When should I weigh myself?

Tomorrow is my weigh in and I'm working. I leave the house at 5.30am to go to work, I'll probably eat cereal or fruit and then I come home at around 10.30/11am. When should I weigh myself? Before I go to work or when I'm home? I find 5.00am is fairly early but I'm going to eat and stuff throughout my morning before I'm home from work so I don't really know when to weigh myself... I've been told to weigh as soon as you're awake as you haven't ate etc so it's more accurate.


  • fitby2012
    fitby2012 Posts: 167 Member
    Best time for me is right after I wake up and visit Mr. Pottay! :blushing:
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Before you go to work and at the same time, same day each week. Weigh yourself only once per week. Your weight can change several times each day, so that's why this is important.
  • Suzay
    Suzay Posts: 60
    Before you go to work and at the same time, same day each week. Weigh yourself only once per week. Your weight can change several times each day, so that's why this is important.

    Last week as I wasn't working I weighed myself at around 9/10am so I'm stuck in a bit of a rut now...
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Most that I know will recommend weighing in the morning after using the bathroom but before you've eaten anything. That way your weight isn't skewed by food/water you just took in or wastes your body was ready to get rid of. Personally I usually end up weighing in after my workout on Mondays (around 11:00 ish normally). At that point I've eaten breakfast and have had some water but it's before lunch and following my workout where I've found I typically sweat off a half pound or more (yes I've actually weighed before and after workouts for a couple weeks to get an average of .6 pounds lost through sweat).

    Really what matters most is being consistent when you do it. Your weight truly is just a number but it's the relationship of those numbers (each weigh in ) that you're trying to track and that actually make the difference.
  • Like all the others I have always heard first thing in the morning. (Right after Mr. Pottay!) I do it as I am waiting on the water to warm up in the shower. And only check once a week. You will not see a big difference in your weight loss if you do it everyday and you will probably get discouraged.
  • Suzay
    Suzay Posts: 60
    Well last week I weighed in at around 9/10am, so I guess the best time tomorrow would be after work at around 10.30/11am as it's closer than 5am. Will it still be okay to get an accurate weigh in if I've ate cereal etc?
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    You'll be fine, any difference at all would likely only be a few tenths of a pound anyway. Also if at that point your cereal has been digesting for a couple hours you shouldn't notice any real difference.
  • mish26
    mish26 Posts: 60 Member
    Couldn't you just weigh the next day? I see so many people get all upset if they can't weigh at the exact same time every day or week or whatever. And they have to weigh under the exact same circumstances or they make excuses as to why they are up or down an ounce. It's not that big of a deal. Just weigh yourself when you can. Better yet, stop weighing yourself! Eat right and exercise. You will know how you are doing by how you feel and how your clothes fit.
  • I weigh myself first thing in the morning, right after I've used the toilet. I strip, weigh myself and then hop in the shower (it's become routine). The trick is to hold yourself accountable, but not trap yourself into obsessing over every little rise and dip
  • Suzay
    Suzay Posts: 60
    Couldn't you just weigh the next day? I see so many people get all upset if they can't weigh at the exact same time every day or week or whatever. And they have to weigh under the exact same circumstances or they make excuses as to why they are up or down an ounce. It's not that big of a deal. Just weigh yourself when you can. Better yet, stop weighing yourself! Eat right and exercise. You will know how you are doing by how you feel and how your clothes fit.

    No I like to do it weekly. I'm going to do as soon as I wake up, I don't get why 5 hours behind my previous weigh in time will make my weigh in inaccurate so.

    Why would I stop weighing myself? I'm on a goal just now, so I'm quite obviously going to weigh myself? Some people do, some people don't. I'm clearly someone who does so there needn't be telling someone to stop.
  • keola64
    keola64 Posts: 207 Member
    I do in the mornings,before I eat or drink anything.
  • proctorgirl07
    proctorgirl07 Posts: 68 Member
    I weigh first thing in the morning but I get up at different times on different days. This Monday might be 6 next monday it might be 7. I dont think the time 9/10 or 5 or 1030/11 is important. What is important is "had you eaten last time, had you worked out, had you pottied?" If last time had you got straight out of bed and weighted then thats what you do. If you gotten out of bed and ate & exercised then that is what you do. I am sure I never weigh at the exact same time every time but I do make sure the scenario is the same!!!