The Real Housewifes of MFP



  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member

    JennyRATL wrote: »
    I think there are a few generalizations going on here.

    I personally know lots of women who do not work outside the home, but work their butts off caring for the home and family, volunteering at school and excelling in other arenas. They don't just "want to sit at home and be taken care of." Housekeeping and kid raising, done right, IS a hard job. Of course, the flip side is I know a lot of SAHM who are just damn lazy and don't do a lick of housework, don't work out, don't volunteer, nada. Sit on FB all day. What a wasted life.

    I also know a few SAH Dads whose wives are VPs of companies. Not as many as SAHM of course, but still.
    I also know families who both work and take part in the home upkeep. Some where it is all mom. Or dad. I think whatever works for them shouldn't be demonized based on what women "should" or "shouldn't" do. Isn't what we want equality and the right to decide for ourselves what we want and think?!?! I just think it is crappy to say that all women should want a career or feel bad for deciding to stay at home and work there. It is work.

    And I agree about selfies. Most scream "love me! validate me!" :-)

    What we want is equality. But unless you see as many SAHD as you do SAHMs, is there real equality?
  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    I am a full time working single mom. I feel like I'm failing at life most days. I need an Alice.

    I have an Alice...I call her Unice but she only comes every other week

    I'm a spoiled housewife and don't like to clean so we have a housekeeper. I cook the meals and drink the wine but I love cooking so I would anyway and I do the laundry because I don't like how anyone else doe sit but we could get Unice to do it if we wanted to.

    I get to stay home, because I'm not good at getting along with others and I wouldn't make enough money to make working worthwhile, I take the boy to his activities so that we can have our weekends free to do family stuff.

    I also get to have time for my fun stuff like skating and curling and drinking wine at the club with friends

    You are my soul sister. Except that my part-time Alice is named Liliana. And I have three boys to schlep around. And I can't skate worth a lick.
  • JennyRATL
    JennyRATL Posts: 199 Member
    JennyRATL wrote: »
    I think there are a few generalizations going on here.

    I personally know lots of women who do not work outside the home, but work their butts off caring for the home and family, volunteering at school and excelling in other arenas. They don't just "want to sit at home and be taken care of." Housekeeping and kid raising, done right, IS a hard job. Of course, the flip side is I know a lot of SAHM who are just damn lazy and don't do a lick of housework, don't work out, don't volunteer, nada. Sit on FB all day. What a wasted life.

    I also know a few SAH Dads whose wives are VPs of companies. Not as many as SAHM of course, but still.
    I also know families who both work and take part in the home upkeep. Some where it is all mom. Or dad. I think whatever works for them shouldn't be demonized based on what women "should" or "shouldn't" do. Isn't what we want equality and the right to decide for ourselves what we want and think?!?! I just think it is crappy to say that all women should want a career or feel bad for deciding to stay at home and work there. It is work.

    And I agree about selfies. Most scream "love me! validate me!" :-)

    What we want is equality. But unless you see as many SAHD as you do SAHMs, is there real equality?

    So, until society is exactly 50-50 stay at home moms and dads, there's no equality?
  • LittleHearseDriver
    LittleHearseDriver Posts: 2,677 Member
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    "Taking care of a woman" doesn't have to be about paying the bills. What most women crave is stability and someone she can call "home."
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    That is what equality typically means. Everyone is the same. So 50-50 would be equal. Does equality mean something else to you?
  • JennyRATL
    JennyRATL Posts: 199 Member
    edited February 2017
    I think the notion that households should be equally divided is sort of silly and negates the idea that people should be able to choose what they want to do, which I personally place more value on than forced "equality."

    If a mom or dad stays home is a decision for the couple.

    But this is not a hill I'm willing to die on, so I doubt I'll spend any more time discussing it. I think you like to stir the pot! :p

  • LeGaCyGiAnT91
    LeGaCyGiAnT91 Posts: 405 Member
    Can you not be a housewife or househusband if you both work, both contribute financially, emotionally, and split the chores up 50/50? I don't understand the point of this post. Sure, vent away, but why stereotype your vents as a housewife? We all vent, so I am little confused here...
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    There's one very important part of this equation you're minimalizing - the children. I'm a mom who also works full-time plus some. My own mother was a SAHM. I think kids benefit greatly from having a parent at home if possible (don't care if that parent is of the male or female variety). Someone to schedule and attend all the teacher's meetings, dentist appointments, soccer practices, piano lessons, etc, without the insane juggling act of also logging 50 hours at the office (most of those hours being the same ones all that other stuff needs to be crammed into). Not to mention homework, chores, cooking, extracurriculars. Do the rest of us who either have 2-parent working families or single-parent households make it work? Yea, but it sucks sometimes! Don't underestimate the importance of a stay-at-home parent for kids.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    There's one very important part of this equation you're minimalizing - the children. I'm a mom who also works full-time plus some. My own mother was a SAHM. I think kids benefit greatly from having a parent at home if possible (don't care if that parent is of the male or female variety). Someone to schedule and attend all the teacher's meetings, dentist appointments, soccer practices, piano lessons, etc, without the insane juggling act of also logging 50 hours at the office (most of those hours being the same ones all that other stuff needs to be crammed into). Not to mention homework, chores, cooking, extracurriculars. Do the rest of us who either have 2-parent working families or single-parent households make it work? Yea, but it sucks sometimes! Don't underestimate the importance of a stay-at-home parent for kids.

    What Cuttaway and I are originally alluding to is equality. He was saying in the home, work, and even religion. I may have directed my statements towards women because the majority of stay at home parents is women. And this post is on a social site for goofing off while talking about the plight of the stay at home mother instead of a stay at home parent. It should be either parent staying home and there are benefits to a parent staying home. I would think there would be a greater number of SAHM dads if there was equality.

    Majority of women if not all will preach equality when its in the sense of the workplace. I have seen very few preach equality in the homes. So is it equality that they really want?
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    Here's a thought that I adhere to: it's not about being equal it's about being fair I don't want to be equal men and women are different There's no way around it with that said if someone breaks into the house at night I'm damn sure not getting up to check on it. He is!!!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    edited February 2017
    pinuplove wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    There's one very important part of this equation you're minimalizing - the children. I'm a mom who also works full-time plus some. My own mother was a SAHM. I think kids benefit greatly from having a parent at home if possible (don't care if that parent is of the male or female variety). Someone to schedule and attend all the teacher's meetings, dentist appointments, soccer practices, piano lessons, etc, without the insane juggling act of also logging 50 hours at the office (most of those hours being the same ones all that other stuff needs to be crammed into). Not to mention homework, chores, cooking, extracurriculars. Do the rest of us who either have 2-parent working families or single-parent households make it work? Yea, but it sucks sometimes! Don't underestimate the importance of a stay-at-home parent for kids.

    What Cuttaway and I are originally alluding to is equality. He was saying in the home, work, and even religion. I may have directed my statements towards women because the majority of stay at home parents is women. And this post is on a social site for goofing off while talking about the plight of the stay at home mother instead of a stay at home parent. It should be either parent staying home and there are benefits to a parent staying home. I would think there would be a greater number of SAHM dads if there was equality.

    Majority of women if not all will preach equality when its in the sense of the workplace. I have seen very few preach equality in the homes. So is it equality that they really want?

    I should have mentioned, my husband is now a SAHD, so I'm probably not a good example :wink: We've been through all iterations - both working, me home, him home. I've also spent months at a time without him on a different continent due to his job.

    Are you implying that most women would balk at being the primary breadwinner so their husband could stay home with the children? I think in general we are seeing a rise in that dynamic. I know plenty of men whose pride wouldn't let them, though.
  • JennyRATL
    JennyRATL Posts: 199 Member
    idk1970 wrote: »
    men and women are different

    shhhhhhh. you can't say they'll really be coming for us! ;)
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    Whatever works for the household. I have been on both sides of the fence so to speak. I was a stay at home mom until my youngest(boys ages 9 and 12) entered kindergarten and money was too tight for me to continue to stay home. I loved being a SAHM for many reasons(I was able to attend day events at school, be at home in case someone was sick/no school). When I first went back to work, it was mostly weekends so I was able to still be home during the school week. My husband would constantly comment about how at least I got to stay home. I told him that I wasn't sitting around eating bonbons, although it sounds like a good idea. I tried going on strike to show him exactly what I did, but I got sick of the house being dirty. Two years ago, I needed to go full time. Now, my husband has to get the kids ready in the morning and he complains at how stressful it can be. I do enjoy being able to go to work and be with adults. I am lucky to have found a shift where I can still be home in time for the kids getting off the bus.
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    JennyRATL wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    men and women are different

    shhhhhhh. you can't say they'll really be coming for us! ;)

    I just don't understand why we keep saying equal. Yes of course there are some exceptions where women excel in some masculine task but we all know this is not the norm men and women are not equal and that's that
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    Let them come. I'm an excellent debater :)
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    There's one very important part of this equation you're minimalizing - the children. I'm a mom who also works full-time plus some. My own mother was a SAHM. I think kids benefit greatly from having a parent at home if possible (don't care if that parent is of the male or female variety). Someone to schedule and attend all the teacher's meetings, dentist appointments, soccer practices, piano lessons, etc, without the insane juggling act of also logging 50 hours at the office (most of those hours being the same ones all that other stuff needs to be crammed into). Not to mention homework, chores, cooking, extracurriculars. Do the rest of us who either have 2-parent working families or single-parent households make it work? Yea, but it sucks sometimes! Don't underestimate the importance of a stay-at-home parent for kids.

    What Cuttaway and I are originally alluding to is equality. He was saying in the home, work, and even religion. I may have directed my statements towards women because the majority of stay at home parents is women. And this post is on a social site for goofing off while talking about the plight of the stay at home mother instead of a stay at home parent. It should be either parent staying home and there are benefits to a parent staying home. I would think there would be a greater number of SAHM dads if there was equality.

    Majority of women if not all will preach equality when its in the sense of the workplace. I have seen very few preach equality in the homes. So is it equality that they really want?

    I should have mentioned, my husband is a SAHD, so I'm probably not a good example :wink: Are you implying that most women would balk at being the primary breadwinner so their husband could stay home with the children? I think in general we are seeing a rise in that dynamic. I know plenty of men whose pride wouldn't let them.

    Do most women balk at being the breadwinner? That I do not know and couldn't speculate on. However, I want women to have equality at work and everyone should have the choice to stay at home to take care of the family. I would like to see the rise in that dynamic as well (more women breadwinners). As seen from the comment above you, some people don't want equality. So back to my original post, there is a divide amongst women, and to be fair men as well, some people want equality and some people don't.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    There's one very important part of this equation you're minimalizing - the children. I'm a mom who also works full-time plus some. My own mother was a SAHM. I think kids benefit greatly from having a parent at home if possible (don't care if that parent is of the male or female variety). Someone to schedule and attend all the teacher's meetings, dentist appointments, soccer practices, piano lessons, etc, without the insane juggling act of also logging 50 hours at the office (most of those hours being the same ones all that other stuff needs to be crammed into). Not to mention homework, chores, cooking, extracurriculars. Do the rest of us who either have 2-parent working families or single-parent households make it work? Yea, but it sucks sometimes! Don't underestimate the importance of a stay-at-home parent for kids.

    What Cuttaway and I are originally alluding to is equality. He was saying in the home, work, and even religion. I may have directed my statements towards women because the majority of stay at home parents is women. And this post is on a social site for goofing off while talking about the plight of the stay at home mother instead of a stay at home parent. It should be either parent staying home and there are benefits to a parent staying home. I would think there would be a greater number of SAHM dads if there was equality.

    Majority of women if not all will preach equality when its in the sense of the workplace. I have seen very few preach equality in the homes. So is it equality that they really want?

    I should have mentioned, my husband is a SAHD, so I'm probably not a good example :wink: Are you implying that most women would balk at being the primary breadwinner so their husband could stay home with the children? I think in general we are seeing a rise in that dynamic. I know plenty of men whose pride wouldn't let them.

    Do most women balk at being the breadwinner? That I do not know and couldn't speculate on. However, I want women to have equality at work and everyone should have the choice to stay at home to take care of the family. I would like to see the rise in that dynamic as well (more women breadwinners). As seen from the comment above you, some people don't want equality. So back to my original post, there is a divide amongst women, and to be fair men as well, some people want equality and some people don't.

    So, we're all different and the only thing we can agree on is sometimes we'll just have to disagree? Fair enough.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    formerpl wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    There's one very important part of this equation you're minimalizing - the children. I'm a mom who also works full-time plus some. My own mother was a SAHM. I think kids benefit greatly from having a parent at home if possible (don't care if that parent is of the male or female variety). Someone to schedule and attend all the teacher's meetings, dentist appointments, soccer practices, piano lessons, etc, without the insane juggling act of also logging 50 hours at the office (most of those hours being the same ones all that other stuff needs to be crammed into). Not to mention homework, chores, cooking, extracurriculars. Do the rest of us who either have 2-parent working families or single-parent households make it work? Yea, but it sucks sometimes! Don't underestimate the importance of a stay-at-home parent for kids.

    What Cuttaway and I are originally alluding to is equality. He was saying in the home, work, and even religion. I may have directed my statements towards women because the majority of stay at home parents is women. And this post is on a social site for goofing off while talking about the plight of the stay at home mother instead of a stay at home parent. It should be either parent staying home and there are benefits to a parent staying home. I would think there would be a greater number of SAHM dads if there was equality.

    Majority of women if not all will preach equality when its in the sense of the workplace. I have seen very few preach equality in the homes. So is it equality that they really want?

    You're alluding to the fact that you're both knuckleheads when it comes to this subject. He doesn't have any kids. When he starts rolling down that hill he can recheck in with us. I don't know jack about you except...


    Women do have a right to choose just like men have a right to choose. For my family personally? She is the clear choice because she is genetically different than I am. She is much more patient with small children and generally has a greater skill set that comes with staying home and MANAGING our household.

    She will probably work around our kids school hours when they are all of achool age. She has a technical degree and is great at her job. Until then? She is the manager of our house, our finances, and the large majority of the care of our children. I don't plop on the couch when I get home - I do what is asked of me. I do the dishes almost every night. I do the lawn. I do the vehicles. I do the heavy work and I happen to leave the house to work.

    Her commute is just shorter.

    If we both worked we would make it work- but what's the point? A bigger house? A fancier car? My stuff is old and used and I fix it myself. Our house is small but it's nice because I keep it up.

    There's a lot of working families out there that are working two jobs instead of one just to pay for stuff they don't even need to impress people they don't even know or like. Stupid.

    You are making it exceptionally clear you ain't nevah stayed home with a couple little monsters all day - and not once in a while and just putting them in front of electronics all day. Actually investing in them. It's hard to do that day after day and if you don't think so- just give it a shot for a week. Matter of fact put on a go pro so we can view it on YouTube.

    Your getting hung up on the fact that nobody wants you to stay home? That nobody wants your bros to stay home? You ain't got the skillz to cash that check. Most men don't. Some do.

    I'm referencing what I would call "average" families. If you're affluent enough to stay home and have a maid- good for you. That's not us, and that doesn't even make sense to me because it's out of my realm of understanding.

    Just because there's not a check in the bank doesn't mean it isn't work.

    This is the most sexist post of everyones I seen on this thread. Men are definitely good enough. I take care of my daughter very well and just as well as any woman. So you have no idea what your talking about and you are the biggest shame in this thread.
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    This is an interesting debate I say do what works for you but for us we budget well buy used cars purchased a foreclosed house I go to the clearance rack first and we do pretty well these things are done so I can sty home and perform a job the is priority for the hopefully successful raising of our children look around at our society, it's not as much as a priority these days as it should be
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Heyy, thank you!!!

    I do want to add however there is much reward for a child to have a stay at home parent during birth and the age of 3. The brain doubles in size during this period and the benefits in regards to brain development and having a stay at home parent are astronomical and life lasting. I spent the first year with my son as I was breastfeeding. Afterwhich my then partner and I both worked part time switching days so one of us could always be with him. Even if you want to throw away all scientific reasoning why it's important. The emotional stability it creates within the child and the relationship the child develops between themselves and their parents are reasoning alone to do so if you can :)
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    I agree Megan. There are crucial years when it is very beneficial for a parent to stay with their child.
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    formerpl wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    There's one very important part of this equation you're minimalizing - the children. I'm a mom who also works full-time plus some. My own mother was a SAHM. I think kids benefit greatly from having a parent at home if possible (don't care if that parent is of the male or female variety). Someone to schedule and attend all the teacher's meetings, dentist appointments, soccer practices, piano lessons, etc, without the insane juggling act of also logging 50 hours at the office (most of those hours being the same ones all that other stuff needs to be crammed into). Not to mention homework, chores, cooking, extracurriculars. Do the rest of us who either have 2-parent working families or single-parent households make it work? Yea, but it sucks sometimes! Don't underestimate the importance of a stay-at-home parent for kids.

    What Cuttaway and I are originally alluding to is equality. He was saying in the home, work, and even religion. I may have directed my statements towards women because the majority of stay at home parents is women. And this post is on a social site for goofing off while talking about the plight of the stay at home mother instead of a stay at home parent. It should be either parent staying home and there are benefits to a parent staying home. I would think there would be a greater number of SAHM dads if there was equality.

    Majority of women if not all will preach equality when its in the sense of the workplace. I have seen very few preach equality in the homes. So is it equality that they really want?

    You're alluding to the fact that you're both knuckleheads when it comes to this subject. He doesn't have any kids. When he starts rolling down that hill he can recheck in with us. I don't know jack about you except...


    Women do have a right to choose just like men have a right to choose. For my family personally? She is the clear choice because she is genetically different than I am. She is much more patient with small children and generally has a greater skill set that comes with staying home and MANAGING our household.

    She will probably work around our kids school hours when they are all of achool age. She has a technical degree and is great at her job. Until then? She is the manager of our house, our finances, and the large majority of the care of our children. I don't plop on the couch when I get home - I do what is asked of me. I do the dishes almost every night. I do the lawn. I do the vehicles. I do the heavy work and I happen to leave the house to work.

    Her commute is just shorter.

    If we both worked we would make it work- but what's the point? A bigger house? A fancier car? My stuff is old and used and I fix it myself. Our house is small but it's nice because I keep it up.

    There's a lot of working families out there that are working two jobs instead of one just to pay for stuff they don't even need to impress people they don't even know or like. Stupid.

    You are making it exceptionally clear you ain't nevah stayed home with a couple little monsters all day - and not once in a while and just putting them in front of electronics all day. Actually investing in them. It's hard to do that day after day and if you don't think so- just give it a shot for a week. Matter of fact put on a go pro so we can view it on YouTube.

    Your getting hung up on the fact that nobody wants you to stay home? That nobody wants your bros to stay home? You ain't got the skillz to cash that check. Most men don't. Some do.

    I'm referencing what I would call "average" families. If you're affluent enough to stay home and have a maid- good for you. That's not us, and that doesn't even make sense to me because it's out of my realm of understanding.

    Just because there's not a check in the bank doesn't mean it isn't work.

    This is the most sexist post of everyones I seen on this thread. Men are definitely good enough. I take care of my daughter very well and just as well as any woman. So you have no idea what your talking about and you are the biggest shame in this thread.

    You can never completely give her what a mother can and vice versa . can't argue with mother nature both mother and father are " equally important " but can never be the same
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    idk1970 wrote: »
    This is an interesting debate I say do what works for you but for us we budget well buy used cars purchased a foreclosed house I go to the clearance rack first and we do pretty well these things are done so I can sty home and perform a job the is priority for the hopefully successful raising of our children look around at our society, it's not as much as a priority these days as it should be

    If I could stay home with my daughter everyday, plan events, raise her and guide her to being an honest, responsible, intelligent woman, I would rather than working. Just as women are not afforded the same rights as men in the work place, men are not afforded equal rights in the home (its a womans job and not a mans, or as @formerpl stated-You ain't got the skillz to cash that check. Most men don't.). I think that is an injustice to society as a whole.
  • formerpl
    formerpl Posts: 59 Member
    formerpl wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    There's one very important part of this equation you're minimalizing - the children. I'm a mom who also works full-time plus some. My own mother was a SAHM. I think kids benefit greatly from having a parent at home if possible (don't care if that parent is of the male or female variety). Someone to schedule and attend all the teacher's meetings, dentist appointments, soccer practices, piano lessons, etc, without the insane juggling act of also logging 50 hours at the office (most of those hours being the same ones all that other stuff needs to be crammed into). Not to mention homework, chores, cooking, extracurriculars. Do the rest of us who either have 2-parent working families or single-parent households make it work? Yea, but it sucks sometimes! Don't underestimate the importance of a stay-at-home parent for kids.

    What Cuttaway and I are originally alluding to is equality. He was saying in the home, work, and even religion. I may have directed my statements towards women because the majority of stay at home parents is women. And this post is on a social site for goofing off while talking about the plight of the stay at home mother instead of a stay at home parent. It should be either parent staying home and there are benefits to a parent staying home. I would think there would be a greater number of SAHM dads if there was equality.

    Majority of women if not all will preach equality when its in the sense of the workplace. I have seen very few preach equality in the homes. So is it equality that they really want?

    You're alluding to the fact that you're both knuckleheads when it comes to this subject. He doesn't have any kids. When he starts rolling down that hill he can recheck in with us. I don't know jack about you except...


    Women do have a right to choose just like men have a right to choose. For my family personally? She is the clear choice because she is genetically different than I am. She is much more patient with small children and generally has a greater skill set that comes with staying home and MANAGING our household.

    She will probably work around our kids school hours when they are all of achool age. She has a technical degree and is great at her job. Until then? She is the manager of our house, our finances, and the large majority of the care of our children. I don't plop on the couch when I get home - I do what is asked of me. I do the dishes almost every night. I do the lawn. I do the vehicles. I do the heavy work and I happen to leave the house to work.

    Her commute is just shorter.

    If we both worked we would make it work- but what's the point? A bigger house? A fancier car? My stuff is old and used and I fix it myself. Our house is small but it's nice because I keep it up.

    There's a lot of working families out there that are working two jobs instead of one just to pay for stuff they don't even need to impress people they don't even know or like. Stupid.

    You are making it exceptionally clear you ain't nevah stayed home with a couple little monsters all day - and not once in a while and just putting them in front of electronics all day. Actually investing in them. It's hard to do that day after day and if you don't think so- just give it a shot for a week. Matter of fact put on a go pro so we can view it on YouTube.

    Your getting hung up on the fact that nobody wants you to stay home? That nobody wants your bros to stay home? You ain't got the skillz to cash that check. Most men don't. Some do.

    I'm referencing what I would call "average" families. If you're affluent enough to stay home and have a maid- good for you. That's not us, and that doesn't even make sense to me because it's out of my realm of understanding.

    Just because there's not a check in the bank doesn't mean it isn't work.

    This is the most sexist post of everyones I seen on this thread. Men are definitely good enough. I take care of my daughter very well and just as well as any woman. So you have no idea what your talking about and you are the biggest shame in this thread.
    formerpl wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    There's one very important part of this equation you're minimalizing - the children. I'm a mom who also works full-time plus some. My own mother was a SAHM. I think kids benefit greatly from having a parent at home if possible (don't care if that parent is of the male or female variety). Someone to schedule and attend all the teacher's meetings, dentist appointments, soccer practices, piano lessons, etc, without the insane juggling act of also logging 50 hours at the office (most of those hours being the same ones all that other stuff needs to be crammed into). Not to mention homework, chores, cooking, extracurriculars. Do the rest of us who either have 2-parent working families or single-parent households make it work? Yea, but it sucks sometimes! Don't underestimate the importance of a stay-at-home parent for kids.

    What Cuttaway and I are originally alluding to is equality. He was saying in the home, work, and even religion. I may have directed my statements towards women because the majority of stay at home parents is women. And this post is on a social site for goofing off while talking about the plight of the stay at home mother instead of a stay at home parent. It should be either parent staying home and there are benefits to a parent staying home. I would think there would be a greater number of SAHM dads if there was equality.

    Majority of women if not all will preach equality when its in the sense of the workplace. I have seen very few preach equality in the homes. So is it equality that they really want?

    You're alluding to the fact that you're both knuckleheads when it comes to this subject. He doesn't have any kids. When he starts rolling down that hill he can recheck in with us. I don't know jack about you except...


    Women do have a right to choose just like men have a right to choose. For my family personally? She is the clear choice because she is genetically different than I am. She is much more patient with small children and generally has a greater skill set that comes with staying home and MANAGING our household.

    She will probably work around our kids school hours when they are all of achool age. She has a technical degree and is great at her job. Until then? She is the manager of our house, our finances, and the large majority of the care of our children. I don't plop on the couch when I get home - I do what is asked of me. I do the dishes almost every night. I do the lawn. I do the vehicles. I do the heavy work and I happen to leave the house to work.

    Her commute is just shorter.

    If we both worked we would make it work- but what's the point? A bigger house? A fancier car? My stuff is old and used and I fix it myself. Our house is small but it's nice because I keep it up.

    There's a lot of working families out there that are working two jobs instead of one just to pay for stuff they don't even need to impress people they don't even know or like. Stupid.

    You are making it exceptionally clear you ain't nevah stayed home with a couple little monsters all day - and not once in a while and just putting them in front of electronics all day. Actually investing in them. It's hard to do that day after day and if you don't think so- just give it a shot for a week. Matter of fact put on a go pro so we can view it on YouTube.

    Your getting hung up on the fact that nobody wants you to stay home? That nobody wants your bros to stay home? You ain't got the skillz to cash that check. Most men don't. Some do.

    I'm referencing what I would call "average" families. If you're affluent enough to stay home and have a maid- good for you. That's not us, and that doesn't even make sense to me because it's out of my realm of understanding.

    Just because there's not a check in the bank doesn't mean it isn't work.

    This is the most sexist post of everyones I seen on this thread. Men are definitely good enough. I take care of my daughter very well and just as well as any woman. So you have no idea what your talking about and you are the biggest shame in this thread.

    Yeah you're right - there's no difference between men and women at all. I should be ashamed of myself for admitting she's much better at a number of things than I am.

    Glad you're great at taking care of your daughter. Don't do it full time though it's not as valuable as any number of career choices you could be making out there in the real world.

    End satire and I'm done white knighting.
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    idk1970 wrote: »
    This is an interesting debate I say do what works for you but for us we budget well buy used cars purchased a foreclosed house I go to the clearance rack first and we do pretty well these things are done so I can sty home and perform a job the is priority for the hopefully successful raising of our children look around at our society, it's not as much as a priority these days as it should be

    If I could stay home with my daughter everyday, plan events, raise her and guide her to being an honest, responsible, intelligent woman, I would rather than working. Just as women are not afforded the same rights as men in the work place, men are not afforded equal rights in the home (its a womans job and not a mans, or as @formerpl stated-You ain't got the skillz to cash that check. Most men don't.). I think that is an injustice to society as a whole.

    This might sound like I'm uninformed and maybe I am but if a man and a woman. Both work at.. oh let's say Walmart as cashiers don't they get paid the same?
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    idk1970 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    This is an interesting debate I say do what works for you but for us we budget well buy used cars purchased a foreclosed house I go to the clearance rack first and we do pretty well these things are done so I can sty home and perform a job the is priority for the hopefully successful raising of our children look around at our society, it's not as much as a priority these days as it should be

    If I could stay home with my daughter everyday, plan events, raise her and guide her to being an honest, responsible, intelligent woman, I would rather than working. Just as women are not afforded the same rights as men in the work place, men are not afforded equal rights in the home (its a womans job and not a mans, or as @formerpl stated-You ain't got the skillz to cash that check. Most men don't.). I think that is an injustice to society as a whole.

    This might sound like I'm uninformed and maybe I am but if a man and a woman. Both work at.. oh let's say Walmart as cashiers don't they get paid the same?

    I haven't worked for 17 years so maybe I don't know are we talking about corporate America or across the board?
  • formerpl
    formerpl Posts: 59 Member
    idk1970 wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.

    There's one very important part of this equation you're minimalizing - the children. I'm a mom who also works full-time plus some. My own mother was a SAHM. I think kids benefit greatly from having a parent at home if possible (don't care if that parent is of the male or female variety). Someone to schedule and attend all the teacher's meetings, dentist appointments, soccer practices, piano lessons, etc, without the insane juggling act of also logging 50 hours at the office (most of those hours being the same ones all that other stuff needs to be crammed into). Not to mention homework, chores, cooking, extracurriculars. Do the rest of us who either have 2-parent working families or single-parent households make it work? Yea, but it sucks sometimes! Don't underestimate the importance of a stay-at-home parent for kids.

    What Cuttaway and I are originally alluding to is equality. He was saying in the home, work, and even religion. I may have directed my statements towards women because the majority of stay at home parents is women. And this post is on a social site for goofing off while talking about the plight of the stay at home mother instead of a stay at home parent. It should be either parent staying home and there are benefits to a parent staying home. I would think there would be a greater number of SAHM dads if there was equality.

    Majority of women if not all will preach equality when its in the sense of the workplace. I have seen very few preach equality in the homes. So is it equality that they really want?

    You're alluding to the fact that you're both knuckleheads when it comes to this subject. He doesn't have any kids. When he starts rolling down that hill he can recheck in with us. I don't know jack about you except...


    Women do have a right to choose just like men have a right to choose. For my family personally? She is the clear choice because she is genetically different than I am. She is much more patient with small children and generally has a greater skill set that comes with staying home and MANAGING our household.

    She will probably work around our kids school hours when they are all of achool age. She has a technical degree and is great at her job. Until then? She is the manager of our house, our finances, and the large majority of the care of our children. I don't plop on the couch when I get home - I do what is asked of me. I do the dishes almost every night. I do the lawn. I do the vehicles. I do the heavy work and I happen to leave the house to work.

    Her commute is just shorter.

    If we both worked we would make it work- but what's the point? A bigger house? A fancier car? My stuff is old and used and I fix it myself. Our house is small but it's nice because I keep it up.

    There's a lot of working families out there that are working two jobs instead of one just to pay for stuff they don't even need to impress people they don't even know or like. Stupid.

    You are making it exceptionally clear you ain't nevah stayed home with a couple little monsters all day - and not once in a while and just putting them in front of electronics all day. Actually investing in them. It's hard to do that day after day and if you don't think so- just give it a shot for a week. Matter of fact put on a go pro so we can view it on YouTube.

    Your getting hung up on the fact that nobody wants you to stay home? That nobody wants your bros to stay home? You ain't got the skillz to cash that check. Most men don't. Some do.

    I'm referencing what I would call "average" families. If you're affluent enough to stay home and have a maid- good for you. That's not us, and that doesn't even make sense to me because it's out of my realm of understanding.

    Just because there's not a check in the bank doesn't mean it isn't work.

    This is the most sexist post of everyones I seen on this thread. Men are definitely good enough. I take care of my daughter very well and just as well as any woman. So you have no idea what your talking about and you are the biggest shame in this thread.

    You can never completely give her what a mother can and vice versa . can't argue with mother nature both mother and father are " equally important " but can never be the same

    Well put.

    The idea that it is noble to "gray" out the nature of the sexes is foolish to me.

    Hey guess what? My wife's earning potential is higher than mine. She would make the equivalent of 3 dollars more per hour than me if she worked full time (she works about 8 per week to keep her skills and credentials current and because she enjoys it)

  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    idk1970 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    This is an interesting debate I say do what works for you but for us we budget well buy used cars purchased a foreclosed house I go to the clearance rack first and we do pretty well these things are done so I can sty home and perform a job the is priority for the hopefully successful raising of our children look around at our society, it's not as much as a priority these days as it should be

    If I could stay home with my daughter everyday, plan events, raise her and guide her to being an honest, responsible, intelligent woman, I would rather than working. Just as women are not afforded the same rights as men in the work place, men are not afforded equal rights in the home (its a womans job and not a mans, or as @formerpl stated-You ain't got the skillz to cash that check. Most men don't.). I think that is an injustice to society as a whole.

    This might sound like I'm uninformed and maybe I am but if a man and a woman. Both work at.. oh let's say Walmart as cashiers don't they get paid the same?

    I haven't worked for 17 years so maybe I don't know are we talking about corporate America or across the board?

    Please research on your own if you're really curious. It could be beneficial.
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    idk1970 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    This is an interesting debate I say do what works for you but for us we budget well buy used cars purchased a foreclosed house I go to the clearance rack first and we do pretty well these things are done so I can sty home and perform a job the is priority for the hopefully successful raising of our children look around at our society, it's not as much as a priority these days as it should be

    If I could stay home with my daughter everyday, plan events, raise her and guide her to being an honest, responsible, intelligent woman, I would rather than working. Just as women are not afforded the same rights as men in the work place, men are not afforded equal rights in the home (its a womans job and not a mans, or as @formerpl stated-You ain't got the skillz to cash that check. Most men don't.). I think that is an injustice to society as a whole.

    This might sound like I'm uninformed and maybe I am but if a man and a woman. Both work at.. oh let's say Walmart as cashiers don't they get paid the same?

    I haven't worked for 17 years so maybe I don't know are we talking about corporate America or across the board?

    Please research on your own if you're really curious. It could be beneficial.

    Ok be right back
  • EatingAndKnitting
    EatingAndKnitting Posts: 531 Member
    Feminists are fighting for the right to do what they choose to do, be that stay at home or work (for equal pay for equal work) outside the home. Men staying home with the children and doing the housework is also a valid choice, but one that is looked down on in society. I posit that most feminists (all of the ones I know, for sure) would agree that society is wrong to view a man who wants to stay home with the children as "weak", because they know that true equality can only be had when everyone has the right to choose what is best for themselves.

    I, personally, am a SAHW. I have no children and will never have children, I do, however, have a mental illness that makes it difficult to hold down a job full time. I'm privileged enough to have a husband who makes enough to pay all the bills, so I don't HAVE to work outside the home, although money is quite tight. I may look for a part time job in the future, but I want to be a stay at home wife. I like working at home, although I'm not the best housewife in the world (my house is no where near neat and tidy). I've never wanted a career.