aleph_0 Member


  • I just hit my goal today :) 8/1: 3.4 km 8/3: 2.6 km 8/9: 2.6 km 8/10: 3.1 km 8/16: 3.1 km 8/18: 3.1 km 8/21: 3.3 km 8/24: 3.3 km 8/26: 3.1 km 8/29: 3.1 km Total: 30.7/30 km Not a very lofty goal by any means, but it turns out it was just right!
  • I did W3D1 today! I felt those 3 minute runs were pretty tough... I really had to push myself on both of them! In the end I'm glad I could do it though.
  • 8/1: 3.4 km 8/3: 2.6 km 8/9: 2.6 km 8/10: 3.1 km 8/16: 3.1 km 8/18: 3.1 km 8/21: 3.3 km 8/24: 3.3 km 8/26: 3.1 km Total: 27.6/30 km Just one more workout and I'll be there!
  • It's not failing! You're doing fine, and I wouldn't worry too much about speed while you're doing the programme and training for endurance :) Just keep showing up and giving it your best shot!
  • 8/1: 3.4 km 8/3: 2.6 km 8/9: 2.6 km 8/10: 3.1 km 8/16: 3.1 km 8/18: 3.1 km 8/21: 3.3 km 8/24: 3.3 km Total: 24.5/30 km @ctdebbie I wear pants with pockets for running, and just put my keys in one pocket and my phone in the other, that's worked well so far. Tying a single key (or a pair) into shoelaces also works...
  • W2D3 today :) It went a little better than last time, and on some intervals I didn't stop running right when my app told me but kept going for a few seconds just to prove that I could. Let's see how the next week goes!
  • W2D2 completed yesterday - on a nice new route by the river :) On the running intervals I could go for about a minute without a problem, but then it starts getting really hard and I find myself wanting to stop (even if I'm trying to go as slowly as I can). I really don't think this bodes well for the upcoming weeks... but,…
  • 8/1: 3.4 km 8/3: 2.6 km 8/9: 2.6 km 8/10: 3.1 km 8/16: 3.1 km 8/18: 3.1 km 8/21: 3.3 km Total: 21.3 km I'm getting close to my goal but I do need to stay on track :) I tried a different route yesterday (along the river, and ideally it would've led me toward the Grand Canal, but I had to turn around halfway because it was…
  • @Lasmartchika @joy4strength Yay, welcome :smiley: I did W2D1 this morning, and it was surprising how much harder it seemed even if I had to run for only 30 seconds more. I almost gave up at one point, but I kept making deals with myself, pushing myself to at least get to that tree... OK, made it, great, get to that bench…
  • 8/1: 3.4 km 8/3: 2.6 km 8/9: 2.6 km 8/10: 3.1 km 8/16: 3.1 km 8/18: 3.1 km Total: 17.9 km
  • That's amazing, congrats! :) I did W1D3 today - it didn't seem easier in comparison to D2 and D3, and I had to push myself to get through the last few runs, but that was mostly mental. I should probably switch up my routine a bit though - my weightlifting workout plan has me squatting every time, and I was thinking of…
  • 8/1: 3.4 km 8/3: 2.6 km 8/9: 2.6 km 8/10: 3.1 km 8/16: 3.1 km Total: 14.8 km I had a busy week so didn't get to run at all, but I remedied that today :)
  • 8/1: 3.4 km 8/3: 2.6 km 8/9: 2.6 km 8/10: 3.1 km Total: 11.7 km
  • I know I should've taken a rest day but my schedule dictated to do W1D2 today. New running shoes do make a difference! They had a machine that recorded the way my feet moved, apparently I have a problem with overpronation, and my feet definitely felt better with the new shoes this morning. I did have some kind of cramp in…
  • Eating is going so-so, but I did get some lifting in this week. I switched from the programme that they gave me at my gym that just isn't doing anything for me to Stronglifts 5x5, and it's going okay so far :) I also started Couch to 5k because this is the week of "this way of doing things isn't working, start ALL THE…
  • I did w1d1 today! I didn't think I could manage - I've been trying to run for a couple of times, just for as long as I could go and then switched to walking in a sort of haphazard way, and didn't feel I was making any progress, hence the switch to a structured programme. The first minute of running was hard, but it was…
  • I didn't manage to run even once on a work day because our week was super busy, but I got a run in today! 8/1: 3.4 km 8/3: 2.6 km 8/9: 2.6 km which brings me to 8.6 km total. Better step my game up! I started Couch to 5K today and lived through the first workout, yay :) @Ohhim Congrats on your triathlon! :)…
  • I don't have a particular race picked out yet, but I've put it into my head that I want to run a 5k race at least once in my life. I don't want to win, just to survive and not come in last. I'm not anywhere near being able to run an untimed 5k yet, so I'd better get some more practice ;)
  • I'm new too (to the group and to running) - I'm shooting for 30 km. Attainable goals, right? ;) Good luck, everyone!
  • I'll join! I'll try for 30 km this month as I'm just starting out and want to set an attainable goal. Starting C25k tomorrow :) 8/1: 3.4 km 8/2: Rest day (or better, lifting day, but I didn't run, so...) 8/3: 2.6 km (edit: dates are hard...)
  • I'm back from vacation! Not doing so well with food, but I've gotten right back to exercising as much as I did before. Progress is glacial as usual, but then again I started out with basically no upper body strength at all, and any progress is better than no progress. Plus I really need to get more protein in general...…
  • This is a great idea, I hope you don't mind if I jump in! JFT 17/07 * Go for a run * Make a sensible choice at the food market later * Long list of chores ;) * Do my part of the packing * Get some time in to relax and read or play video games - it's my day off work after all!
  • @robbie_1982 Ugh, sorry to hear that thing about your trainer session, but at least you did get a workout in after all! I hope your knee is getting better. @annemmr Welcome! :) I'm a bit under the weather (while mainland Europe is apparently being hit by a heatwave, we have 14°C and rain here in Ireland, and I have a…
  • I usually work out in the evenings, but today I went for a run first thing (I actually just got back) because we have a major cause of celebration at work and I'd rather not miss that for the gym, so I went running instead. It was only my second time, so I'm still rather rubbish at it and had to walk for a bit in between,…
  • Bi agender person living in Ireland here. Feel free to add me :)
  • Fellow un-fit overweight person at the gym (who is often the least fit person in the entire room) here: You do belong. You are a paying member just as they are, they've just been at it for a few years longer. They all had to start out at some point, they weren't born that fit, and you can get there too! Headphones help a…
  • Hey! I'm new to the group but thought I'd check in and say hello :) Today was weightlifting day, and while I still lift ridiculously low weights, I upped my weight on two exercises today, and my partner whom I asked to check my form said that I had better range of motion than most people he saw exercising there, and that…
  • I live in Ireland! :D (I'm originally from Germany, but we moved here last year)
  • I'm looking for the same! Sending you a friend request :)