August 2015 Running Challenge



  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    August goal 60 miles

    8/1 I really...
    8/2 Need to find a better source
    8/3 For my Chinese take out supply....
    8/4 Managed a 1.17 "ralk" with all 3 puppies
    8/5 3.1 on the dreadmill until the aforementioned Chinese food from hell re "reared" (pun intended)
    its ugly head.
    8/6 2.52
    8/7 5
    8/8 3.67
    8/9 3.42
    8/10 rest
    8/11 2.22
    8/12 3.36
    8/13 4.25
    8/14 "life day" ( I like that!)
    8/15 3.65
    8/16 3.77
    8/17 3.34
    8/18 Bike
    8/19 rest
    8/20 3.47
    8/21 3.83
    8/22 it stopped raining so I cut the lawn instead of running!
    8/23 4.29
    8/24 3.68
    8/25 heavy yard work>>found all kinds of new muscles....which now hurt!
    8/26 6.33
    8/27 snorkel 3 hours. My sd camera card corrupted, so no new pics. So, here is a reprise of one of my favorite shots:
    8/28 rest
    8/29 4

    Total 65.05

    @RunTimer : come on down....the guest house is unoccupied till next month!

    Ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date:


  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    @kimlight2 Awesome work!
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    mwyvr wrote: »
    Tonight under the moon while drinking a beer or two I'm going to offer almonds and blueberries to the running spirits and ask them to heal our group's hurting runners. Get well soon everyone! :smile:

    Still waiting for Phobos to descend so no mountains for me yet. Short 10km run today around the Burnaby Lake trail with Kady The Wonder Dog. Nipple report (mine not hers): bearable.

    ...running spirits... :smiley:

    And "short" (!) 10km with kidley-stones? WOW!

  • aleph_0
    aleph_0 Posts: 30 Member
    I just hit my goal today :)
    8/1: 3.4 km
    8/3: 2.6 km
    8/9: 2.6 km
    8/10: 3.1 km
    8/16: 3.1 km
    8/18: 3.1 km
    8/21: 3.3 km
    8/24: 3.3 km
    8/26: 3.1 km
    8/29: 3.1 km

    Total: 30.7/30 km
    Not a very lofty goal by any means, but it turns out it was just right!
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    He told the boys he wanted them to run on their own, and that he'll be able to tell who's doing it and who's not. I turned to look at my son and rolled eyes and buried his face in his hands. I grinned.

    Chagrin the kid FTW! Enjoy these moments - they get fewer and farther between as they age. Trust me - mine are 22 and 24.

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    'Running is just a form of exercise until you love it. It’s exercise until your training takes you beyond the emphasis on effort and into the realm of ease. It’s exercise until the physical becomes spiritual. It’s exercise until “have to” or “should” becomes “I get to,” “I can’t wait to,” or “I can’t imagine not.” It’s exercise until the daily try becomes more interesting and important than the outcome. It’s exercise until the energy becomes essential. It’s exercise until you forget to care what you look like doing it, or what you look like because of it.'

    I've gotten to the "I can't imagine not..." stage, but not quite to the "get to" stage. OTOH - I actually used the phrase "good run" the other day, and meant it! Think I'm losing my mind....

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Question - am I just too anal-retentive, or CDO (like OCD, but in the right order) to be able to stop and take pictures or even sight-see when I'm running? I feel like I'm losing/wasting time that I should be running (jogging, walking, whatever!)....
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    01-Aug: 6.48 miles; 3.21 miles (walk)
    02-Aug: 6.58 miles
    03-Aug: 6.56 miles; 2.55 miles (walk)
    04-Aug: 3.26 miles
    05-Aug: Life Day!
    06-Aug: 3.18 miles
    07-Aug: 6.48 miles
    08-Aug: 6.51 miles
    09-Aug: 4.10 miles
    10-Aug: 4.12 miles
    11-Aug: 4.20 miles
    12-Aug: Life Day, but 1.00 miles (dreadmill)
    13-Aug: 4.05 miles
    14-Aug: 4.02 miles
    15-Aug: 6.48 miles
    16-Aug: 4.16 miles
    17-Aug: 6.49 miles
    18-Aug: 4.13 miles
    19-Aug: Life Day!
    20-Aug: 4.09 miles
    21-Aug: 4.14 miles
    22-Aug: 6.51 miles
    23-Aug: 4.46 miles
    24-Aug: 4.20 miles
    25-Aug: 4.14 miles
    26-Aug: Life Day, 0.50 miles (dreadmill)
    27-Aug: 4.24 miles
    28-Aug: 4.20 miles
    29-Aug: 6.10 miles - Glazin' a Trail Donut Run 5K

    Yes, a Donut Run. I did NOT eat a half-dozen donuts at the half-way point, but I DID go back and re-run the course.

    GOT A PR!! 30:28 for the first 5K. Not bad for a fat(-ish) old man! Getting closer to my goal weight, AND I increased my step goal (on FitBit) to 15K/day....

  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    edited August 2015
    8/3 4.02 miles
    8/5 2.56
    8/13 4.11 (got sick for a few days)
    8/15 3.77
    8/16 2.17
    8/18 3.05
    8/19. 3.2
    8/21 3.76
    8/23. 3.65 -- traveling in Chicago and in a long time this was a first treadmill run. Did not like it really.
    8/25 4.73
    8/27 3.76 --This run was tough, but thanks to all your postings, I kept saying to myself: "have to do today's run"
    8/29 5.08 --I don't think I will be making the challenge of 50 miles (sickness early in the month), but will try in the next couple of days)


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I'll have to catch up on the thread later. Took a rest day to go and watch Skip run her first XC meet of the season. Last year she ran a couple Varsity meets towards the end of the season for the experience. This year she's running Varsity and finished with a 9th place out of 102 runners. Her time was 22:42 - 8 seconds shy of her PR and a great start to the season. Cause I'm a proud Momma here's my girl. :smile:


    9.jpg 46.1K
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - that is awesome! Congratulations to Skip.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I'll have to catch up on the thread later. Took a rest day to go and watch Skip run her first XC meet of the season. Last year she ran a couple Varsity meets towards the end of the season for the experience. This year she's running Varsity and finished with a 9th place out of 102 runners. Her time was 22:42 - 8 seconds shy of her PR and a great start to the season. Cause I'm a proud Momma here's my girl. :smile:


    Awww she's so cute! Congrats, Skip! Awesome place!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Question - am I just too anal-retentive, or CDO (like OCD, but in the right order) to be able to stop and take pictures or even sight-see when I'm running? I feel like I'm losing/wasting time that I should be running (jogging, walking, whatever!)....

    Lol! You and I both! My husband will stop and look at E-V- R-Y-THING, and pick up a zillion rocks like a budding geologist. Sure if we are on a leisurely walk, I understand. But I'm type A right there with ya, if I'm out for a run, then run I am.. I will stop for potty needs and water though.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited August 2015
    @skippygirlsmom Yay for running kids and their proud moms!
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Question - am I just too anal-retentive, or CDO (like OCD, but in the right order) to be able to stop and take pictures or even sight-see when I'm running? I feel like I'm losing/wasting time that I should be running (jogging, walking, whatever!)....

    @9voice9 I pause my running watch and take photos whenever I see something I'm interested. It's one of the benefits of being on foot! I'm still going to run the same distance (or time), so what's the harm?
    9voice9 wrote: »
    I actually used the phrase "good run" the other day, and meant it! Think I'm losing my mind....


    <diabolical laughter>

    The serum works!

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Aug 1 - 43 mile bike ride
    Aug 2 - 37 mile bike ride
    Aug 3 - 4.1 miles
    Aug 4 - 4.15 miles in morning; strength training and cycling class. Yeah, I’m crazy.
    Aug 5 - 6.15 miles - too hot to do my long run for the week.
    Aug 6 - strength training and cycling class (hills!)
    Aug 7 - rest day
    Aug 8 - 34 mile bike ride
    Aug 9 - 46 mile bike ride
    Aug 10 - 5.1 miles
    Aug 11 - 1 hr cycling class and strength training
    Aug 12 - 3.5
    Aug 13 - 4.25 miles; strength training and cycling class. Still crazy.
    Aug 14 - rest day
    Aug 15 - 44 mile bike ride
    Aug 16 - 47 mile bike ride
    Aug 17 - 5.5 miles + strength training
    Aug 18 - cycling class (1 hour, 20 miles)
    Aug 19 - 6 miles + strength training
    Aug 20 - cycling class
    Aug 21 - 5.2 miles
    Aug 22 - 46 mile bike ride
    Aug 23 - 40 mile bike ride
    Aug 24 - strength training
    Aug 25 - 4.2 + cycling class
    Aug 26 - 4.2
    Aug 27 - rest travel day
    Aug 28 - 6.12
    Aug 29 - 12.5 - ran across Golden Gate bridge and back! A new long distance for me. The weather was perfect.
    Not sure if I can get any more long runs in once I am home in the heat but feel like I will be okay for HM on 10/4. May have to take 2 Sundays off from biking to get a couple long runs in.
    After my run we did the tourist stuff in SF and my Fitbit says I have gone 43,000 steps and 21 miles total. I'm pretty sore but so happy I did that run this morning!

    Flying home tomorrow so no runs Sunday or Monday -so this is it for my August total. I'm happy with that total considering I did so much biking and school being back in.


    @skippygirlsmom - she's just adorable! And an amazing runner like her mama!
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    10.3 km today for a total of 65 km for August. tomorrow's my rest day. Hoping for 100 km in September.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @9voice9 - another running addict, yep!!
    @skippygirlsmom - awesome picture of Skip! Tell her congratulations!

    I have lots to catch up on and not enough time - seems like everyone is doing well with their goals these last 2-3 days! I went out early this morning to get in a few before it got too hot and before the agility trial this afternoon. Managed 8.5 before 8am so that was good. Glad we have the extra day this month so I may just squeak by with my goal!
    Had a fabulous day at the agility trial with my pup, despite the 105F+ temps! They even provided kiddie pool cooling stations for the dogs! Hobbes qualified and took 2nd in his 1st event and qualified and got a perfect score - no faults, and a 1st place in his 2nd event! Hoping tomorrow will be cooler but an equally successful day!
    He wasn't too sure of the ribbons and then wanted to eat them :)

    08/02.....0.00.......8.45 - rest
    08/03.....0.00.......8.45 - unplanned rest +Agility
    08/04.....5.11.....13.56 - +Strength training
    08/06.....4.86.....22.60 - +Strength training
    08/10.....5.10.....43.50 - + Agility
    08/11.....0.00.....43.50 - Houston
    08/12.....0.00.....43.50 - Houston
    08/13.....0.00.....43.50 - Houston
    08/14.....4.19.....47.69 - Shake out run
    08/15.....7.05.....54.74 - ugly run
    08/16.....2.00.....56.74 - Dog Beach Sunday!
    08/17.....7.16.....63.90 - + Agility
    08/18.....0.00.....63.90 - +Strength training
    08/20.....0.00.....68.88 - +Strength training
    08/23.....2.50.....88.92 - Dog Beach Sunday!
    08/24.....0.00.....88.92 - + Agility
    08/25.....5.28.....94.20 - +Strength training
    08/27.....5.07...105.57 - +Strength training
    08/29.....8.49...114.06 - + Agility Trial

  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    I'll have to catch up on the thread later. Took a rest day to go and watch Skip run her first XC meet of the season. Last year she ran a couple Varsity meets towards the end of the season for the experience. This year she's running Varsity and finished with a 9th place out of 102 runners. Her time was 22:42 - 8 seconds shy of her PR and a great start to the season. Cause I'm a proud Momma here's my girl. :smile:

    Beautiful young lady, fabulous result on her first meet of the season, well done !
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    @shanaber what a gorgeous dog!
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Forgot to mention - lost my first toenail the other day! it'd been black for a while, then seemed to clear up, but I was doing some grooming, and noticed a roughness that turned out to be a separation, and lo and behold, the nail came off! I guess that means (along with everything else) - I'm a real (runner) boy now!