Late Afternoon Hunger

What do you eat to ward off late afternoon hunger? Every day (at least during the work week) I get this crazy hunger around 4:00. I often don't get out of the office until 6:30, so I need something to get me through those hours. I have been trying a protein powder mixed with water and it hasn't done much to stem the hunger. My work week menu is very consistent:
Steel cut oatmeal mixed with a scoop of protein powder (both weighed out to = 220 calories
Lunch- salad - lettuce and veggies not weighed out, with a protein which is weighed- either 4 oz chicken, 2 boiled eggs or 4 oz tuna, with a light dressing. It usually works out to around 250 - 300 cals.
Banana for a snack around 3:00. I can't weigh this at work but I assume 110 cals.
Then I am absolutely starving around 4:00. The protein mix doesn't seem to do much to help.
Any suggestions of what I can add in to help?


  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    Have you tried adding healthy fats? Add half an avocado to your salad, a teaspoon of olive oil instead of light dressing etc. Should help you feel more full. :)
  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    Alternatively, Greek yoghurt with your banana or any other fruit as a snack. High in protein, not too many calories, should fill you up.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited June 2015
    Yes, I would be ravenous on something that low fat as well. Are you getting enough calories?

    Add olive oil to your salad?

    What about having some nuts with your banana?

    I add an egg, peanut butter, or coconut oil to smoothies to bump up the fat. When I worked in an office, I brought in a blender and left it under the kitchen sink. You could also make smoothies that need to be blended at home and bring them in.
  • colls0325
    colls0325 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you, I will try these! I have been so focused on increasing my protein, I didn't even think of adding in some healthy fat. Such a better way to spend calories too than powder mixed in water.
  • ariamythe
    ariamythe Posts: 130 Member
    colls0325 wrote: »
    Steel cut oatmeal mixed with a scoop of protein powder (both weighed out to = 220 calories
    Lunch- salad - lettuce and veggies not weighed out, with a protein which is weighed- either 4 oz chicken, 2 boiled eggs or 4 oz tuna, with a light dressing. It usually works out to around 250 - 300 cals.
    Banana for a snack around 3:00. I can't weigh this at work but I assume 110 cals.
    Then I am absolutely starving around 4:00. The protein mix doesn't seem to do much to help.
    Any suggestions of what I can add in to help?

    Adding a mid-morning snack might help. Something like a Kashi bar (150 calories, the Chocolate Almond w/sea salt is great). If you're hungry, it suggests your body wants more, or it needs more to get through that part of the day.
  • SimoneBee12
    SimoneBee12 Posts: 268 Member
    Definitely agree with everyone else, but I'm also going to say, I can never have a banana before work, they make my hungry 10x worse than if I don't even eat. I don't know if it's the carbs, or the sugar, or what, but maybe try switching out the banana for some nuts or yogurt or something and see if that helps. It use to drive me insane being so hungry, but once I stopped eating the bananas, it was fine.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I can't just have fruit, I need some fat and/or protein with it... so either some cheese, some Greek yogurt, or some nuts.

    But I can't even imagine eating 550 calories by lunch. I often have that just for breakfast... why is your goal so low?