Please help me !

hello guys
I really need help with shedding these pounds . I weigh 258 as of now ... I started my weight loss journey a year ago and I'm on and off my diet so I lose weight gain it back over and over

I've came addicted to fatty fast food and sweets . I'm back to eating clean which I can do but the temptation of having fatty foods and sweets are eating me aliiiiiiive lol .

I have a gym membership well I've had it a year and a half and I can not stay committed to the gym I guess you can say I get discouraged by all the fit ppl in there and I start to believe I don't belong so I go and eat to feel better .

The point of my post is it would be nice to have some support and motivation so if you guys could add me that would be great . It's always nice to see ppl log in and update their statuses with workout stats it makes you want to go out and do the same !!!!


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I started around the weight that your at now , and im currently 135lbs.
    Motivation has to come from within ones self, so thats something your going to have to figure out for yourself. But what i can tell you is that things get easier in time, force yourself to stay within your calories for the day, push yourself to get to the gym . After a little while, it'll become part of your daily routine. After something is part of your daily routine, its not hard to stick to ! You just do it out of habit over time ! So go for it !!
    Also, what stood out to me about your post was the clean eating thing. Clean eating isn't necessary for weight loss. All you need is a calorie deficit. I lost all my weight eating cake, candy , whatever. I learned portion control and moderation. Instead of a whole cake, i just eat one slice per day . For me , if i deprive myself of these treats, it leads to failure. I would just give up if i couldn't have treats, so i figured out how to fit them into my day. Maybe your trying to be too strict and thats whats causing your failure?
    Start by getting a food scale and weighing everything you consume, in time youll learn portion control. Best of luck to you !
    Remember all thats needed for weight loss is a calorie deficit. Theres no need to deprive yourself of the foods you love. This is a lifestyle change!
  • gothicfires
    gothicfires Posts: 240 Member
    We're already friends but i'm going to offer a different viewpoint. Step away from fast fatty food. I'm not sure what 'clean' eating is but healthy eating is something to focus on. For the past month I've focused on eating high protein, low fat meat and fiber from veggies, rice and/or bran cereal. Making the decision to completely change my menu has made it easier to avoid the calorie dense food that put me in this position in the first place. Since I live with my mother and she her food isn't healthy there could be temptation all around me, but it's not tempting because it's just not on my menu. I do eat ice cream with the blessing of my doctor but even it isn't the ice cream that I would have chosen before June 1st.

    Eventually the idea of fatty food will become repulsive. You'll look at that small serving and think about all the food you could have on your plate instead.
  • aleph_0
    aleph_0 Posts: 30 Member
    hello guys
    I have a gym membership well I've had it a year and a half and I can not stay committed to the gym I guess you can say I get discouraged by all the fit ppl in there and I start to believe I don't belong so I go and eat to feel better .
    Fellow un-fit overweight person at the gym (who is often the least fit person in the entire room) here: You do belong. You are a paying member just as they are, they've just been at it for a few years longer. They all had to start out at some point, they weren't born that fit, and you can get there too! Headphones help a lot for just zoning out and minding your own workout instead of all the other people at the gym.

    Do you track your exercise? It helps me a lot to note what progress I've made every time I finish up at the gym - whether it's "I upped my weight on an exercise", "my squat form is improving", "I'm doing this exercise with greater range of motion than before" or "I swam x meters more than last time and took less breaks". It helps me to focus less on how little I'm lifting/how un-fit I am compared to everyone else, and more on the fact that I am actually making progress all the time.

    Good luck with your weight loss!
  • lovelygem7
    lovelygem7 Posts: 7 Member
    Don't get discouraged by the fit people you see working out in the gym. Everybody is in there for the same reason and that is either to get fit or stay fit. Believe me as the weight starts to come off people will start to notice what you are doing and how you are making a change for your health. It takes about 4 weeks for you to notice a change in your body, 8 weeks for friends and family, and 12 weeks for everyone else. Yes, it is a long journey but you can't look at it that way. You must take it one day at a time. Everyday is a new day to start fresh and do better than you did the day before. I suggest you find some weight loss affirmations and say them every morning before you do anything else. It will help get your mind in the right mindset for the day. Make sure you say them out loud and repeat them till you feel it in your soul.