sbuzzard24 Member


  • I'M BACK!!!! Back to school... means back to a couple of minutes in front of the computer... which means some accountability so MAYBE I can get my butt back in gear. I actually survived the summer including 3 weeks of being away from home without gaining... THEN I STOPPED BREASTFEEDING... and while I never felt like BF…
  • Some people have no respect!! It's so frustrating!! We went to a lawn seating concert last night (Alabama Shakes... SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOODDDD!!!!!), we got there 2 hours early to get good seats, then people come in as the show is starting and put chairs directly in front of us... seriously, almost in my lap... I guess the guy…
  • I have not gotten into tracking anything with CN... In fact, my goal is to not track as I can become a little obsessed with things like that. I have been weighing and losing so that's good enough for me!! Actually, I had lost 12 lbs. prior to CN (eating whole 30 and 2-a-day, at least, workouts) and nobody noticed, really.…
  • Not more than 7 days... Well... my 10 day induction ended on a Tuesday... and I know that I won't be able to resist Emery's "Donuts and Daisies" birthday party treats... so I think I'll go another 10 til the 13th, then start cycling every 7 days. I am still up 1 lb. from preCN... but down 8 since starting CN 20 days ago...…
  • Kevin -- I agree...WAY TOO FEW CALORIES, regardless of your eating plan... Had my 2nd CN last night, mercy day... as many as you can eat comfortably?!?! I ate a "normal amount" and felt sick. It's so strange, I look forward to CN then I want to eat all the foods I was craving for the past 10 days... and none of them taste…
  • When I got pregnant with my son 9 years ago I went FULL ON PREGGO... I ATE EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING THAT I WANTED, I gained 75 lbs!! I was 26 and it came off relatively easy. This time I said... I am going to do this right. Gain no more than 30 lbs., stay active through my whole pregnancy, eat Whole 30 at least 80% of the…
  • I'm in... I have no problem drinking ridiculous amounts of water at work with a water cooler to constantly refill my bottle... but we'll see if I can keep it up once school is out for the summer!!
  • TOMORROW IS MY 14TH ANNIVERSARY/MY DAUGHTER'S 1ST BIRTHDAY AND CARBNITE!!!! This time I actually finished the 10 day induction... as of this morning I am 3 lbs. away from being out of the 200s AGAIN for the last time. An issue I have heard/read a lot about with CNS is being terrified of the gain and I am feeling it right…
  • Thanks John... I tried "bulletproof coffee" once... and didn't love it... I just used coconut oil and clean butter blended... I've been doing heavy cream (took some serious getting used to, I'm a black coffee person!!)... but almond butter sounds GOOD!!
  • So... I am down 2lbs from last Friday and that is WITH a Carb Nite... I am really getting used to this and sooooo excited to see not just weight but BODY FAT coming off!!! I'm down an 1.5 inches in my waist and 1 in my hips!!! Prior to finding CNS I was losing weight but COULD NOT change my body composition... HOORAY FOR…
  • John... I LOVE THE MURPH!!! I do it (mini, mid, full) with my aerobics classes, such a great workout, such a great tribute. I have tried to convince our AFJROTC to do it here at my high school but they think it is too difficult for their cadets... CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!?!?!? They drive me nuts!! I'm going to a new kettle…
  • Good Tuesday morning!! Great speech, John... I saw several people were differentiating between Veterans Day and Memorial Day, very well said! Carb Nite-- So, I "had" to take my carb nite a little early, only 6 days in (my husband is a pastor and in an effort to not offend people...sometimes it is just eaiser to eat...). I…
  • HAPPY FRIDAY!! Is it carb nite yet?!?!?! I'm getting sooooooooo bored with fat food... I'm a black coffee person... so the addition of heavy cream has been interesting, to say the least!! So far my days have consisted of: ground beef, avacado, eggs, bacon, butter, spinach, olives, cheese, gee, heavy cream, coconut oil... I…
  • So grateful for the guidance!!! I am in my office right now drinking coffee with heavy cream instead of my regular cardio sesh!! Carol... Yes!! I have the best job in the whole wide world. (caution...humble brag!!) We are doing final fitness testing for the semester and EVERY student (so far, one more class to go today)…
  • Right!!! I got some CBL podcasts in with my CNS podcasts... as well as some other guys besides Kiefer... I definitely need to clear up some confusion!! Any insight or help would be GREATLY appreciated. My days look like this... 5 am: wake up, feed baby, clean house, prepare for day (I used to eat breakfast here, but am…
  • Thanks Kim (I'm Susan)... I tend to over-think stuff... Long term is what I'm looking for... as a health nut (and teacher) crash diets are not for me... I need a lifestyle. Paleo has served me well, but this baby weight SUCKS!!!! The more I listen to Kiefer the more I hear him say, "it's not complicated!!" So I am on day 2…
  • Soooo...while I am waiting on the book, I've been binging on the Kiefer podcasts... am I getting the basics of Carb Nite right? 1. Eat ultra low carb, lots of healthy fats, moderate protein. 2. Exercise...within 12 hours of going to sleep, if morning workouts...5pm is the optimum window. 3. Carb Nite is a 4 hour…
  • I am exploring Carb Nite... haven't bought the book yet... but I have some stubborn lbs. and struggling to get my body fat % down since my last baby... who is doing it? How is it going? I have been binge listening to Kiefer podcasts...
  • You can do it W30 people!! I'm on day 26, it's worth it... by day 6 or 8 you will feel the change!! Something I didn't know that learned this W30... Plantains!!!! I've only ever eaten them black as a super sweet snack... fry them in coconut oil when green and make a taco salad... SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD!!!! Green plantains:…
  • What is your reason for eliminating animal protein?
  • Thanks so much. I love W30 and feel so much better when I am eating clean. I am a person who NEEDS rules, so I really like the guidelines. After 20 months of eating HORRIBLY the first week of detox was rough, and to make it even worse I decided to give up coffee for the W30 as well... headaches, no energy...but by day 7 I…
  • Hey y'all... I am new here... but stumbled upon the F2FHQ Podcast last week and have been binge listening. So good to hear people saying things like "NOT EVERYTHING WORKS FOR EVERYONE, FIND WHAT WORKS FOR YOU"... I am on day 24 of my 4th Whole 30, but my first since getting pregnant and having my 11 month old... so I have…