Weight Loss Buddy?!

I'm seeking a weight loss buddy. I'd love to find someone with about the same amount of weight to lose, but that's not necessary. Male or female. From anywhere and at any age. Mostly, I'm hoping to find someone to send messages back and forth to, to get to know, and to encourage each other on every step of our journey. I'd like someone who will write at least once a day (but I'm online off and on throughout the day so you can't write TOO often). If I have someone to be accountable to, or more than one someone, it will help me stay on track when things get hard. And I'd love to be there for someone as well.

I'm just hoping to find someone to get to know better than I can through the "status feed" on here... Don't get me wrong, I LOVE that feature and I LOVE all of my MFP friends! I'm just looking for something a bit more personal. Hope everyone understands what I'm getting at. LOL Add me/message me if you'd like a friend as well. :-)


  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm at 232 and would like to get down to 175 then reevaluate to lose more. I'm willling to be your weightloss buddy :)
  • junebug1010
    junebug1010 Posts: 27 Member
    I am currently 226 and would like to get down to 175 by January. I would love to be a weight loss buddy to both of you.
  • ok i'm new to the weight loss terms can someone tell me what sw means?
  • bklyngirl71
    bklyngirl71 Posts: 381 Member
    I'm maintainiing. I'll be your buddy
  • sreimer07
    sreimer07 Posts: 154 Member
    sw is start weight :)
  • Happy to jump on the buddy wagon! Have about 20_25 pounds to go!
  • I'm 214... just started yesterday! Goal to be down to 170 by Christmas when I go see my inlaws... I'll be your buddy too!!