food diary viewing-stop whining



  • i guess i should clarify i didnt mean it really makes me mad, just sad for them. Im not one to judge, nor am i trying to. Im morbidly obese but if i eat at mcdonalds and pizza hut everyday, who am i to complain about being overweight? I want to be helpful, but in my mind i feel i will hurt their feelings by pointing out that they would lose more weight by not eatting 4 slices of pizza every day for lunch.
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    Well maybe they are looking for support and information and to be taught the facts of eating right. A lot of people believe it doesn't matter what you eat so long and you are under calories and that will work.. In the long run, it will not.

    Instead of making a thread and talking down on these people, why not offer them some support and encouragement and TEACH them the right way?
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I hope no one finds this offensive but something is really bothering me. There are people i see whining and complaining how they cant lose weight and yada yada and then i take a look at their food diary---->>> and they eat mcdonalds and pizza and etc 24/7. Why join a weight loss plan, eat fast food and expect to lose weight??? And why be dumb enough to share your diary and still complain...

    Haha I agree. I'm sure that they joined for support and motivation which they will find plenty on this site. But I have often wondered, in a day and age when information is so easily can they not know eating McDonalds and other fast foods consistently does not equal weight loss?! In the end, you can have all the support and motivation available to you but You have to get real with yourself, and honest! YOU are responsible for what you put in your mouth. It's hard, to be sure and it's great to have so much support here on this site. But it's not going to happen by a miracle, you have to be accountable to yourself!!

    Wishing everyone out there great success in your fitness goals!!!!!!

    Well, I'm not sure HOW they don't know it, but it seems clear they don't. So, instead of passive-aggressively going around whining about other people's whining, how about passing on some of your knowledge to them? If someone came right out and asked people to look at their diary and offer comments..then do it!
  • KrissyChefBaby
    KrissyChefBaby Posts: 68 Member
    Personally, I really find whinning to be cathartic.

    Seriously, one thing that I know is that I will never loose weight on a diet, but only when I learn to eat smart in the real world. And, the real world had McDonald's and Pizza Hut in them. What I am learning is how to navigate those minefields without loosing the battle.

    So, when you see someone whine cuz they aren't loosing weight, but they are eating at a fast food place, give them some help in making a better choice next time - what on the menu at McDonalds do you think is tasty but less harmful to the weight gain? Maybe suggest that next time they have a salad and one slice instead of two slices.

    Just my thoughts.

    i totally agree here, everything in moderation, but said people i see eat fast food every day for at least 2 meals most days, so it isnt just here and there. I suppose i would rather post this rant than hurt someones feelings by bringing this to their attention

    Well even though this is a rant, it does nothing towards helping these people. Them having their diaries open may be a cry for help. They may just be losing the fast food battle and need someone who thinks their off their rocker to tell them that. It would be good to tell them that that is definitely their cause for failure and if they don't want your input, then at least you know you did your part. Some people need an extra push or in some cases a good firm kick in the butt to do what they need to do.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    My diary is always open and I hope that it helps give healthy ideas to people who are struggling to figure out how to do this. It took me a damn LONG time to get it right, there were a lot of lessons learned the hard way before I got my weight loss moving.

    So maybe, they're just at the beginning of their journey. Suggesting reasons for eating differently might be helpful, rather than straight out condemnation. Ie: the sodium, the MSG and HFCS additives, the insulin spike and crash from processed foods, and the ability to eat SO much more if it's not "fast food" and overly high in calories. Sometimes, they may just not realize it .

    Good luck to all! :flowerforyou:
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I agree with you, but I've come to the realization that it is possible that some people just don't know how to eat properly. Perhaps they were brought up in a home where they regularly ate fast food. Have you ever seen the movie Super size Me? (Or whatever it's called...?) There's a scene where "Jared from Subway" is giving some motivational speech about how he lost weight eating only subway sandwiches for lunch. A young girl and her mother are then interviewed where the mother states that her daughter is teased at school because of her weight and the daughter is in tears because she can't afford a subway sandwich at lunch every day and therefore thinks that she can't lose weight, rather than realizing that she can just make a sandwich herself. Granted, this might be staged, but I really think that some people just don't know how to eat healthy foods for whatever reason.
  • yes, knowledge is definatly power when it comes to eating right. I guess i just have a hard time understanding how they dont know that proper place to look up nutrition tips. I was raised eating wrong, my parents owned a restaurant and we lived above it and our only kitchen was in the restaurant, i had fried foods for all meals and pepsi on tap. Thats what did me in, but i do know how to eat right and lose weight, its usually motivation that ends up getting me, i give up, maybe they have given up too but just dont realize it i guess.
  • Maybe if the education system in this country (USA) actually taught proper physical activity as well as nutrition at an early age then we wouldn't have to worry about this. Also, maybe if parents gave a crap about their kids and actually taught proper nutrition, the same thing would happen. We basically have two completely failed systems (education + parenting) and there is no end in sight.

    In other words, be prepared for more people saying they can't lose weight even though they're making the "right" choices by eating Pizza Hut 3 times a day and not understanding how they're getting bigger. Give it 20 years and things might change.
  • I have to say that the only helpful thing about reading this thread was finding friends; the negative message that started this whole thing, along with the other jeering comments from judgmental people is truly unfortunate. It's my hope that people who do read this thread and feel frightened or ashamed by their own behavior, feeling less than perfect will hear that there are people who support them and are willing to help them. If you don't want to help, or if you find it useful to "unfriend 9 friends" (!), all right. But keep your supercilious comments to yourselves.
  • Babrao
    Babrao Posts: 152 Member
    I think we might have the same "friend" in common!!!! This girl eats McDonalds literally 5 out of 7 days a week and 2 meals from there sometimes a day. She consumes all her calories from Fast Food, Pizza, etc. I have tried to explain to her that there are better choices if she has to eat out and I told her to add the sodium column so she could see how horrible her choices were, but she doesn't and just continues on eating horribly every day. I almost think she might work at McDonalds because why on earth would she choose to eat there for 2 meals a day if she didn't? I give up trying to help because she isn't even trying to make better choices and honestly I think she is just not putting in the effort so that she can get the weight loss surgery instead. We all joined this site to get healthy, we are all not perfect and have slip up days, but when there is only 1 day a week that you actually made good food choices, why are you here at all? I only keep her as a friend hoping that I will see her making better choices, and I will be here to root her on when she does!!
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Maybe if the education system in this country (USA) actually taught proper physical activity as well as nutrition at an early age then we wouldn't have to worry about this. Also, maybe if parents gave a crap about their kids and actually taught proper nutrition, the same thing would happen. We basically have two completely failed systems (education + parenting) and there is no end in sight.

    In other words, be prepared for more people saying they can't lose weight even though they're making the "right" choices by eating Pizza Hut 3 times a day and not understanding how they're getting bigger. Give it 20 years and things might change.

    Agreed! Even if the schools teach nutrition, they seldom practice it; school lunches are horrendous.

    I do find it hard to believe that people don’t KNOW that fast food is not good for them. I mean, really, they can’t think that it is.
  • I think we might have the same "friend" in common!!!! This girl eats McDonalds literally 5 out of 7 days a week and 2 meals from there sometimes a day. She consumes all her calories from Fast Food, Pizza, etc. I have tried to explain to her that there are better choices if she has to eat out and I told her to add the sodium column so she could see how horrible her choices were, but she doesn't and just continues on eating horribly every day. I almost think she might work at McDonalds because why on earth would she choose to eat there for 2 meals a day if she didn't? I give up trying to help because she isn't even trying to make better choices and honestly I think she is just not putting in the effort so that she can get the weight loss surgery instead. We all joined this site to get healthy, we are all not perfect and have slip up days, but when there is only 1 day a week that you actually made good food choices, why are you here at all? I only keep her as a friend hoping that I will see her making better choices, and I will be here to root her on when she does!!

    agreed, it makes me upset when someone my size eats like this, even at my worse i never ate that much fast food
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    first don't say you can't lose weight on a diet until you try. you just have to put your mind to it. nobody says that they can't eat fast food and lose weight. you just need to know how to track it. once a week is okay but not 5 days a week
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    Suck it up and eat right. It ain't that hard, people.

    For some of us, it's quite a challenge. I've been battling my weight since I turned 8. I'm glad you're finding it an easy road, but for some it can be quite a rocky climb.
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    Some of these same people may actually be trying really hard, but don't understand the entire concept. Maybe they used to eat 8 slices of pizza for lunch and cut that down to 4. Maybe they used to eat 2 big-macs and fries and now they are only eating 1 cheeseburger for dinner. They might have normally ate 2 sausage biscuits, hashbrowns and a coke for breakfast and have now cut that down to 1 biscuit. In their minds, they have cut down and are doing better and compared to what they were doing, they really are doing better.

    Encouragement is what they need and support. I am sure they face enough nay-sayers in every day life.
  • Some of these same people may actually be trying really hard, but don't understand the entire concept. Maybe they used to eat 8 slices of pizza for lunch and cut that down to 4. Maybe they used to eat 2 big-macs and fries and now they are only eating 1 cheeseburger for dinner. They might have normally ate 2 sausage biscuits, hashbrowns and a coke for breakfast and have now cut that down to 1 biscuit. In their minds, they have cut down and are doing better and compared to what they were doing, they really are doing better.

    Encouragement is what they need and support. I am sure they face enough nay-sayers in every day life.

    that does make a lot of sense, i suppose i never thought of it that way before. If they were eatting 8 slices of pizza and are now at 4, then i guess that is a big change for someone. I guess im always all or nothing, ive ate an entire pizza before many times, but when i made the decision to change my life, i put my all into it, and boy do i miss that pizza, but its like crack, i cant eat one slice or one cheeseburger or one chip so i choose not to eat any of them.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Suck it up and eat right. It ain't that hard, people.

    For some of us, it's quite a challenge. I've been battling my weight since I turned 8. I'm glad you're finding it an easy road, but for some it can be quite a rocky climb.

    It's not an easy road for anyone. It takes patience, dedication, commitment, sacrifice, self discipline, a lot of sweat and and a few tears. We try to make the right choices and challenge ourselves physically. It is pretty much just sucking it up and doing it. There is no easy.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Suck it up and eat right. It ain't that hard, people.

    For some of us, it's quite a challenge. I've been battling my weight since I turned 8. I'm glad you're finding it an easy road, but for some it can be quite a rocky climb.

    Sorry, I didn't really mean to come off sounding so snooty. It wasn't an "easy road" for me, but it wasn't *that* hard either. What made it all click was educating myself. Once I did a little reading and got to understand some very rudimentary basics of nutrition, at least knowing the "right" from "wrong" became easy. Armed with that knowledge, I looked at food in a whole new way. I actually wanted to eat right and not eat crap. And I kept feeling better and better, so the cycle kept feeding itself. A lot of people (not you in particular), can't be bothered to educate themselves. They always want the "quick fix" to be handed to them. They continue to eat poorly because they don't really know any better.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Suck it up and eat right. It ain't that hard, people.

    For some of us, it's quite a challenge. I've been battling my weight since I turned 8. I'm glad you're finding it an easy road, but for some it can be quite a rocky climb.

    i agree if it was so easy no one would be overweight in this world! Its a challenge for most but i am glad you are finding it easy thats always good!!!
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I hope no one finds this offensive but something is really bothering me. There are people i see whining and complaining how they cant lose weight and yada yada and then i take a look at their food diary---->>> and they eat mcdonalds and pizza and etc 24/7. Why join a weight loss plan, eat fast food and expect to lose weight??? And why be dumb enough to share your diary and still complain...

    You will notice that if anyone posts on the message boards here and asks anything close to "what am I doing wrong", the immediate response is ALWAYS "open your diary so we can see". This site is full of voyeurs who just jump at the chance to offer their solution to everyone's problem. But the truth is that you can eat "clean" and still be overweight, eat low carb and still be overweight, eat very little sodium and still be overweight. In the end, it's an individual choice.

    I personally try to abide by the 80/20 rule. I don't watch my sodium, as I don't have any medical conditions that require that. I'm not concerned about water retention. I figure my body has retained all the water it's going to at this point. LOL I will continue to eat junk food and fast food from time to time, but I try to balance that by eating well most of the time. Monday night I had a super pretzel for dinner at the ballgame, and today I'm having Taco Bell for lunch. And I have ice cream for desert every night about 9PM. But I'm still losing weight! :D

    I don't think people are dumb for opening their diaries to the world. I do think it's rather ironic that Chunkabutt's diary is not public, tho... :tongue:

    My advice to the complainers would be to start small and make better choices. Try to cut down the amount of fast food you eat, trade the fries for a side salad once in a while, opt for water or iced tea instead of the soda, start counting your fruits and veggies and aim for 5 a day... after a while you feel better and see results and you start wanting to do more. Everyone has to start somewhere, and drastic changes to your lifestyle create a lot of stress and are hard to sustain.

    Best of luck to all! :)