Krystle1984 Member


  • Ignore all of this...
  • Make sure you are eating plenty of protein and healthy fats as they will help you feel fuller. Lentils, beans, tofu, eggs and nuts are all good. (I'm vegetarian... Chicken is also excellent though apparently! Lol!) 50lbs should be doable in 10 months but bear in mind that as you get closer to your goal it will be harder to…
  • I'm not a bride to be, but a bridesmaid to be, does that count? ;) You've already been given some solid advice, my tip would be not to get hung up on a time frame for losing weight. You have plenty of time to reach your goal, but if you make it all about reaching X weight/size by Y date then afterwards you will probably…
  • Also should point out exercise for the sake of your health, not to lose weight. Weight loss can be done through diet alone!
  • 2 weeks is nothing. You could be retaining water from the new exercise you've started doing. Continue to weigh and log everything, eat back up to 50% of your exercise calories if you want and see where you are in another 2 weeks. I found when I started lifting weights the scale stayed the same for about 3 weeks, then 4lbs…
  • Your diary is still private. I would set your goal to lose 1lb a week, weigh all your food for 3-4 weeks and eat back up to 50% of your exercise calories if you want. Double check the database entries for food you're using are correct too. If you still haven't lost any weight in that time then reassess. Weight loss isn't…
  • I walk 6 miles plus every day and am only set to lightly active. This works for me. It seems you're set to active, but don't move as much on all your days off? If you're really only eating 1200 calories a day it shouldn't make much difference to you, but how are you determining calories in? Do you use a scale to weigh all…
  • Just read this whole thread... Oh dear! OP you have been given all the answers you need by other people already. Buy a scale, weigh absolutely everything you eat and if you insist on believing the ridiculously over-inflated burn your stationary bike is giving you that's fine - as long as you continue to not eat back those…
  • Just had a thought - the display on the bike isn't showing kilojoules instead of calories is it? If my maths is right 1600 kilojoules would be about 382 calories, which sounds much more appropriate... :)
  • There are lots of online calculators you can use. You could even take the MFP burn if you logged it on here, although I usually halve that. No exercise bikes are ever really that accurate for calorie burn unfortunately.
  • The bike is still fit for purpose. It will still help you reach your goals. You just have to adjust how many calories you're logging. Just be glad you realised early on how inaccurate the burn was and adjust it going forward. Good luck! :)
  • I'll ask again - does the machine know your height, weight, age and gender? Just to reiterate - you are NOT burning 1600+ calories by cycling for 26 minutes. Even if you were super morbidly obese you wouldn't pull off those numbers in that time frame.
  • Exercise machines almost always overestimate calories burned. For me 26 minutes of cycling on high resistance would burn about 130-150 calories. Do you enter your height and weight on the machine? Age and gender? All will affect the number of calories burned. I could run 5k and not burn nearly the amount of calories you're…
  • Fruit, rice cakes with cashew butter, dark chocolate, houmous and crudités... The list is endless. I also have Coeliacs and am vegetarian too. You will get the hang of it. It just takes time. :)
    in Snacks Comment by Krystle1984 July 2015
  • I would say 1600 calories from 26 minutes on the exercise bike is wildly over inflated. What's your height/weight?
  • My friend is a midwife and she says you only need to increase calories by 200 a day, and only for the last 3 months of pregnancy. Those are the current guidelines in the UK. The first 6 months you should eat at maintenance. This advice is of course aimed at women who don't have PCOS or IR. Speak to your doctor about your…
  • It depends on what your deficit was the rest of the week and what your weekly weight loss target is?
  • A plateau is at least 6 weeks with no change. How accurate is your logging? Do you use a digital food scale? Also, have you readjusted your calories in MFP? You should check them every 10lbs lost or so as your goal will usually decrease. That being said, you shouldn't go below 1200 for women and 1500 for men. If you can…
  • I'm in a similar boat this morning. Scale has shot up 2lbs. But I'm confident it's just water weight. Had some unusually hot weather in the UK, coupled with 2 long shifts at work with broken air conditioning so I think I let myself get a bit dehydrated. Have downed a big bottle of water, been for a long walk before the…
  • I would change the fact I have Coeliac disease because I miss bread... ;) But otherwise I'm good. I'm not deprived of anything, I eat plenty of food (varied food too) and am losing weight consistently. I'm more active and getting fitter and stronger every week. Getting back to tracking my food/activity habits was the…
  • I like to spend the first Sunday of the month prepping several meals. I'll make a huge pot of veggie chilli, a big pot of casserole, tomato and onion sauce for pasta and maybe some lentil shepherd's pies. Each will make between 4 and 8 servings. I keep one of each in the fridge then freeze the rest and have stuff on hand…
  • The system works for weight loss/maintenance if you follow it. There is a certain amount of willpower needed though. Stick to the calorie goal MFP gives you, weigh all your food and log accurately and you shouldn't gain. Eat less than you burn. I would say MFP overestimates exercise calories so unless you have an activity…
  • Oh, I understand that. My point was that in some circumstances (very specific circumstances) increasing the amount you eat can help weight loss. That was all. Generally the only number I concern myself with is my TDEE.
  • Alternatively, Greek yoghurt with your banana or any other fruit as a snack. High in protein, not too many calories, should fill you up.
  • Have you tried adding healthy fats? Add half an avocado to your salad, a teaspoon of olive oil instead of light dressing etc. Should help you feel more full. :)
  • I initially lost 12lbs really quickly after diagnosis then it slowed right down for a couple of months. My sister on the other hand gained almost a stone after her diagnosis. Everyone is different! It should even out eventually, but speak to your doctor if not. My dietician was super helpful in my first year of being…
  • I have been in a similar situation to this. My weight loss plateaued for 2 months and my dietician (I had regular appointments at the hospital with her at the time as I had recently been diagnosed with Coeliac disease) suggested I increase my calories by 2-300 a day for 2 weeks and then cut them again. I did and I lost…
  • I only pointed it out as I assumed you meant deprived, which means something very different to depraved...
  • This is one of those instances where correct spelling is important... ;)
  • Because generally when people post this kind of thing one look at their diary shows they are usually not logging accurately. That's why I said probably... And explained the most accurate method. That way the OP can reassess her logging if it isn't as accurate as it could be and she might find she sees a loss by tightening…