Do you weigh yourself at Home?

I'm a numbers kind of girl counting calories and portion sizing is now my habit, but every time I submit my calories I see the 'you'll way this much in how many weeks.' Which has brought me to the point where I'm constantly wondering how much I really weigh (I kind of guessed my current weight in the beginning ) I have yet to actually weigh myself in almost 6 months, much less in the 2 short weeks I have been a myfitnesspal member. I'm debating right now whether or not to get a scale at home for easy weigh ins. But I'm hesitant to buy one because I don't trust myself not to abuse it.

So, for those who do weigh yourself at home what are the pros and cons of having a scale?


  • Pro - you can feel good that your losing weight
    Con - It can become addictive and can influence bad behavior causing you to become off track
  • donbet69
    donbet69 Posts: 133
    It can also motivate you to eat better and make better choices if you see the numbers going up. In either case, it can be addictive.
  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    I agree with Katie. I weight myself once a week, because I get so depressed if it doesn't show me what I want to see. And we all know how much our weight fluxuates during the week. Ugh!!
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    Pro - keeping an estimate in weight loss over few weeks and calculating Your daily calorie requirement. Observing how Your body behaves with certain food.

    Cons- Weight can fluctuate and really get on your nerves if You dont see progress in few days what makes You do wrong judgement about your food and exercise.
  • I have to admit that I weigh myself everyday, although you really should only do it once a week because of variations. The pro for me is that weighing myself keeps me on track and I actually can tell people that I weigh this or that and not guess. The con for me is that I am addicted to weighing myself lol. I am constantly thinking about what I will weigh when I get on the scale.
  • mstren1
    mstren1 Posts: 4
    There are pros and cons.. I think that you should try and weigh yourself once a week. At first it would discourage me but then it pushed me to work harder. It takes consistency and a lot of self talk on this journey. I have set goals for myself for each week and there were times where I didn't meet that goal but that just made me realize I had to try something different and push harder..
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    We have at a scale at my work (in the back store room) for weighing UPS packages. I will use that one - because it is not in a place I can obsess over - but mainly track the progress.

    For my home scale - I only weigh myself on the same day every week - and always around the same time.

    Remember it is only one part of the puzzle. :)
  • outtanms
    outtanms Posts: 237 Member
    I weigh once a week at the gym. No scales at my house!
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    I have to admit that I weigh myself everyday, although you really should only do it once a week because of variations. The pro for me is that weighing myself keeps me on track and I actually can tell people that I weigh this or that and not guess. The con for me is that I am addicted to weighing myself lol. I am constantly thinking about what I will weigh when I get on the scale.

    I agree 100%
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    I just bought a scale and even though THURS is my "official" weigh in day, I have been checking it daily.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    Pro - it's interesting to see how what you do during the day affects your weight, or if it doesn't at all
    Con - can get addictive. and personally, when I know I've had an out of control type day I feel guilty when I look at the scale and don't want to step on it

    By the way, MFP makes its calorie calculations based on your weight among other factors, so if you aren't weighing yourself you could be hurting your progress.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I am an addictive weigher.
    I have a scale at home. I dont let myself get super upset when I go up - I do weigh myself daily - but only my Sunday weighin counts for the week.

    I think I weigh myself so frequently because I am curious how much water weight I lose when I exercise - or how heavy my last meal might have been... Good reasoning? Probably not.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I am VERY consistent with my exercise, and fluid intake, so my weight doesn't fluctuate much.

    I weigh myself a couple times a week, standing naked in front of the mirror. That way I can see changes at the same time ;)
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I weigh myself at home 1x per week. Every Saturday morning when I get up.
    Not certain about any science but my thought sare that during the week my weight will fluctuate depending upon meals, liquids and my exercise schedule. As MFP provided an estimate based on my desire to lose 2 lbs per week I weigh 1x per week using the same scale every week at the same time. This should give me values that are comparable week to week. To date the MFP program has been fairly accurate in that I am loosing roughly 2 lbs per week.

    Good luck!
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Pro - it's interesting to see how what you do during the day affects your weight, or if it doesn't at all
    Con - can get addictive. and personally, when I know I've had an out of control type day I feel guilty when I look at the scale and don't want to step on it

    By the way, MFP makes its calorie calculations based on your weight among other factors, so if you aren't weighing yourself you could be hurting your progress.
  • Hi ManyShadesofKa:
    Good question. Yes, I do weigh myself at home. The only thing is I don't think my scale is balanced. For some reason I'm always gaining on the scale but losing inches LOL. So I decided that I'm going to start tracking my progress by taking my measurements. I am doing intense workouts so I'm building muscle which weighs more anyway. I track my measurements every 1-2 weeks. That way I can see progress and not get discouraged because my weight is not showing any progress. Also, truth be told. I have tile floors which somehow are not too leveled so my scale is thrown off course any way. And YES, every time I see that scale I get so tempted to hop on it. I don't throw it away because it still does work and I do plan on using it. I will probably start weighing myself again if I find some leveled ground!

    But if you think you will abuse it. I say go to a gym or somewhere that you know has a scale (some parks have them in their fitness areas) and weigh yourself there. And set a day of the week or every two weeks to weigh yourself. That way at home, you won't have the scale in front of you - tempting you to hop on it every time you set eyes on it.

    Good luck!
  • I weigh myself every morning. Some people call it an obsession. I call it accountability.
  • everyone has great comments. I own a scaled too and swore I never would get one. Now I weigh myself often. When losing weight, it's good to use as a tracker, like lots of folks have said. When stabilizing weight, it's helpful to keep yourself within a 2-3 pound range.
    The trick is to weigh yourself at the same time every day and wearing roughly the same thing (I weigh myself naked so I don't have to wonder what the clothing adds) ;o
    On the other hand, you can also decide to use a measuring tape. There is a place measurement entry on MFP too. And measuring inches is a great way to see what your progress is, especially if you are scale-shy.
    If you do get a scale at home, get a decent one, it will keep the frustration level down if it's more accurate.
  • DinaLKeil
    DinaLKeil Posts: 95 Member
    I just bought a scale and even though THURS is my "official" weigh in day, I have been checking it daily.

    I do the same ritual. My weigh in days are Wednesdays but my weight definately fluctuates over a 7 day period. I think it might be water weight, etc?
  • fatcitizen
    fatcitizen Posts: 103 Member
    I weigh everyday and track my weight on a spreadsheet along with other factors (like a overeat day)....It really shows me that "what" I eat is a factor(sodium is a killer) as much as "quantity" that I eat. Some would probably say that I am "addicted" to the scale, but hey, it works for me...I lost 34 pounds before becoming a member, so even tho my ticker says 0 it is really 34....