The Real Housewifes of MFP



  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    MadMaxV8 wrote: »
    @idk1970 wrote: »
    Rather your a stay at home mom like me or a woman who does it all we all need to vent a little to decompress , so purge it here even if your not any of the above maybe you would like to add some advice please do

    Think I can slip some potty humor into this thread?

    Are u asking permission? I think not. Just go for it
  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    Bring Krispy Kreme and we will let u live
  • LeGaCyGiAnT91
    LeGaCyGiAnT91 Posts: 405 Member
    edited February 2017
    isn't it funny how people with housekeepers or cleaning ladies always seem to have the messiest houses anyways?

    This is why we're the bestest of friends. God I love you.

  • Carbkiller1970
    Carbkiller1970 Posts: 3,289 Member
    This housewife has to go make dinner

    And for that reason I'm out # shark tank
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    idk1970 wrote: »
    synchkat wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    I am a full time working single mom. I feel like I'm failing at life most days. I need an Alice.

    I have an Alice...I call her Unice but she only comes every other week

    I'm a spoiled housewife and don't like to clean so we have a housekeeper. I cook the meals and drink the wine but I love cooking so I would anyway and I do the laundry because I don't like how anyone else doe sit but we could get Unice to do it if we wanted to.

    I get to stay home, because I'm not good at getting along with others and I wouldn't make enough money to make working worthwhile, I take the boy to his activities so that we can have our weekends free to do family stuff.

    I also get to have time for my fun stuff like skating and curling and drinking wine at the club with friends

    I have to admit I'm a little jealous

    A little?

    I would throat punch my own grandmother just for a long weekend.

    would you both like to come for a stay? I'll have Unice make up the spare room. ;) haha
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I'm a SAHM,; I do the cleaning and laundry, but husband cooks. He enjoys it as I merely tolerate it as a means to an end. Plus he's way better at it, so the kitchen belongs to him. Other than that his main responsibilities are "trash flow and cash flow". The system works for us. :smile:
  • LeGaCyGiAnT91
    LeGaCyGiAnT91 Posts: 405 Member
    Housewife is singular. Housewives is plural. Cringe.
  • JennyRATL
    JennyRATL Posts: 199 Member
    I'd like to SAH but it is not in the financial cards for us unless we move and I don't think that is an option for us right now. It is probably for the best because I tend to not be very disciplined with lots of time on my hands!
    I don't mind working and I like the extra $. I'm lucky in that all of my jobs have been great about WAH and allow me to leave to get my kids after school.
  • toned_thugs_n_harmony
    toned_thugs_n_harmony Posts: 1,001 Member
    MadMaxV8 wrote: »
    This threads reminds me of the time that after I was laid off, I switched roles with his wife. She returned to the workforce and I became a stay-at-home dad - a job I had no clue how to do.

    It was crazy. I would grill the kids cheese sandwiches with the iron. Once I put way too much soap in the washing machine. I even had a neighborhood SAHM hit on me a few times.

    whoa look at you, mr mom!
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    How does one become a house husband
  • JennyRATL
    JennyRATL Posts: 199 Member
    did you have to find lost woobies?
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Yeah where can we sign up for house husband??? I'll stay at home while she works.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    finny11122 wrote: »
    How does one become a house husband

    For me it was starting my own business. My wife took that as, "well since you are home you can do ___________."

  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    Timshel_ wrote: »
    finny11122 wrote: »
    How does one become a house husband

    For me it was starting my own business. My wife took that as, "well since you are home you can do ___________."


    Haha . very good .
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    I am a full time working single mom. I feel like I'm failing at life most days. I need an Alice.

    I'd be your Alice, I damn sure would.

    Will I have to wear a blue dress and a white apron?

    *please say yes.

    Blue dress and white apron is a requirement!

    I'm on my way.

    Leaving now.

    .... We'll be needing Gatorade.
  • LiveLoveFitFab
    LiveLoveFitFab Posts: 302 Member
    My husband is retired and keeps the house not as clean as I would, but who am I to complain? The only complaint I have is when he shoo's me away from the washer because I "obviously" don't know how to use it.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    I am a full time working single mom. I feel like I'm failing at life most days. I need an Alice.

    I'd be your Alice, I damn sure would.

    Will I have to wear a blue dress and a white apron?

    *please say yes.

    Blue dress and white apron is a requirement!

    I'm on my way.

    Leaving now.

    .... We'll be needing Gatorade.

    What's your fave flavor? I'm on it!

    Old skool lemon lime.

    While you're picking up the gatorade.... please also pick up an affordable, plastic, shower curtain liner.

    I'll explain later.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Kasner1975 wrote: »
    I have the greatest of respect for SAHMs... as well as for single moms that do it all with grace. It's an amazing thing that you ladies manage to do. If it were possible, I would suggest to my fiancé that she stay home if she wanted. Alas, that's not an option..... that being said, in all my relationships I've done the cooking and cleaning. Sometimes with contempt, but mostly because I enjoy taking care of the ones I love.

    As a SAHM in a family full of ambitious career women, I have taken a lot of flak for my decision to take my college degree and stay home with my son... and I appreciate this comment. <3
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    Thank you from this stay at home mom. :)
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    That's lovely. Thanks for appreciating us. :)
  • formerpl
    formerpl Posts: 59 Member
    You're all welcome. :smile:
  • Tretop76
    Tretop76 Posts: 256 Member
    If I don't do it, it doesn't get done. I have went on strike a few times. Especially if I have to work a lot. I think the whole family should pitch in and help. Some things you have to let go during the week and play catch up on the weekend. The old saying is true, "many hands make light work".
  • Tretop76
    Tretop76 Posts: 256 Member
    sklarbodds wrote: »
    As others have said, do what works. We both work full time. She probably does 60/40 (she might say 70/30), but I also handle all the cars/lawn/etc. 99% of the time if she asks me to do something I jump up and do it. She makes a great home for us. Plus she can decorate, which I cannot.

    Yeah that too, I forgot about the outside stuff. Add that to my never ending list. My situation is 95/5 unless I nag then it's 85/15. I'm SO lucky!
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    MadMaxV8 wrote: »
    This threads reminds me of the time that after I was laid off, I switched roles with his wife. She returned to the workforce and I became a stay-at-home dad - a job I had no clue how to do.

    It was crazy. I would grill the kids cheese sandwiches with the iron. Once I put way too much soap in the washing machine. I even had a neighborhood SAHM hit on me a few times.

    Did you rewire your kitchen with 220 or 221?
  • JennyRATL
    JennyRATL Posts: 199 Member
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I have a right to choose how I want to live my life and not be told by others what I should be "offended" by. Geeze.
  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    formerpl wrote: »
    It's disheartening when women are fighting for their rights in this country at such a difficult period for women and gender equality , there are those in the country who still accept and defend the traditional yoke placed by our formerly patriarchial society.

    I suggest renting the movie mona lisa smile and watching it 5 times. Humanity progresses on the day men and women are equal at home and outside (equal pay, more exexutives and increased role in religious hierarchies)

    I hope I'm understanding this post correctly. If not, I apologize. Most people don't even respond but l, I'll bite.

    Man, you are brainwashed in the worst way.

    Staying at home is an honorable thing. I go to work to earn money - so we can live in a house and eat, you know, food. Have two cars and electricity. My beautiful bride stays and works at home. She does all the bills, stays on top of aforementioned food supplies, and invests herself into our only lasting legacy which is our children's lives. Could we have a lot more money if she kept working in her career field full time? Yeah. Can you take it with you when you die? Can it buy back all the time you gave to bratty teenagers working for low pay at day care centers full of screaming infants and toddlers that aren't being held enough?


    I am proud of my wife for staying home and blessing our kids with genuine love and care that nobody except she can provide. She can full time work again if she wants to but I don't care if she ever does. That girl is fine like French wine from a premium grape vine and she is to be cherished and valued. And one way I do that is supporting her in the care of our kids. If I don't work, she can't care for them. If she doesn't care for them, I can't work. Man, I don't even know what my paychecks are half the time. I don't care. I just go to work and do my best and excel.

    The balance and beauty of equal relationship is already there, you're just too deep in the "feminist" mindset to see it. It is not "beneath" a woman to stay home and raise kids or tend to the home if she wants to do that. It's her career path and she does it well.

    Stay at home parents rock, and I support every single stay at home mom up in here. Women have the right to choose to stay home or not stay home without somebody saying patriarchal this or bra burning that.

    I happen to agree with Cutaway. There is a great divide amongst women and that is what he is talking about. On one half, women fight for equality, and the other women just want to stay home. If women just want to be taken care of, men pay for everything, shouldnt men get paid more because they are "supposed" to take care of the woman? Staying at home and taking care of a house and kids is not the hardest job in the world like people say. Especially if you have an "Alice". Youre on MFP 24/7 for crying out loud. I think there would be countless amounts of men that would stay at home to just take care of house and kids. Where is the equal number of women stepping up to that plate?

    How is raising kids and taking care of a home a career path? This is what people that work do every day and they have an actual career.

    It is important to raise kids and give them attention. I have an immense amount of respect for @happilymegan. She works and gives her son all the love he needs. She is a great mom and doesn't need to sit at home and have a man take care of her.

    What do you do especially when kids start school? Is that why so many are on MFP posting selfies and trying to get compliments? Go to the gym whenever you want or play tennis? Talk about grueling.
  • UltimateTrashBae
    UltimateTrashBae Posts: 175 Member
    I'm married and I have a cute kiddo. I'm not a sahm at all though. I'd rather die. So, I work and go to school. My husband stay home and keeps an eye on our little dude. We're both happier this way.
  • JennyRATL
    JennyRATL Posts: 199 Member
    I think there are a few generalizations going on here.

    I personally know lots of women who do not work outside the home, but work their butts off caring for the home and family, volunteering at school and excelling in other arenas. They don't just "want to sit at home and be taken care of." Housekeeping and kid raising, done right, IS a hard job. Of course, the flip side is I know a lot of SAHM who are just damn lazy and don't do a lick of housework, don't work out, don't volunteer, nada. Sit on FB all day. What a wasted life.

    I also know a few SAH Dads whose wives are VPs of companies. Not as many as SAHM of course, but still.
    I also know families who both work and take part in the home upkeep. Some where it is all mom. Or dad. I think whatever works for them shouldn't be demonized based on what women "should" or "shouldn't" do. Isn't what we want equality and the right to decide for ourselves what we want and think?!?! I just think it is crappy to say that all women should want a career or feel bad for deciding to stay at home and work there. It is work.

    And I agree about selfies. Most scream "love me! validate me!" :-)