August 2015 Running Challenge



  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    Goal: 40 miles

    8/4 - 3.66 miles. Darn ITB bothered me around 3. I thought I was over this.
    8/6 - 4.33 miles. No ITB pain, but slowed WAY down. Cautiously optimistic :)
    8/10 - 4.53 miles. No pain again! Still very slow, but slow running is still running :)
    8/12 - 3 miles. Taking it easy so I can start adding long runs on the weekend.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    edited August 2015
    8.1.15.... 5.41 M... 52:30.
    8.3.15.... 1 HR Lift + 2 hrs dance
    8.4.15.... 3.19 M.... 28:10 Afternoon Hot Run + 2 hrs of dance
    8.5.15.... 4.18 M....39:06 Nice cool morning run- feeling stiff-
    8.5.15.... Pt And Chiro Rest otherwise
    8.6.26.... 3.05 M..... 27:59 super cool morning
    8.7.15..... PT and Chiro- Rest otherwise
    8.8.15.... 6.30...1:01 Calf problems
    8.11.15... 3.02...30... super slow and rainy
    8.12.15.... 4.19 ...37:57... moderate- pushed the tinest bit- supposed to be a race pace run- but with the calf I was holding back a little- as long as I was relaxed and kept an even cadence it seemed to do okay- gate shifted to a little more of a mid/back roll rather than my standard mid- fore foot strike. which causes it's own set of grinding- but no massive cramping.

    29.34 of 75 miles
    50.19 of total 225

    Wednesday Jo is feeling very Wednesday today.
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    you think so? I've only run 25 miles- I think if my math is correct you're at what 24? that's not that much more.

    I'm following the Novice 2 program from Hal- actually- well to be fair- my milage would be higher total for training since I skipped the first full week- oh- speaking- I should count up how many miles of training total for this and log that as well (since it's 12 weeks) ! hey there. but it's not overwhelming- the weekly runs stay pretty much the same and the weekend run goes up. it seems reasonable to me!

    being said... I need my calculator!

    225 including the race- 210 roughly (minus the decimals for races and what not) without the race.

    let's see- I missed the first week ran only 2 total instead of the 9
    so 6... then 20

    so 20, 16, 10- I think if I just added up the calendar properly- I have run 46 of the 225 I'll technically be running for training.

    I think I'm just at 19. But going to run 2 more times this week. So should be at 29 by the end of the week. I guess it is about the same! I guess I saw you posting so many runs I thought it was a lot more. :)
    Well- 4 runs a week- but the 3 mid week are fairly short- only 3-4-3- at some point they get bumped to 3-5-3- but it's not as much as you think- which is nice- it's totally manageable to run 3 miles before work without putting a huge crimp in my morning style. LOL
  • mandync5497
    mandync5497 Posts: 56 Member
    edited August 2015
    started a 5k to 10k app today and went well. Adding in tempo runs... as far as I can understand it's supposed to be a little faster then my steady run? I am a very slow runner. short legs. I steady run at 3.5. So should my tempo run be at 4.? Very new to this any help would be appreciated! :)
    8/3 – 2.02 miles
    8/4 – 2.11
    8/5 – 2.4
    8/6 – rest day
    8/8- 2.4
    8/12 – 1.5

  • pdfrazier08
    pdfrazier08 Posts: 178 Member


  • bcrist
    bcrist Posts: 19 Member


  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited August 2015
    Wow, I can't believe how fast this thread moves, way to go everyone!!!

    I'm back from 10 days of holidays and visiting family, all of which involved too much driving (3,000 km) but in return we saw relatives in four different locations in Alberta and Washington state plus spent some quality R+R time in various mountain and rural areas of British Columbia, Alberta and Montana. Phew, I need a rest!

    I also need to get back to logging some miles if I'm to have a chance (slim at that) of even approaching my goal for this month. I'm at least 30 - 40km behind schedule.

    Month to date:		062.15 km
    Goal:			322 km / 200 miles (19% completed)
    Aug 12 13.70 km Up at 0530H to beat the heat
    Aug 11 -----    Life Day
    Aug 10 -----    Life Day
    Aug 09 08.09 km Gentle welcome home date-run with Sue
    Aug 08 12.27 km Great cool run along Lake Sammamish near Seattle
    Aug 07 06.04 km Short run before really loooong driving day, bye bye Montana
    Aug 06 -----    Rest Day / 10km hiking in Swan Range, Montana
    Aug 05 08.09 km Easy trail in Bigfork Montana
    Aug 04 -----    Rest Day
    Aug 03 03.35 km Quick jaunt before long driving day, bye bye Alberta
    Aug 02 -----    Cycling while visiting family
    Aug 01 10.60 km Trails both wide + single track

    Nice to run along the Fraser River in the early morning hours...
  • estepicursor
    estepicursor Posts: 500 Member
    8/1 - 4mi
    8/3 - 3mi
    8/5 - 3mi
    8/7 - 3mi
    8/9 - 4mi

    I've been having some pain in my right foot, so cut my run short last night rather than trying to run through it (again). Hoping it just needs a few days...

  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    edited August 2015
    Aug. 4 - 2.5 miles
    Aug. 5 - 1.5 miles
    Aug. 7 - 5.04 miles
    Aug. 10 - 4.5 miles
    Aug. 11 - 3 miles
    Aug. 12 - 4.14

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    I was not able to fit time in for a run yesterday. I felt really good this morning and was able to wake early to run for the last time on a weekday for quite some time (kids start school tomorrow nixing most morning runs). So I decided to add another 4 miles and enjoy it. I felt just fine until the last 2.5 miles or so. I was on absolute fumes that last mile, doing a mix of running and walking in hopes of making it home (I did).

    Looking at my last two runs, the problem is obvious! :wink: I need to stop adding miles if I miss runs during the week. Even though I never catch up to the total weekly mileage, it kicks me in the butt on a later run (like today).

    Yes, I'm whining like a baby. Crying out loud even! :lol:They say it's a good pain though (not injured). They can shove it.

    8/1 - 10 miles
    8/2 - 12 miles (22 miles total)
    8/4 - 8 miles (30 total)
    8/5 - 12 miles (42 miles total)
    8/6 - 8 miles (50 miles total)
    8/9 - 20 miles (70 miles total)
    8/12 - 16 miles (86 miles total)

    Goal 220 miles


  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member

    8/3/15 - 10 miles
    8/4/15 - 5.34 miles
    8/5/15 - 4 miles
    8/6/15 - 4.1 miles (corrected from 4.0 yesterday - misrepresented!)
    8/7/15 - 5 miles
    8/10/15 - 5.2 miles
    8/11/15 - 7.8 miles
    8/12/15 - 4.05 miles

  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I've had to cut a few runs short due to calf pain. I'm about a half mile in and make it a mile and quit.

    Looks like my sodium is OK. It's hot, but I don't salt my food. I've been drinking coconut water, and an occasional magnesium capsule. My diary shows I'm getting about 1/3 of the rda on potassium. Think that's it?

    Of course, I'm having constant SI pain again. Maybe my gait is altered. I know chronic pain messes with your iron..

    You're probably getting more potassium than your diary shows. Labels aren't required to include the information, so many products don't include it.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member

    Yes, I'm whining like a baby. Crying out loud even! :lol:They say it's a good pain though (not injured). They can shove it.

    @whatmerunning I don't know who they are but they are stupid!

    Hey just get up earlier to run, before the kiddos - see problem solved and you're welcome.

  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Yes, I'm whining like a baby.

    There, there, now, it'll be alight. Honest!
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    Today I am sad. Today was supposed to be my "long run" and instead it is a rest day. I have strength training on Tuesdays and Fridays and every couple of weeks I have an intense leg day. Yesterday wasn't that intense, but today my right knee is clicking and popping and hurting. Add that to weird ankle pain on the left and I think that today is a "do nothing" day. :(

    I am praying that I can do my long run tomorrow. I haven't done a 10K in a few weeks. I have a real one I'm signed up for at the end of September and I need to be ready.

  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    8/1--3.36 miles
    8/2--rest day
    8/3--3.7 miles
    8/4--Strong Curves A
    8/5--4.13 miles
    8/6--Strong Curves B
    8/7--unexpected rest day
    8/8--7.18 miles
    8/9--scheduled rest day
    8/10-4.05 miles
    8/11-unscheduled rest day :/
    8/12-5.46 miles

  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    My July goal was 30 miles and I hit that. I think I will shoot for 35 for August.

    8/2 - 3.5mi. PR for distance Woohoo! According to my GPS I went 3.5 but according to the trail map I did 3.7 miles. I am going with my GPS since I always use the same one when I run so any errors should be consistent. Walking up to get ice cream with son and dog later so that will be another 3 miles but I will not include it in my monthly total.
    8/4 - 3.6mi. Another PR! I went for a run on my break at work because I was falling asleep at my desk, don't tell the boss, and I ended up completing the run in 50 minutes which is what it took me to run 5k last month in the heat and humidity. I learned that my ideal pace right now is about a 13 minute pace so I was able to cut out most of the walk breaks except for walking up the big hill at the end of trail. (Why is there always a big hill at the end of a run?)
    8/6 - 3.5mi. Got up at 6:30am on my day off for a beautiful cool morning run with Neeko. Kept my average pace at 13:14 which seems to be ideal for me but I will admit my legs were tired when I was done. That hasn't happened in a while but it was a great feeling.
    8/8 - 2mi. Over did it on strength training yesterday and pushed myself to do 3 reps of 12 leg presses at 210 lbs so my legs were dead today. Even Neeko was confused when I turned around early LOL. I think I am going to try again tomorrow depending on how crazy work is and I am not sure if I want to push for 4 miles since I just stepped up to 3.5 last week. I guess I will see how I feel.
    8/10 - 1.5mi. Well yesterday didn't happen, work was insane and today it started raining and thundering when I started. Neeko and I kept going until we saw lighting but got in a fast comfortable mile and a half. No running tomorrow, I have a session with my trainer so I will try again on Wednesday for 4 miles.
    8/12 - 3.5 mi at the crack of dawn today.

    Completed : 17.6mi
    To go :17.4 mi

  • ShortMrsN
    ShortMrsN Posts: 177 Member
    Well I am finally well enough to go for a run!! 6 weeks since I've been able to.
    Slow 4km, have no solid goal for this month..... just to get back out there and run :)
  • TnTWalter
    TnTWalter Posts: 345 Member
    my goal is 75 for the month. And it's looking good. I'm at 30 so far. I have planned to take Sundays off. So far only skipped 1 planned day.
  • erigann
    erigann Posts: 45 Member
    edited August 2015
    First few days - 10 miles
    8/5/15 4 miles
    8/6/15 3 miles
    8/8/15 3 miles
    8/9/15 4 miles
    8/11/15 3 miles
    8/12/15 4 miles
    31 miles done! (Including walking my app shows me at 35.5!)
    new goal 85 miles

    @JimCrackinDandy I'm doing the HM on Halloween so I'm trying to be good & stick to a schedule. I've reduced my miles from last year but am trying to increase my speed a little
  • madube84
    madube84 Posts: 135 Member
    8/1 -
    8/2 .5 miles
    8/3 1.96 miles
    8/4 -
    8/5 -
    8/6 1.5 mile
    8/7 1.64 miles
    8/8 -
    8/9 -
    8/10 -
    8/11 . 5 miles
    8/12 2.25 miles

    Goal: 30 miles
    Completed: 8.35 miles
