* Heck it's like The Handmaids Tale up in here!! You poor thing!

    But be careful you don't allow your kids to think it's a good thing for moms to stay home! Don't want girls to think it's OK or satisfying raising humans!! GMAB

    Fist pump to you!!

    I'm still trying to figure out why the heck men are in a thread for housewives anyway?! One that was set up for wives to come here to vent!

    Seems to me some men can't just let women talk without butting in to mansplain what equality and feminism are.

    You're right- to be fair cutaway came in first, left the door open, and I felt obligated to mansplain (ty for that I am stealing it) why sahm's rock, why cutaway is silly, and with that this particular joker is back out in the regular forum where he belongs :) you all are doing a good job of defending yourselves anyway.

    I think you're a real gentleman! Wait. Apparently that's bad and means you're part of the oppressive patriarchy! So boo!
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    If women had the potential to make as much as men then maybe there would be more SAHDs out there.
    I choose to work outside of the house and I have a good job. I shouldn't make less money than my co-workers who are males unless they do more work or better work. They do not.
    That income disparity will close only when women come out in full force and more join the workforce.

    It's already happening. In the coming years, more will. Millennials are already rejecting the value system of their parents.

    I have worked since I was 15. I believe that each person's abilities or lack thereof should be the basis of how they are paid. Gender has nothing to do with it.
    No female should be punished because another stays home with their kids. There is no fairness in that.
    @LL5lifts is right, a lot of people don't want to work just to pay daycare. Daycare is extremely expensive. A parent being at home with their kids is a wonderful thing for the kids, but it is not bonbons and soap operas for the moms all day.

    You're exactly right, it's not fair. So please tell me, why are women not treated equally in workplace?

    I will let you know on February 15th

    Most be a legitimate rational well thought out response if your worried about getting banned because you're in jail.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    Damn, I thought this thread would be cat fights and wine drinking like on the tv shows. That's what happens on those right? I've personally never watched but can imagine. :lol:

    I've experienced being a working married mom, then gave up a job I loved and made sacrifices so I could stay home because one of my daughters was struggling with her asperger's and just needed extra time and effort I couldn't give while working. Staying at home was not easy. It can be monotonous as well as amazing and rewarding. When I got divorced I had no choice but to go back to work and now I do the single mom thing. It's hard AF, but you just handle your business. When I was unemployed a few months ago, the depression was crippling. I did volunteer at a food bank, which I actually had to visit at one point in my unemployment. I felt worthless not being able to support my family, so I'm beyond blessed that I'm back to work again.

    I guess sometimes we all feel like venting and complaining about our life circumstances, but comparing our lives to others' is just stupid and pointless. Own your life. Worry about your own shiz and not what everyone else is doing.

    Sorry you had to go through that but it's awesome you overcame it.

    If your going to post or "vent" on a public forum, shouldnt you expect someone to respond?

    Of course that's the expectation! People ain't selfie-ing just to see their pics some place other than their own phones either! :lol:

    This lady knows what's up!!!! I'm sorry if I've ever offended you with senseless comments.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    edited February 2017
    cee134 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    This my sound old fashion, but my husband works really hard long hours I don't expect him to do any housework

    I am the same but shhhhh, be careful who you tell. Some women here will tear you a new one for being some mans doormat.

    They can say doormat if they like but I like my mothers saying. " the man is the head and the woman is the neck and she can turn the head anyway she likes :)

    I couldn't agree more. But I was quite literally attacked in a thread a few months ago for viewing it that way. Someone told me that my husband visited prostitutes. I try to keep my opinions on the matter to myself anymore.
    I never said took my words and twisted them. Nice try though.
    Men like your husband are th largest consumers of prostitutes. Truth. Men need to chase, explore, conquer. They like having a woman like you at home because you make their life eaSy, but they are very rarely faithful to one.

    What did you mean than?

    Holyfuck! Can I get the cliff notes to this drama. PM me please.

    On second thought nah...
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    edited February 2017
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    Most of the working moms tell me they are glad they don't have to stay at home. I post on mfp between the other crap I do at home. So do I need red lipstick to clean up dog *kitten* and cat *kitten* Boxes and clean toilets and floors? No. But you bet your *kitten* I put it on sometimes and when I do I'll take a selfie and post it if I feel pretty. Because soon enough I'll be buried in laundry and toys and dust and cooking and all the other crap I gotta do before I spend hours driving everyone here and there every evening and making sure everyone eats and gets homework done and picks up there own stuff as well. So I'm sure going to work and having to come home and do all that can be grueling but don't belittle those of us who are stuck doing it with no breaks 24/7 with no weekend evenings or vacations off. Ever.

    Ummm there was no belittling in my comment. I asked where is the equality and stated that stay at home isn't "the hardest job", never said it wasn't work. Stay at home parents are very fortunate. So please don't act like your being belittled by pointing out you have a lot of free time to do things that a person who works doesn't.
    And on the flip side, men should step up more in the household.
    But please clarify, if the husband works and then comes home to do family things on weekends and even their vacations, who technically gets time off that your not getting? Or are you saying going to work is a break, time off, or vacation?

    " i have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    @LiftingRiot I believe you were indeed belittling stay at home moms with your last paragraph. Interesting how so many working men and women are also on mfp all day long and posting selfies as well. Guess their down time is more valuable though since they are getting a paycheck. But you know, had we been able to afford five kids in day care (my entire salary would have just gone to daycare) I could have gotten a job where I sit around and complain on mfp about how when I'm bored at work I play on the forums. Obviously working people are more valuable. Since it's a financial sacrifice to have a stay at home parent I am in the process of working on the budget so that I can afford school so that when my kids are older I will be able to go back to work.

    Ive posted on mfp around 5000 times and been here years. Some people have been on her months and posted tens of thousands of times. That can be seen as a metric for "free time"

    How is it belittling to ask what do you do when kids go to school? Your litteraly at home by yourself and can do anything. The most prevalent response to that is volunteer. The truth is staying at home affords you more opportunities to do things than someone that HAS to work because their family depends on it. If you feel belittled, that's on you for your own insecurities of what you do.

    That is great your going back to school. Keep it up. With an education and hopes that women get treated equally in work force, you can have a salary that wouldn't all go to day care.

    You are belittling in your tone and you know it. I can do "anything" I want since I am a stay at home mom? Tell me this is true!!!!! Hooray! I'm gonna sit here on my *kitten* and not do anything but daydream about cotton candy and jelly beans because I can afford to since my family doesn't depend on ME for their needs financially. Hell what I do around this house isn't even considered work anyways right because its not a "career path". I'll tell you what....I'm not a damn bit insecure about what I do as you so nicely implied, but people who love pointing out how little stay at home moms do, how much time they have to do nothing so they might as well just go volunteer....well, honestly I find that to be pretty damn ignorant. But good luck to everyone who has those employers. Its interesting how many of my stay at home mom friends are having a difficult time finding jobs. That whole period of time without a job where they were sacrificing their own lives and time to raise "the future" looks "bad on a resume" and often counts against them.

    Your words.
    And I never told you to go volunteer, it was other house wives saying that's what they do If you reread their posts instead of attacking me. I never said staying at home wasn't work if you reread the posts I've made. You have even pointed out just now women are not treated fairly and it upsets you. Well get out there in the workforce and change it instead of preaching on mfp which will do nothing. Unfortunately, because not enough women are in the workforce, they are not banding together as Cutaway may say, there is a struggle for equality. And that is the main point of his statements. But he was attacked off the bat and so was I for giving our opinions and asking questions.

    Please explain what jobs your friends are trying to get and how being a housewife means they are not only a suitable candidate for the job but also the best when compared to others who may be applying. Why do they deserve the job compared to someone that has been actively working in that field for years?

    And what is more that a housewife does that a single parents doesn't do or when both parents work?
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    idk1970 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    This my sound old fashion, but my husband works really hard long hours I don't expect him to do any housework

    I am the same but shhhhh, be careful who you tell. Some women here will tear you a new one for being some mans doormat.

    They can say doormat if they like but I like my mothers saying. " the man is the head and the woman is the neck and she can turn the head anyway she likes :)

    I couldn't agree more. But I was quite literally attacked in a thread a few months ago for viewing it that way. Someone told me that my husband visited prostitutes. I try to keep my opinions on the matter to myself anymore.

    Just ignore your attackers. We live this way at our home too.

    I'm glad there's still some old fashioned goodness around.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    Where are you people living that women aren't in the workforce??? My grandma was born in 1917 and worked, my mom worked, I work, my daughter will work. Women have been working for many, many years.

    Its an option. No one should be attacked for doing the opposite of what someone else is doing.
  • formerpl
    formerpl Posts: 59 Member
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    Most of the working moms tell me they are glad they don't have to stay at home. I post on mfp between the other crap I do at home. So do I need red lipstick to clean up dog *kitten* and cat *kitten* Boxes and clean toilets and floors? No. But you bet your *kitten* I put it on sometimes and when I do I'll take a selfie and post it if I feel pretty. Because soon enough I'll be buried in laundry and toys and dust and cooking and all the other crap I gotta do before I spend hours driving everyone here and there every evening and making sure everyone eats and gets homework done and picks up there own stuff as well. So I'm sure going to work and having to come home and do all that can be grueling but don't belittle those of us who are stuck doing it with no breaks 24/7 with no weekend evenings or vacations off. Ever.

    Ummm there was no belittling in my comment. I asked where is the equality and stated that stay at home isn't "the hardest job", never said it wasn't work. Stay at home parents are very fortunate. So please don't act like your being belittled by pointing out you have a lot of free time to do things that a person who works doesn't.
    And on the flip side, men should step up more in the household.
    But please clarify, if the husband works and then comes home to do family things on weekends and even their vacations, who technically gets time off that your not getting? Or are you saying going to work is a break, time off, or vacation?

    " i have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    @LiftingRiot I believe you were indeed belittling stay at home moms with your last paragraph. Interesting how so many working men and women are also on mfp all day long and posting selfies as well. Guess their down time is more valuable though since they are getting a paycheck. But you know, had we been able to afford five kids in day care (my entire salary would have just gone to daycare) I could have gotten a job where I sit around and complain on mfp about how when I'm bored at work I play on the forums. Obviously working people are more valuable. Since it's a financial sacrifice to have a stay at home parent I am in the process of working on the budget so that I can afford school so that when my kids are older I will be able to go back to work.

    Ive posted on mfp around 5000 times and been here years. Some people have been on her months and posted tens of thousands of times. That can be seen as a metric for "free time"

    How is it belittling to ask what do you do when kids go to school? Your litteraly at home by yourself and can do anything. The most prevalent response to that is volunteer. The truth is staying at home affords you more opportunities to do things than someone that HAS to work because their family depends on it. If you feel belittled, that's on you for your own insecurities of what you do.

    That is great your going back to school. Keep it up. With an education and hopes that women get treated equally in work force, you can have a salary that wouldn't all go to day care.

    You are belittling in your tone and you know it. I can do "anything" I want since I am a stay at home mom? Tell me this is true!!!!! Hooray! I'm gonna sit here on my *kitten* and not do anything but daydream about cotton candy and jelly beans because I can afford to since my family doesn't depend on ME for their needs financially. Hell what I do around this house isn't even considered work anyways right because its not a "career path". I'll tell you what....I'm not a damn bit insecure about what I do as you so nicely implied, but people who love pointing out how little stay at home moms do, how much time they have to do nothing so they might as well just go volunteer....well, honestly I find that to be pretty damn ignorant. But good luck to everyone who has those employers. Its interesting how many of my stay at home mom friends are having a difficult time finding jobs. That whole period of time without a job where they were sacrificing their own lives and time to raise "the future" looks "bad on a resume" and often counts against them.

    I am loving this lol
  • formerpl
    formerpl Posts: 59 Member
    edited February 2017
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    Most of the working moms tell me they are glad they don't have to stay at home. I post on mfp between the other crap I do at home. So do I need red lipstick to clean up dog *kitten* and cat *kitten* Boxes and clean toilets and floors? No. But you bet your *kitten* I put it on sometimes and when I do I'll take a selfie and post it if I feel pretty. Because soon enough I'll be buried in laundry and toys and dust and cooking and all the other crap I gotta do before I spend hours driving everyone here and there every evening and making sure everyone eats and gets homework done and picks up there own stuff as well. So I'm sure going to work and having to come home and do all that can be grueling but don't belittle those of us who are stuck doing it with no breaks 24/7 with no weekend evenings or vacations off. Ever.

    Ummm there was no belittling in my comment. I asked where is the equality and stated that stay at home isn't "the hardest job", never said it wasn't work. Stay at home parents are very fortunate. So please don't act like your being belittled by pointing out you have a lot of free time to do things that a person who works doesn't.
    And on the flip side, men should step up more in the household.
    But please clarify, if the husband works and then comes home to do family things on weekends and even their vacations, who technically gets time off that your not getting? Or are you saying going to work is a break, time off, or vacation?

    " i have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    @LiftingRiot I believe you were indeed belittling stay at home moms with your last paragraph. Interesting how so many working men and women are also on mfp all day long and posting selfies as well. Guess their down time is more valuable though since they are getting a paycheck. But you know, had we been able to afford five kids in day care (my entire salary would have just gone to daycare) I could have gotten a job where I sit around and complain on mfp about how when I'm bored at work I play on the forums. Obviously working people are more valuable. Since it's a financial sacrifice to have a stay at home parent I am in the process of working on the budget so that I can afford school so that when my kids are older I will be able to go back to work.

    Ive posted on mfp around 5000 times and been here years. Some people have been on her months and posted tens of thousands of times. That can be seen as a metric for "free time"

    How is it belittling to ask what do you do when kids go to school? Your litteraly at home by yourself and can do anything. The most prevalent response to that is volunteer. The truth is staying at home affords you more opportunities to do things than someone that HAS to work because their family depends on it. If you feel belittled, that's on you for your own insecurities of what you do.

    That is great your going back to school. Keep it up. With an education and hopes that women get treated equally in work force, you can have a salary that wouldn't all go to day care.

    You are belittling in your tone and you know it. I can do "anything" I want since I am a stay at home mom? Tell me this is true!!!!! Hooray! I'm gonna sit here on my *kitten* and not do anything but daydream about cotton candy and jelly beans because I can afford to since my family doesn't depend on ME for their needs financially. Hell what I do around this house isn't even considered work anyways right because its not a "career path". I'll tell you what....I'm not a damn bit insecure about what I do as you so nicely implied, but people who love pointing out how little stay at home moms do, how much time they have to do nothing so they might as well just go volunteer....well, honestly I find that to be pretty damn ignorant. But good luck to everyone who has those employers. Its interesting how many of my stay at home mom friends are having a difficult time finding jobs. That whole period of time without a job where they were sacrificing their own lives and time to raise "the future" looks "bad on a resume" and often counts against them.

    Your words.
    And I never told you to go volunteer, it was other house wives saying that's what they do If you reread their posts instead of attacking me. I never said staying at home wasn't work if you reread the posts I've made. You have even pointed out just now women are not treated fairly and it upsets you. Well get out there in the workforce and change it instead of preaching on mfp which will do nothing. Unfortunately, because not enough women are in the workforce, they are not banding together as Cutaway may say, there is a struggle for equality. And that is the main point of his statements. But he was attacked off the bat and so was I for giving our opinions and asking questions.

    Please explain what jobs your friends are trying to get and how being a housewife means they are not only a suitable candidate for the job but also the best when compared to others who may be applying. Why do they deserve the job compared to someone that has been actively working in that field for years?

    And what is more that a housewife does that a single parents doesn't do or when both parents work?

    You traded the shovel for an excavator. That hole is mighty deep.

    Before this thread existed I had no idea some people looked down on Sahm like this. People always say they wish they did/could do what we are doing.

    The fulcrum of the argument is this; are children valuable enough for you to be unselfish and put yourself on the back burner, or are they so unimportant that you put them in the nonparent loving care of someone else because it is beneath you. Man or woman - I said you.

    Ps I'd hire the crap out of a sahm returning to the workforce.

  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    Holly hell I've missed A lot!!!
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    Yeah I know another typo :/
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Lawyer and cafeteria???? Lol. OK

    Again, soooo why are women not treated fairly in the workplace? Is it man oppression?
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    formerpl wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    Most of the working moms tell me they are glad they don't have to stay at home. I post on mfp between the other crap I do at home. So do I need red lipstick to clean up dog *kitten* and cat *kitten* Boxes and clean toilets and floors? No. But you bet your *kitten* I put it on sometimes and when I do I'll take a selfie and post it if I feel pretty. Because soon enough I'll be buried in laundry and toys and dust and cooking and all the other crap I gotta do before I spend hours driving everyone here and there every evening and making sure everyone eats and gets homework done and picks up there own stuff as well. So I'm sure going to work and having to come home and do all that can be grueling but don't belittle those of us who are stuck doing it with no breaks 24/7 with no weekend evenings or vacations off. Ever.

    Ummm there was no belittling in my comment. I asked where is the equality and stated that stay at home isn't "the hardest job", never said it wasn't work. Stay at home parents are very fortunate. So please don't act like your being belittled by pointing out you have a lot of free time to do things that a person who works doesn't.
    And on the flip side, men should step up more in the household.
    But please clarify, if the husband works and then comes home to do family things on weekends and even their vacations, who technically gets time off that your not getting? Or are you saying going to work is a break, time off, or vacation?

    " i have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    @LiftingRiot I believe you were indeed belittling stay at home moms with your last paragraph. Interesting how so many working men and women are also on mfp all day long and posting selfies as well. Guess their down time is more valuable though since they are getting a paycheck. But you know, had we been able to afford five kids in day care (my entire salary would have just gone to daycare) I could have gotten a job where I sit around and complain on mfp about how when I'm bored at work I play on the forums. Obviously working people are more valuable. Since it's a financial sacrifice to have a stay at home parent I am in the process of working on the budget so that I can afford school so that when my kids are older I will be able to go back to work.

    Ive posted on mfp around 5000 times and been here years. Some people have been on her months and posted tens of thousands of times. That can be seen as a metric for "free time"

    How is it belittling to ask what do you do when kids go to school? Your litteraly at home by yourself and can do anything. The most prevalent response to that is volunteer. The truth is staying at home affords you more opportunities to do things than someone that HAS to work because their family depends on it. If you feel belittled, that's on you for your own insecurities of what you do.

    That is great your going back to school. Keep it up. With an education and hopes that women get treated equally in work force, you can have a salary that wouldn't all go to day care.

    You are belittling in your tone and you know it. I can do "anything" I want since I am a stay at home mom? Tell me this is true!!!!! Hooray! I'm gonna sit here on my *kitten* and not do anything but daydream about cotton candy and jelly beans because I can afford to since my family doesn't depend on ME for their needs financially. Hell what I do around this house isn't even considered work anyways right because its not a "career path". I'll tell you what....I'm not a damn bit insecure about what I do as you so nicely implied, but people who love pointing out how little stay at home moms do, how much time they have to do nothing so they might as well just go volunteer....well, honestly I find that to be pretty damn ignorant. But good luck to everyone who has those employers. Its interesting how many of my stay at home mom friends are having a difficult time finding jobs. That whole period of time without a job where they were sacrificing their own lives and time to raise "the future" looks "bad on a resume" and often counts against them.

    Your words.
    And I never told you to go volunteer, it was other house wives saying that's what they do If you reread their posts instead of attacking me. I never said staying at home wasn't work if you reread the posts I've made. You have even pointed out just now women are not treated fairly and it upsets you. Well get out there in the workforce and change it instead of preaching on mfp which will do nothing. Unfortunately, because not enough women are in the workforce, they are not banding together as Cutaway may say, there is a struggle for equality. And that is the main point of his statements. But he was attacked off the bat and so was I for giving our opinions and asking questions.

    Please explain what jobs your friends are trying to get and how being a housewife means they are not only a suitable candidate for the job but also the best when compared to others who may be applying. Why do they deserve the job compared to someone that has been actively working in that field for years?

    And what is more that a housewife does that a single parents doesn't do or when both parents work?

    You traded the shovel for an excavator. That hole is mighty deep.

    Before this thread existed I had no idea some people looked down on Sahm like this. People always say they wish they did/could do what we are doing.

    The fulcrum of the argument is this; are children valuable enough for you to be unselfish and put yourself on the back burner, or are they so unimportant that you put them in the nonparent loving care of someone else because it is beneath you. Man or woman - I said you.

    Ps I'd hire the crap out of a sahm returning to the workforce.

    Sorry are you saying that a stay at home parent is better than single parent or two working parents that has to put their child in day care?

    Is a single parent or two working parents not a loving parent or only a stay at home one?

    Also are you insinuating that kids should be home schooled because sending them to school takes them out of the care of the loving parent?
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    Lawyer and cafeteria???? Lol. OK

    Again, soooo why are women not treated fairly in the workplace? Is it man oppression?

    That's your argument with someone else, lol. I simply pointed out the block of time from staying home raising the kids on the resume is usually held against stay at home parents when looking to re-enter the workforce.

    I am asking a question which no one wants to answer. People including yourself agree it's a problem but either they are not sure why or a scared to say.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Lawyer and cafeteria???? Lol. OK

    Again, soooo why are women not treated fairly in the workplace? Is it man oppression?

    If we just tell you that you're right, will you stop beating this to death? Do you just need to hear that you're right? There can be no other opinions but yours? Jesus, don't you have to be at work in the morning?

    Please don't call me jesus
  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    Lawyer and cafeteria???? Lol. OK

    Again, soooo why are women not treated fairly in the workplace? Is it man oppression?

    That's your argument with someone else, lol. I simply pointed out the block of time from staying home raising the kids on the resume is usually held against stay at home parents when looking to re-enter the workforce.

    I am asking a question which no one wants to answer. People including yourself agree it's a problem but either they are not sure why or a scared to say.

    For *kitten*'s sake. This was a thread for housewives to vent. You turned it into a debate that no one wants to have. Maybe if you and the other men hadn't all started arguing about the merits of SAHMs, this thread could be serving its intended purpose.

    Leaving now, since I don't belong here either since I'm not a mother or a housewife. At least from this thread I've learned I'm more valuable because of it. *kitten*.
  • toned_thugs_n_harmony
    toned_thugs_n_harmony Posts: 1,001 Member
    LL5lifts wrote: »
    Lawyer and cafeteria???? Lol. OK

    Again, soooo why are women not treated fairly in the workplace? Is it man oppression?

    That's your argument with someone else, lol. I simply pointed out the block of time from staying home raising the kids on the resume is usually held against stay at home parents when looking to re-enter the workforce.

    I am asking a question which no one wants to answer. People including yourself agree it's a problem but either they are not sure why or a scared to say.

    it's because too many women are stay at home moms.

    that's what you needed to hear, right? this can be over now?
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    As long as you know what's up. You may return to your venting for the plight unmolested by mysoginistic men(whom were saying they are looking for equality). Lol. Bunch of geniuses.