

  • When I swim, and I do...I find that my muscles get toned. I also find that I am burning calories, because I swim laps and do it for cardio. When you swim with a program in mind, certain sets and reps, it's really not that different from other cardio sports. Except: It's not weight bearing, it's easier on the joints and the…
  • sure, happy to have another friend. Welcome aboard. Feel free to friend me (although my entry today is not the norm, I should warn ya') I'm havin' a pretty lousy day!:blushing:
  • Welcome. I find the community here to be warm and welcoming. There's something for everyone. Good luck with your goals. Feel free to friend me if you'd like. All the best, M
  • Something about being in the pool puts me in a zen like state. I feel my body getting exhausted, but I keep going, lap after lap. I listen to the water rushing past my body, look at the light filtering through the water, listen to the bubbles my breathing makes. I think the goal for me is to get to that very place: the…
  • Terrific! Keep that inspiration going, even on the days when it's hard to do. Sounds like you are on the best road possible and that you have chosen a whole new path to take for your lifetime. Congratulations!:happy:
  • With any kind of back injury, weight bearing (even your own) can be a problem. I get lots of cardio in the pool, when I swim. I also use a lap pool snorkel that will keep your head in the water and your back straight, without needing to lift your head to the side for air. It makes for a better workout over all and keeps…
  • This thread got a big response. Reminded me of the one I posted about losing friends as I lose weight. People have so many of their own hidden issues. Hidden, in particular, from themselves. When you don't know how to manage your own stuff, and you aren't working on it, then it's threatening to see someone else who is…
  • Pay off the house, buy a new car, pay for private school from middle-high school (my kid's too freakin' smart, it just ain't fair). Put away college money in a money market for him. Whatever is
  • Thanks all. It's not a simple thing, is it. I do think that it's important to move ahead and not look back. Some folks will be eating my dust, I guess and others will be right there with me.:smokin: (smokin' and sweatin'). Now to find those new folks....hmmm. Thanks again, everyone!
  • Hilarious post (Personal favorite line: " I guess it depends....") The whole peeing thing. God, that was funny. Cowboy, I hope your ropes aren't scratchy, you've gotta be careful..Racey post of yours, got a big reaction. (:smokin: I nornally wouldn't just broadcast this, but hell, why not. This could be a good thing for…
  • Yay! Stick with it, I'm finding it super helpful too! Great reenforcement, accountability, support....what a difference it all makes!
  • Hi There. My mom did Optifast, but it was many years ago. I know that it was under doctor's supervision though. Like your dad, my mother has food addiction problems too. She's definitely a compulsive eater. I've watched her gain and lose weight over the course of my lifetime and it's a painful process. What I remember…
  • Thanks for that reminder. Those inches really do matter. And you can tell by the way your clothes hang differently too!
  • It's early here in CA, glad you guys are night owls. Daniel Craig was in bed with me yesterday afternoon! My kid was at my folks for a sleepover, which gave me lots of time to get my freak on with my husband. And what he doesn't know, is that Daniel Craig was with us too. Damn does that man make me scream. (good thing my…
  • Sorry, eating TONS of veggies. I should have stated that. And lots of healthy, lean protein. Should have mentioned that earlier. Dairy and nuts, that's a good idea!
  • Sugar comes in so many forms...I'm sure you know that some are better than others. Processed sugar (sugar cane, corn syrup, high fructose...) are all out of my plan right now (I'm also cutting sugar and carbs). The only sugar I have right now is in my fruit, and I limit the fruit I am eating. For example: I won't have more…
  • Fantastic!!! Just keep that beautiful body happy and healthy while it turns itself into a life-making's a pretty tiring experience. I'm happy to cheer you on, it's a new fitness journey you're on, feel free to friend me. congrats, Mama!
  • Funny topic. I often say "stop being mean to my friend........" to whoever is being hard on themselves. It's become part of my language when I am working through something with a friend who is sitting in judgement of themselves. Because I say it so often to others, it's starting to actually stick when I catch myself doing…
  • Hi there! This is a good place to keep you on track!
    in New! Comment by BerkeleyMama August 2011
  • Could be a food allergy...somethin' in the yolk, yet not the white (whites are pretty benign) but folks who are allergic to eggs, I've definitely heard of them....
  • New bed. Definitely. It's not weird, because it feels important to you. This isn't based on logic for you, nor is it petty. Trying to start a family: your family, should happen in your home (that you both got together) in your bed (that you both should also get together). Besides, chances are good that you're in need of a…
  • I'm in. New at joining challenges though, how does our team keep tabs and cheer one another on? Do we all "friend" one another? Can we start some kind of group within MFP? Thanks for this, I particularly need the additional structure. I'm deep into my food and water counting and the exercise needs a big kick in the rear…
  • Great link, indeed! I am addicted to carbs and sugar and I find that my relationship with these foods are kind of complicated. I find it hard to stop eating things that are high carb and /or high in sugar. There are a couple of things I am doing right now while I untangle what feels like a lifelong process, without…
  • I have to say that the only helpful thing about reading this thread was finding friends; the negative message that started this whole thing, along with the other jeering comments from judgmental people is truly unfortunate. It's my hope that people who do read this thread and feel frightened or ashamed by their own…
  • I weigh myself first thing in the morning, right after I've used the toilet. I strip, weigh myself and then hop in the shower (it's become routine). The trick is to hold yourself accountable, but not trap yourself into obsessing over every little rise and dip
  • Lucy: I don't know if you are still following this thread, I hope you have gotten some rest and will do your best to take care of yourself, as you obviously take care of so many others. We've experienced frightening riots here in California for years (Rodney King seem very similar to what's happening, LA was simply on…
  • everyone has great comments. I own a scaled too and swore I never would get one. Now I weigh myself often. When losing weight, it's good to use as a tracker, like lots of folks have said. When stabilizing weight, it's helpful to keep yourself within a 2-3 pound range. The trick is to weigh yourself at the same time every…
  • I'm a Bare Essentials person too. They make a better product now than when I first started using it years ago. There are so many ways to buy it too, so if you're not sure about the color, you can even go to one of their stores and find out what your best shade is and then shop on line for the best prices. They make…
  • Happy to jump on the buddy wagon! Have about 20_25 pounds to go!
  • Right there with you. But I have seen success, and I feel hopeful once again. I was able to drop more than 50 pounds a couple of years ago and reached a weight I hadn't been in 15 years. The past 8 months have been difficult and my weight crept right back up, so I am ready to take charge AGAIN!