Will it make much of a difference?

On Sunday and yesterday I over ate. Sunday I'm not sure by how much, but I have some BBQ food at my boyfriends parents house so I couldn't log it. Then yesterday we had friends over and I had half a take out pizza which put me about 350 calories over my 1200 limit. Will it show on the scale tomorrow or affect my weight loss?


  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    One question at a time.

    Will it show on the scale tomorrow?
    I would say YES! but do not fear! you didn't "gain" weight" overnight. it's all in your gut and you will poop most of it out soon.

    will it affect my weight loss?
    Not really no. Weight loss doesn't happen in a week. Real life like BBQ happens. Some weeks more than once. Try and make sure it isn't too often and if you know you are going to a BBQ in the afternoon, to eat extra light for breakfast and lunch that day.

    Work out extra hard those weeks if you are feeling "guilty". That will help with the guilt. BUT DON'T STRESS OUT!
    this should be a life style change also right? You need to be social and BBQ, Birtdays and other events happen.

  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    It depends on what your deficit was the rest of the week and what your weekly weight loss target is?
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Yes, it will affect your weight loss. That's what an excess of calories does. It probably won't affect it as much as the dark picture you might have in your mind.