August 2015 Running Challenge



  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    8/1 - 9 miles
    8/2 - 4 miles
    8/4 - 3.2 miles
    8/5 - 4 miles
    8/6 - 2.5 miles (hill repeats)
    8/8 - 6 miles (tempo run)
    8/9 - 3 miles
    8/12 - 4.5 miles (trail)
    8/13 - 4 miles
    8/14 - 2 miles
    8/15 - 10 miles
    8/16 - 2.6 miles (trail)
    8/19 - 3.1 miles
    8/20 - 4 miles
    8/22 - 11 miles

    Forgot to take my inhaler before my long run on Saturday, and realized it 1/2 mile in. I decided to not go back for it, kept my pace slow and added regular walk breaks. I made it through the run with no breathing issues, but started to have problems later in the day. I'm starting to feel better, but there is still some inflammation, so today is going to be another rest day. Hopefully tomorrow I'm back to normal.

  • Mopar88
    Mopar88 Posts: 54 Member
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    edited August 2015
    Here are some reminders why winter running sucks:
    — Running below a certain temperature is not safe
    — You wear layers and are cold two minutes after your run ends
    — Fingers feel frozen even when you wear gloves
    — Frozen eyelashes or beards and icicles in your hair
    — It is dark for what feels like all the time

    Hilarious!!! Actually, I love winter running. I would rather have cold and snow than heat and humidity. One of my best 5k's was in February, air temp was -10F, wind chill was -30. My hands get HOT when running, there were only 2 times last winter where I didn't have bare hands at some point (I make sure I have a pocket for my gloves). A mfp friend sent me a link for glow in the dark running shoes and I want to get a pair for winter. Mostly because I think it would be fun, but anything that makes me more visible in the dark is good :smiley:

    @7lenny7, congrats on your son making the soccer team! My son's HS soccer coach encouraged them all to run track to get in shape for summer soccer training. My son finally ran track for the first time his junior year and discovered that he loved it just as much (or more) than soccer. And great pictures!

    @mwyvr, great finish and photos!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    8/1: 5 miles
    8/2: 11.5 miles
    8/3: 4 miles
    8/4: XT day: 42 min bike (12 miles) and 35 min walk (2 miles), AKA: 2 episodes of Gilmore Girls
    8/5: 8 miles
    8/6: 6.5 miles with the Thursday crew
    8/7: 5 miles
    8/8: 3 miles
    8/9: 18 miles
    8/10: 4 miles
    8/11: REST DAY!!
    8/12: 10 miles
    8/13: 7 miles am, 6.4 miles pm with Thursday crew
    8/14: REST DAY!!
    8/15: 6 miles with the Saturday morning group
    8/16: 14 miles
    8/17: 5 miles
    8/18: Rest
    8/19: 9.2 miles
    8/20: 8 miles am + 6.3 miles pm with Thursday crew
    8/21: Rest (went shopping and got the last of the "sizing down" clothes I need for summer/fall)
    8/22: 5 miles
    8/23: 15.1 miles
    8/24: 4 miles


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for August

    8/1 17 miles - 17
    8/2 REST DAY
    8/3 10.5 miles - 27.5
    8/4 9.25 miles - 36.75
    8/5 5.65 miles - 42.4
    8/6 REST DAY Unplanned (domestic emergency and bad weather)
    8/7 6.4 miles - 48.8
    8/8 18 miles - 66.8
    8/9 REST DAY
    8/10 10.15 - 76.95
    8/11 9.25 - 86.2
    8/12 6.25 - 92.45
    8/13 10 miles - 102.45
    8/14 6.2 miles - 108.65
    8/15 18 miles - 126.65
    8/16 REST DAY
    8/17 10.5 miles - 137.15
    8/18 10.5 miles - 147.65
    8/19 6.2 miles - 153.85
    8/20 9.4 miles - 163.25
    8/21 6.75 miles - 170
    8/22 18 miles - 188
    8/23 REST DAY
    8/24 10.55 miles - 198.55


  • krdews
    krdews Posts: 124 Member
    edited August 2015
    on par exercise.png[img][/img]
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    8/1 - 5.82 mi
    8/2 - 4.05 mi
    8/3 - 4.35 mi of on-track speed work...tough!
    8/4 - Rest day; might sneak in a walk this evening though.
    8/5 - 2.0 mi on indoor track; 45 minutes of aerobics / cross-training with HM group.
    8/6 - 3.1 mi, beautiful morning in Central Iowa!
    8/7 - 4.25 mi, love that 70° and humid now seems pleasant!
    8/8 - 5.7 mi with my HM training group
    8/9 - rest day
    8/10 - 3.5 mi along the Galena River.
    8/11 - 4.48 mi, cool morning
    8/12 - 4.6 mi; 2.5 of hill repeats with 2.1 run to finish up (HM training group)
    8/13 - 4.75 mi, Trek/treadmill
    8/14 - 4 mi; one of those runs that is hard, but you don't know why.
    8/15 - 6.01 mi with HM training group
    8/16 - 3.18...5k PR woo hoo! 24:39 chip time
    8/17 - 5.58 mi, some tempo intervals bookended by a few easy miles. Sore from the weekend.
    8/18 - rest day
    8/19 - 5.23 mi with HM training group...lots of hills. Now I am seriously hungry!
    8/20 - 4.4 mi, Trek/treadmill
    8/21 - unplanned rest day; sore/swollen ankle
    8/22 - 4.0 mi
    8/23 - 7.55 mi with HM training group; beautiful morning for a run!
    8/24 - 5.7 mi of intervals with HM training group; loving the cool weather!


    I have been contemplating getting some running hats just to keep the sweat off my face a bit. After reading everyone's comments, I am definitely going to give them a shot. Thanks for the input!
  • krdews
    krdews Posts: 124 Member
    Hmmm not sure why my ticker is not showing my correct mileage... s/b 114.7 - 76%
  • mandync5497
    mandync5497 Posts: 56 Member
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So- my program has races scheduled for me- apparently this weekend is a race weekend- I just found this

    and it's free- they probably take donations- but still- I'll take that!!! it's pretty close to me to- Only 25 minutes away. Go me.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @ohhim glad the rash is getting better
    @_nikkiwolf_ and @shell1005 I'm torn between winter and summer running. I ran all last winter down to 5 degrees, but this Jersey Girl's blood has thinned in the 8 years I've lived in the South LOL I like being able to get up throw on minimal clothes and go.
    @mwyvr great pictures, awesome job on the Grind. Wow!
    @shanaber and all thanks Skip's eye is okay, by 5:00 Saturday night all the swelling was gone and she didn't mentioned it again
    @cancersurvivor2014 fantastic PR on the 5 miler
    @elise4270 slow is still out there go forward like you said. You amaze me that you get out there, awesome all the time.
    @juliet3455 Awesome on the Tri - ouch on the knee
    @ruqayyahsmum I have not advice on the migraines, sorry they sound so painful
    @7lenny7 great runs. Love the pictures, I need to find nicer places to run.
    @ctdebbie try a flipbelt for running. I use my Garmin 15 for tracking and uploading my runs so I don't really carry much, I just an iPod Nano for music when I run without Skip. I have a belt that I used during a HM I'd have to look at whose it is I like it and if you make it tight enough it works great, very comfortable. I only used it to take my iPod Touch with me but something ran amuck and my music died so it was a waste to have it with me.
    @stoshew71 thisclose to your 200. You are killing it this month

    Took a rest day today since the last 2 days runs were horrible. Thought I'd break the cycle. I tried Saturday to set up and account for Skip on my Garmin Connect so she could download her runs, it put everything on my runs. So I deleted her runs and got an account under her email set up. It would download her runs, but downloaded mine, so I deleted mine only to find out it then deleted them off my account (WHAT?!). So both our runs are gone. I sync'd after yesterday's run and got that off the watch but that was it. I'm going to have to manually add them back in. UGH!

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Took a rest day today since the last 2 days runs were horrible. Thought I'd break the cycle. I tried Saturday to set up and account for Skip on my Garmin Connect so she could download her runs, it put everything on my runs. So I deleted her runs and got an account under her email set up. It would download her runs, but downloaded mine, so I deleted mine only to find out it then deleted them off my account (WHAT?!). So both our runs are gone. I sync'd after yesterday's run and got that off the watch but that was it. I'm going to have to manually add them back in. UGH!

    When I've had problems like that (not on Garmin Connect, but on something unrelated), I used a different browser completely to set up the second account so the cookies wouldn't interfere with each other. I think some browsers will let you switch identities, but using a complete different browser was easier for me to keep straight.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited August 2015
    @stoshew71 thisclose to your 200. You are killing it this month

    Thanks. I may need a cutback week this week. This morning's run was very sluggish and I feel very sore. I ran pretty hard on my 18 miler this past Saturday. I thought the rest day yesterday would do it, but apparently not good enough. This is how I hurt myself earlier this late spring by not listening to my body. All in good timing I guess since Jennifer is supposed to do the Running of the Bulls 5K this Saturday.

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    edited August 2015
    01-Aug: 6.48 miles; 3.21 miles (walk)
    02-Aug: 6.58 miles
    03-Aug: 6.56 miles; 2.55 miles (walk)
    04-Aug: 3.26 miles
    05-Aug: <Life Day>
    06-Aug: 3.18 miles
    07-Aug: 6.48 miles
    08-Aug: 6.51 miles
    09-Aug: 4.10 miles
    10-Aug: 4.12 miles
    11-Aug: 4.20 miles
    12-Aug: 1 mile (walk on dreadmill)
    13-Aug: 4.05 miles
    14-Aug: 4.02 miles
    15-Aug: 6.48 miles
    16-Aug: 4.16 miles
    17-Aug: 6.49 miles
    18-Aug: 4.13 miles
    19-Aug: <Life Day>
    20-Aug: 4.09 miles
    21-Aug: 4.14 miles
    22-Aug: 6.51 miles
    23-Aug: 4.46 miles
    24-Aug: 4.20 miles

    BTW - be careful that your Life Day doesn't become LIFE DAY (a la Star Wars Holiday Special:

    FOOTBALL is coming....
  • dstock80
    dstock80 Posts: 81 Member
    Aug 21: 3.13 miles
    Aug 22: 2 miles
    Aug 23: 6.14 miles

  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    Nothing exciting here. Just adding 3.02 miles. I am running for time again instead of miles since I cannot seem to make up my mind.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    I did 36km this weekend for a total of 236km/146 miles. I've got 60km planned between Sat & Sun so I should be on track to reach my 350km goal this month.
  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member
    DATE ... MILES
    8/1 ... 16.5
    8/2 ... 10
    8/4 ... 5
    8/5 ... 8
    8/6 ... 5.25
    8/8 ... 17
    8/9 ... 6
    8/10 ... 4
    8/11 ... 5.5
    8/13 ... 5.5
    8/15 ... 13.1
    8/16 ... 10
    8/17 ... 6
    8/18 ... 5.5
    8/20 ... 9
    8/22 ... 22.5
    8/23 ... 5

    153.85 done/200 goal

    Rest day today but I needed to update my mileage from this weekend.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I shared these 2 posts on my FB Running page this morning. Thought I share it with the group.

    This is is all about cutback weeks and a prospective from a great marathon runner Ryan Hall:

    And this one is abour runners over 40:

    My FB page:
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    First two-a-day in the books. Feels good to have them done, but during that second run everything really sucked *kitten*.

    8/1 - 10 miles
    8/2 - 12 miles (22 miles total)
    8/4 - 8 miles (30 total)
    8/5 - 12 miles (42 miles total)
    8/6 - 8 miles (50 miles total)
    8/9 - 20 miles (70 miles total)
    8/12 - 16 miles (86 miles total)
    8/19 - 12 miles (98 total)
    8/22 - 20 miles (118 total)
    8/24 - 4 tempo and 4 easy miles (126 total)

    Goal 220 miles
