5 days no weight loss -Boooo

So in about 35 days I've gone from 337 to 314, and it's been very steady and rewarding. Now this week I've gone nowhere, in fact was 315 this morning...Ughh.. I know these things happen allll the time, and 5 days is nothing, but I'm very used to seeing the numbers go down, and feeling that sense of reward and satisfaction...I guess this is just to vent. Laaammeeeee


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    So in about 35 days I've gone from 337 to 314, and it's been very steady and rewarding. Now this week I've gone nowhere, in fact was 315 this morning...Ughh.. I know these things happen allll the time, and 5 days is nothing, but I'm very used to seeing the numbers go down, and feeling that sense of reward and satisfaction...I guess this is just to vent. Laaammeeeee


    and rant away
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    :] Damnit scale, gimme my instant gratification!
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Daniel I am worried that you are trying to rush your weight loss. Your calories, proteins and fats are very low most days and now worrying that the scales haven't moved in just 5 days.

    You will be much more likely to keep the weight off if you eat the amount of calories MFP sets you. Build in some nice treats that you enjoy, have a steak and garlic mushrooms or something :)

    The scales will always have stalls and falls and even small gains. As long as you are not over the calories MFP sets you will lose the weight, just slow it up a little so that you don't "Find" that weight again.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    edited July 2015
    Daniel I am worried that you are trying to rush your weight loss. Your calories, proteins and fats are very low most days and now worrying that the scales haven't moved in just 5 days.

    You will be much more likely to keep the weight off if you eat the amount of calories MFP sets you. Build in some nice treats that you enjoy, have a steak and garlic mushrooms or something :)

    The scales will always have stalls and falls and even small gains. As long as you are not over the calories MFP sets you will lose the weight, just slow it up a little so that you don't "Find" that weight again.

    I get you, but don't be concerned, typical side effects of undereating or mal nutrition aren't things I've experienced..honestly I feel great, physically, my performance in exercise constantly improves and if anything I feel more energetic every day, taking on side projects where before I'd just put them off. My plan is to continue to do what I'm doing until I lose a substantial amount, get my high blood pressure down to regular levels and such, and then start adding more calories and over time get a feel for what my maintenance amount actually is. Thanks for your concern tho, means a lot.

  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    Daniel I am worried that you are trying to rush your weight loss. Your calories, proteins and fats are very low most days and now worrying that the scales haven't moved in just 5 days.

    You will be much more likely to keep the weight off if you eat the amount of calories MFP sets you. Build in some nice treats that you enjoy, have a steak and garlic mushrooms or something :)

    The scales will always have stalls and falls and even small gains. As long as you are not over the calories MFP sets you will lose the weight, just slow it up a little so that you don't "Find" that weight again.

    I get you, don't be concerned, typical side effects of undereating or mal nutrition aren't things I've experienced..honestly I feel great, physically, my performance in exercise constantly improves and if anything I feel more energetic every day, taking on side projects where before I'd just put them off. My plan is to continue to do what I'm doing until I lose a substantial amount, get my high blood pressure down to regular levels and such, and then start adding more calories and over time get a feel for what my maintenance amount actually is. Thanks for your concern tho, means a lot.

    Months. It takes months for the "typical side effects" to surface. I netted well under 1000 most of the time for 4-5 months. I then experienced deep, deep fatigue and exhaustion that no amount of sleep cured. A couple of months after I began eating more, my hair started falling out.

    I worked out, kept making progress in cardiovascular conditioning, and was able to do an increasing amount of bodyweight exercises during much of the period when I underate.

    I think you should eat all of your allotted calories + at least half of your exercise calories. You're doing it the hard way right now.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    He's not going to listen you know

  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    I'll go talk to a doctor, get some blood work taken, its been about a decade since I had it done anyway, then I'll take that info to a nutrionist with these records, and should get a decent idea of what I need to do. This post isn't meant to stir up my caloric intake debate.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    He's not going to listen you know


    It you
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I'll go talk to a doctor, get some blood work taken, its been about a decade since I had it done anyway, then I'll take that info to a nutrionist with these records, and should get a decent idea of what I need to do. This post isn't meant to stir up my caloric intake debate.

    I know which is why I didn't go there

    but no not a nutritionist .. a dietician
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I got scolded for months. People who are that overfat can pull a crapton of calories from fat and eat at much larger deficits. I never ate back an exercise calorie, my hair didn't fall out, my nails didn't get brittle, I didn't get depressed, I didn't get exhausted, I just got lighter. Yes, yes, I'm sure I've done some latent harm that at some indeterminate point in the future is going to make me oh so sorry that I got to a normal weight in a year instead of two years or more, so there's always that.

    Obviously, as the body fat goes away, the difference between what your body needs to be able to function properly and how much you need to eat gets smaller.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    I get their concern, really, I do. But I see super obese people going on 800 cals or less, and they lose weight and are overall much healthier. I'm double that most of the time, so I'm not worried about it. I just wish the same people would stop trying to convince me of their opinion.
    What I really wanted was to hear "Yeah that happened to me, I stopped gaining weight for X amount of time, but eventually it started back up, keep going bud" hahaha.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    He's not going to listen you know


    It you

    I'm a dog?


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I've begun losing weight twice. First time was beginning, then a nice long break when the losing crawled to almost nothing, then restarted.

    Both times that I started, the weight flew off at first. First time, I thought it slowed down because I had been so very fat and that it just gets harder as you go. Second time, though, I was close to a normal BMI and it flew off again.

    I think there is something about starting that makes it come off faster.

    But both times it slowed down. So, you aren't alone there. It just happens.

    Don't give up because it's slower, though. Progress is progress! :)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I get their concern, really, I do. But I see super obese people going on 800 cals or less, and they lose weight and are overall much healthier. I'm double that most of the time, so I'm not worried about it. I just wish the same people would stop trying to convince me of their opinion.
    What I really wanted was to hear "Yeah that happened to me, I stopped gaining weight for X amount of time, but eventually it started back up, keep going bud" hahaha.

    I hope these super-obese people are doing it under medical supervision though

    Yes morbidly obese people can easily lose weight at a much higher rate than those who are just overweight .. but still there are potential medical complications .. particularly if losing at a rate higher than 3.3lbs (see gallstones / kidney research)

    anyhoo..see my first post
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    He's not going to listen you know


    It you

    I'm a dog?



    I meant you're psychic!

    Anyway, people on 800cal diets are usually under a doctor's care while they're doing it. Do what you need to do, I guess. At some point you're going to have to stop self-flagellating though.
  • AspenDan
    AspenDan Posts: 703 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I've begun losing weight twice. First time was beginning, then a nice long break when the losing crawled to almost nothing, then restarted.

    Both times that I started, the weight flew off at first. First time, I thought it slowed down because I had been so very fat and that it just gets harder as you go. Second time, though, I was close to a normal BMI and it flew off again.

    I think there is something about starting that makes it come off faster.

    But both times it slowed down. So, you aren't alone there. It just happens.

    Don't give up because it's slower, though. Progress is progress! :)

    Thanks! that's the game plan!
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I get their concern, really, I do. But I see super obese people going on 800 cals or less, and they lose weight and are overall much healthier. I'm double that most of the time, so I'm not worried about it. I just wish the same people would stop trying to convince me of their opinion.
    What I really wanted was to hear "Yeah that happened to me, I stopped gaining weight for X amount of time, but eventually it started back up, keep going bud" hahaha.

    I hope these super-obese people are doing it under medical supervision though

    Yes morbidly obese people can easily lose weight at a much higher rate than those who are just overweight .. but still there are potential medical complications .. particularly if losing at a rate higher than 3.3lbs (see gallstones / kidney research)

    anyhoo..see my first post

    I'm facing gallbladder surgery. Don't know if I did it to myself with my VLCD or if it's just something that would have happened anyway.
  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm in a similar boat this morning. Scale has shot up 2lbs. But I'm confident it's just water weight. Had some unusually hot weather in the UK, coupled with 2 long shifts at work with broken air conditioning so I think I let myself get a bit dehydrated. Have downed a big bottle of water, been for a long walk before the heat gets unbearable and will just carry on doing what I'm doing. The scale will move again when it wants to! :)
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I get their concern, really, I do. But I see super obese people going on 800 cals or less, and they lose weight and are overall much healthier. I'm double that most of the time, so I'm not worried about it. I just wish the same people would stop trying to convince me of their opinion.
    What I really wanted was to hear "Yeah that happened to me, I stopped gaining weight for X amount of time, but eventually it started back up, keep going bud" hahaha.
    So if you don't want advice on the amount of calories you are having will you at least look at your macros a bit?

    You have days where your protein is under 60g, and most days are only in the 70g range. You could add in egg whites at only 4 calories for a small egg white but a huge amount of protein. Also add in Something like Fage 0% yoghurt only 55 calories but 10 gram of protein.
    Add in maybe a handful of seeds to help with your fats, your fat is so low on some days that your body won't be able to transport your fat soluble vitamins around your body. Sesame seeds are a lovely crunch sprinkled on your veg. I also like to coat chicken in them before frying/grilling.

  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    edited July 2015
    I just broke my 5-day stall. My weight jumps around like crazy. LOL.