Weighted chin-up/pull-up bests?

It seems that some people are really good at these - I've been grinding away for the last year and a half and today I did 6 with +25 and 3 with +50 (275lbs total weight)

What's your best of either variation??



  • turps93
    turps93 Posts: 1 Member
    My best is 16 over hand no weight. One of my favourite exercises !
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I haven't bothered adding weight to mine yet, though I definitely need to start. I honestly have no idea what my best would be, but this was this morning, superset with my bench press sets:

    18xwide grip/14xparallel grip/13xreverse grip/12xparallel grip/9xwide grip/14xreverse grip
  • doughd2
    doughd2 Posts: 86 Member
    Did 7 sets of 3 this morning with 21 lbs. Have managed 5 with 26 lbs, 4 with 36 lbs and I think my heaviest single rep was probably somewhere in the 45 lbs awhile back. I don't do chin ups much, but I imagine those numbers would go up a bit with a reverse grip.
  • formerpl
    formerpl Posts: 59 Member
    turps93 wrote: »
    My best is 16 over hand no weight. One of my favourite exercises !
    16 is really good.
    I haven't bothered adding weight to mine yet, though I definitely need to start. I honestly have no idea what my best would be, but this was this morning, superset with my bench press sets:

    18xwide grip/14xparallel grip/13xreverse grip/12xparallel grip/9xwide grip/14xreverse grip

    18!! Adding weight seems to really help me.
    doughd2 wrote: »
    Did 7 sets of 3 this morning with 21 lbs. Have managed 5 with 26 lbs, 4 with 36 lbs and I think my heaviest single rep was probably somewhere in the 45 lbs awhile back. I don't do chin ups much, but I imagine those numbers would go up a bit with a reverse grip.

    My numbers are similar, i have done 6 with +25. I tripled +50 On my last working set, have not done weighted in a few months, going to get back after it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I think I've done 10 with 15 pounds once.

    And then I did like 2-3 with 25 pounds (actual pull ups- not chin ups)

    But it's been a long while since I've done weighted pull ups. need to get back on the horse. I've been just doing regular pull ups to get me back in the groove.
  • formerpl
    formerpl Posts: 59 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I think I've done 10 with 15 pounds once.

    And then I did like 2-3 with 25 pounds (actual pull ups- not chin ups)

    But it's been a long while since I've done weighted pull ups. need to get back on the horse. I've been just doing regular pull ups to get me back in the groove.

    I do both, I actually get better lat activation from chins. My numbers are very close on both, might be able to eek out one more rep on chins than pull-ups
  • Ben_there_done_that
    Ben_there_done_that Posts: 732 Member
    I've been doing three sets of 10 pull-ups with 30lbs. Haven't tried to increase the weight in a while since the last set is always brutal.
  • Ben_there_done_that
    Ben_there_done_that Posts: 732 Member
    Gimsteinn1 wrote: »
    I can do 6 hanging, body weight pull ups on a good day and here you guys are talking about doing weighted PU. I can't wait to get to the weighted pull ups :D

    I think that's awesome! Even the Marine Corps recognizes that pull-ups are extremely difficult for women to do.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    formerpl wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I think I've done 10 with 15 pounds once.

    And then I did like 2-3 with 25 pounds (actual pull ups- not chin ups)

    But it's been a long while since I've done weighted pull ups. need to get back on the horse. I've been just doing regular pull ups to get me back in the groove.

    I do both, I actually get better lat activation from chins. My numbers are very close on both, might be able to eek out one more rep on chins than pull-ups

    I get almost no lat activation from chins- it's almost all bicep. are you going wide?
  • yskaldir
    yskaldir Posts: 202 Member
    Best bodyweight is 21 (at 170-175 pounds).

    Currently doing weighted with 50 pounds for 8, then 6 the next set.
  • KuchieJr93
    KuchieJr93 Posts: 15 Member
    Overhand I can usually get about 6 . Underhand grip I can get about 8 or 9 with a 45 lbs plate. Definitely one of those workouts where you need to put those first because after you're just dead.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,997 Member
    I do 5x10 pullups unweighted 3x's a week. Up from 5x5 3 months ago. I also do 5x18 pushups and 5x15 dips. All on the same day, also unweighted.

    I've got a vest that I can load w/up to 75#. I have used the vest w/15# for all 3 exercises on occasion but have preferred to increase difficulty by just adding reps up to this point.

    Will use the vest w/progressively more weight when I get to the max number of reps/sets that I can do for each exercise.

    I actually may be "there" already for pullups and dips but want to hit 5x20 before I do weighted pushups.
  • Pathman1
    Pathman1 Posts: 52 Member
    I was able to do 5 with my kid on my back two years ago, but then he grew. He was about 50 lbs at the time. Now he's almost 90 lbs and I can't do any with him. I might have to get one of those weight belts and try them again.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    Just decided to do a set this morning at the end of a pretty brutal overhead/pull day. 6x40 after an hour and some change of beating on my upper body. I'll take it, for now. Gonna just start going straight to weighted chins for superset with my bench/ohp, as I am seriously bored with the monotony of banging out 80+ reps of those things at bodyweight.
  • JRiveraRodriguez
    JRiveraRodriguez Posts: 71 Member
    Great work OP.
    All it takes is consistency and you'll be impressed in how strong you can really get.

    Was able to hit a PR on my cut.
    2 plates.. 90 pounds for 5 reps,
    wide over hand grip.
    It's also worth noting I only weigh 150 pounds, so not as impressive as I hoped
  • fuzzypinktroll1
    fuzzypinktroll1 Posts: 19 Member
    I find them effective enough without weights. I can max out at 17, going all the way down and back up. I should try it with weights sometime! I am fairly small though so thats probably why i can do so many
  • pbryd
    pbryd Posts: 364 Member
    I thought I'd give some heavy pull ups a try this morning and see how far I could go.

    Last week's workouts were 6,6,8x6.25kg and another session of 12,9,7xbw

    Today's session went..

  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I don't train these anymore but at my best I was at BW+90lbs for 4 clean reps and I'd always get stuck at the top on rep 5, couldn't quite make it. These were chin-ups.

  • ijsantos2005
    ijsantos2005 Posts: 306 Member
    170BW + 50 lbs for 13 reps straight. I've been programming them into my routine off and on since the beginning (2 years 7 months).
  • comeonnow142857
    comeonnow142857 Posts: 310 Member
    best I've done is 40kg x 5 at about 180lbs, and 17 reps at the same bodyweight in underhand chins.

    At the moment I'm doing 8.5kgx3 sets of 5 in chinups from a rope @ 191lbs, which is murder on the forearms/grip.
  • se015
    se015 Posts: 583 Member
    Can someone explain to me why I find it more difficult to do chin ups which I believe are the underhand grip versus pull ups which are overhand? Parallel is easier too, just have a lot of difficult doing it the underhand grip yet most people seem to find that the easiest?
  • ijsantos2005
    ijsantos2005 Posts: 306 Member
    Seth, have you had more practice with pull ups vs chin ups?
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I was chinning a extra 55lbs at 215lb bw 4x10.

    Right now I only do bw 230-235lb for 3x9 because I just tore muscles in my rib cage.