August 2015 Running Challenge



  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    8/1: 5 miles
    8/2: 11.5 miles
    8/3: 4 miles
    8/4: XT day: 42 min bike (12 miles) and 35 min walk (2 miles), AKA: 2 episodes of Gilmore Girls
    8/5: 8 miles
    8/6: 6.5 miles with the Thursday crew
    8/7: 5 miles
    8/8: 3 miles
    8/9: 18 miles
    8/10: 4 miles
    8/11: REST DAY!!
    8/12: 10 miles
    8/13: 7 miles am, 6.4 miles pm with Thursday crew
    8/14: REST DAY!!
    8/15: 6 miles with the Saturday morning group
    8/16: 14 miles
    8/17: 5 miles
    8/18: Rest
    8/19: 9.2 miles
    8/20: 8 miles am + 6.3 miles pm with Thursday crew
    8/21: Rest (went shopping and got the last of the "sizing down" clothes I need for summer/fall)
    8/22: 5 miles

    Stepped outside shortly after 8 am, and it was FIFTEEN DEGREES COOLER than when I stepped out at 6 am two days ago. And let me tell you, it was great. The air smelled like what a warm September day smells like and I am so, so ready for fall running so I can reap all of the summer training rewards! Overnight low tonight is forecasted to be 60, so my 15 miler tomorrow is going to be so lovely :)


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited August 2015
    Question for the runners out there who are (or have in the past) done two-a-day runs regularly...

    I am finding my schedule a bit difficult lately to hit my weekly miles based on the focus on lots of long, slow miles. Mainly, the biggest issue is that my shortest run in my normal schedule right now is 8 miles, which for me can take 1:45 to 2 hours even! My weekend long runs I am not so concerned with, but I also have a mid-week long run on Wednesdays of 12 miles currently, which can take from 2:45 to 3 hours (more if I have to make rest stops).

    Getting a 2-3 hour block of contiguous time is what is wrong. Mornings used to be when I would fit these in, but with this mileage and times it is difficult to do that when I have to wake the first kid up for school at 5:45am, meaning I would have to be up around 3am, or even 2am on a long run day in order to be dressed, ready, all that and out the door in time. Not practical at all.

    Evenings are a nice backup when possible, but many times not realistic either. The only thing dependable is getting them out of the way in the morning. After that, maybe I can run later...maybe not.

    So I am giving a lot of thought to running twice a day. Say a 4 or 6 miler in the morning. I could wake up for that much easier. And then later in the day fit in another one.

    So my main question is, if my goal was 8 miles on a given day, would two 4 milers give me the same benefit? Same with higher mileage?

    I am not doing speedwork, just focusing on lots of miles and trying to continue building my strength, endurance, form and pace.

    Remind me: what is the event you're training for?

    I wouldn't say I do 2-a-days regularly since I've only started doing them for the last two weeks, but I see them as something I'll continue doing for the foreseeable future, and so here's my thoughts: Personally I do a two-a-day on Thursdays so I can squeeze in another rest day on Friday while still getting ~50 miles in every week and hitting all my targeted workouts and easy/recovery runs. So I don't split a run in two; I do my "Friday" workout on Thursday morning and then do my group runs in the evening. However, depending on what your race goals are, you could probably split your runs into two for now since you're still doing really long runs on the weekend (what, 16, or 20 miles regularly?). And you may even find that splitting your runs may help you work on strength and form because you won't be as fatigued at the start as you may be if you're doing 2-3 hour runs almost daily. Also I agree with pretty much everything @Stoshew71 said :)

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for August

    8/1 17 miles - 17
    8/2 REST DAY
    8/3 10.5 miles - 27.5
    8/4 9.25 miles - 36.75
    8/5 5.65 miles - 42.4
    8/6 REST DAY Unplanned (domestic emergency and bad weather)
    8/7 6.4 miles - 48.8
    8/8 18 miles - 66.8
    8/9 REST DAY
    8/10 10.15 - 76.95
    8/11 9.25 - 86.2
    8/12 6.25 - 92.45
    8/13 10 miles - 102.45
    8/14 6.2 miles - 108.65
    8/15 18 miles - 126.65
    8/16 REST DAY
    8/17 10.5 miles - 137.15
    8/18 10.5 miles - 147.65
    8/19 6.2 miles - 153.85
    8/20 9.4 miles - 163.25
    8/21 6.75 miles - 170
    8/22 18 miles - 188


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    In addition, running in the dark in layers of clothing get's you mistaken for a crew that is ready to break into the Regions Bank and commit the crime of the century.
    You heard of Ocean's 11? Meet Panera's 15.
    Ummm nothing Like Hot Fresh Bread after a Run. It's Cold but I don't see any Snow - That adds a whole new dimension to running - especially at night with head lamps.

    Yeah, we don't get much snow down here in northern Alabama, and when we do they shut everything down.
    I however did sneak onto the Army base the last time it snowed and ran. I wasn't supposed to go in since "officially" it was closed down, but being from NJ I know how to drive in 2" of snow and I wasn't about to take a vacation day for 2" of snow. LOL

    But yeah, people around here hate ice and snow.

  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    edited August 2015
    @skippygirlsmom urgh, don't you just love unsolicited advice? Funny how none of these random people ever have anything useful to say!

    It's boiling in London today (30°) so a more leisurely pace was key today on my long run. I was aiming for 18 miles but my route turned out to be 18.9 - bonus!


  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    Arh, my stupid ticker won't update! Total is 61.8 miles!
  • AlexPaige
    AlexPaige Posts: 72 Member
    8-1: 2.5 mi
    8-2: 2.62 mi
    8-5: 2.6 mi
    8-8: 2.77 mi
    8-9: 2.77
    8-12: 2.91 mi
    8-13: 2.49 mi
    8-16: 3.13 mi
    8-17: 1.15 mi
    8-18: 1.11 scary tinges of knee pain today, called it quits conveniently as my mother happened to be driving by.
    8-21: 2.53 mi...felt much better today after taking time off. My pacing was much quicker than it has been since I was about 6 weeks in c25k. Paired w/ endurance training I think this is a good sign for the future.
    8-22: 2.45 mi. Went back to W6D1 of c25k for some intervals...started out quick and burned out by the last 5 minutes. Lesson learned!

    29.03 mi(!!!)/30 month
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited August 2015
    8/1 - 10 miles
    8/2 - 3.2 miles
    8/3 - 5.5 miles 1st day of school here, can't believe my baby is a Sophomore!
    8/4 - 3.2 miles
    8/5 - rest day
    8/6 - 1.8 miles ending up not getting back out last night - had to bring work home with me and worked until 9:30
    8/7 - 4.4 miles in the fog :tongue: 5K Run to the Rescue with Skip and some of her teammates tomorrow.
    8/8 - 3.1 Run to the Rescue 5K today. Skip and I ran, it was trail for almost 2 miles (I've never run off the road) then onto the road, then onto parking lot gravel (ugh) then back to and finish on grass. We don't have official times, I was I did a 9:43 pace just over 30 min so not near a PR, Skip said she was about 23:49 not near her PR either. I thought it was a tough course, a few hills. The trail was hard for me very rooty and uneven, but it was a lot of fun. I finished 3rd in my AG and she finished 1st in her AG.
    8/9 - 9.3 miles
    8/10 - 3.5 miles of recovery - it's my birthday it's my birthday!! :sunglasses:
    8/11- 6.1 miles
    8/12 - 3.5 miles - Wed is usually my rest day but I need to be in work at OhDark30 the next two days so I ran today.
    8/13 - rest day
    8/14 - rest day - work got in the way for 2 days :-(
    8/15 - 6.5 miles - halfway right on schedule
    8/16 - 8.6 miles - longest run ever for Skip - so proud of her
    8/17 - 3.5 miles of leisurely run in the rain
    8/18 - rest day
    8/19 - 6.4 miles legs still sore and they talked to me the whole run - they weren't cursing so I kept going :smiley:
    8/20 - 5.1 miles
    8/21 - 3.5 miles - overslept a bit so I knew I couldn't do the 4.5 I wanted ended up with a 10:15 pace, felt great.
    8/22 - 6.5 miles

    93.9 miles of 120


    When a run is bad it's bad. Without a doubt the hardest miles Skip and I have run, it started slow and awful and never got better. She got sting by a wasp at like mile 3, I heard it bbbbuuuuzzzzz when it hit her under the eye, she started to scream and cry and instantly you could see it start to swell. Luckily we had cold water and she was able to put it on her eye. Then at mile 4.5 I got a side stitch that came on fast and hard to the point I was doubled over in pain. We walked about a 1/4 mile and it got better. We continued until we got back to where we started and called it a day ... while we were still alive. Luckily she is taken benedryl for the allergic reaction she was having to the antibiotics she took and the swelling in already gone.

    @ohhim Skip got her finger and got a staph infection last weekend. She had an allergic reaction to the first antibiotic and broke out in a rash from head to toe. She's been on something else for 4 days and the rash finally stopped itching and it starting to go away. So we know how you feel. She has been taking oatmeal baths and benedryl.
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    8.4 km this morning for 40 km this month. 10 km left to go to reach 50km. Probably will be just over kthis month.
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited August 2015
    Weather was just too perfect for a rest day, despite getting in a bunch of miles on the bike and pool, so I went out for 3.5 miles tonight. Doing a long run tomorrow early AM with friends, so didn't want to push it too much.

    @skippygirlsmom - Rash seems to be slightly subsiding as I only had to get up once in the middle of last night to apply benadryl. Cold showers/water and drinking lots of water (to flush things out) seem to be working as well.

    8/1 - 3 miles
    8/2 - 6 miles
    8/4 - 12 miles
    8/5 - 5.5 miles
    8/6 - 8 miles (w. 8x800s @ 6:22 pace)
    8/8 - 3 miles (sprint triathlon 5k @ 7:03 pace)
    8/10 - 9.5 miles
    8/11 - 3 mile run
    8/13 - 1 mile run
    8/16 - 5 mile run
    8/17 - 7 mile run
    8/18 - 8 mile run
    8/19 - 8 mile run
    8/20 - 8 mile run
    8/21 - 8.5 mile run
    8/22 - 3.5 mile run

    Total: 99 miles
    Goal: 140 miles
    Remaining: 41 miles
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    @WhatMeRunning you just kill it with your long runs. Wow. Wow. Did I say wow? Wow!

    @juliet3455 Today I did the Grind in 59 minutes. It was jam packed, passing people was tough, but few passed me which I have to say at 53 I'm feeling pretty good about. I'll bring it down by 10 by next year.

    What I really enjoyed was the after-climb run. Unlike virtually everyone else who takes the Gondola down for $10, I ran down (actually a little more up too) and had a great time with not a soul in sight for most of the 12km back. 3,160 feet of elevation gain today.

    With little more than a week away to September I am not going to reach my goal so am moving the goal to September and August will simply be to have fun out there.

    Month to date:		155.14 km
    Goal:			322 km / 200 miles (48% completed)
    Aug 22 14.54 km Tons of trail climbing + back down, 847 meters climbing
    Aug 21 08.10 km Date Run Friday. Low HR.
    Aug 20 14.60 km Taking it easy along the river 
    Aug 19 14.10 km Mountain trail run
    Aug 18 10.08 km Lake trail run
    Aug 17 -----    Rest Day
    Aug 16 16.87 km HR up 20bpm over normal for pace, drugs?
    Aug 15 -----    Off for health
    Aug 14 -----    Off for health
    Aug 13 14.75 km Urine colour: Amber Ale bordering on Stout. Call 911.
    Aug 12 13.70 km Up at 0530H to beat the heat
    Aug 11 -----    Life Day
    Aug 10 -----    Life Day
    Aug 09 08.09 km Gentle welcome home date-run with Sue
    Aug 08 12.27 km Great cool run along Lake Sammamish near Seattle
    Aug 07 06.04 km Short run before really loooong driving day, bye bye Montana
    Aug 06 -----    Rest Day / 10km hiking in Swan Range, Montana
    Aug 05 08.09 km Easy trail in Bigfork Montana
    Aug 04 -----    Rest Day
    Aug 03 03.35 km Quick jaunt before long driving day, bye bye Alberta
    Aug 02 -----    Cycling while visiting family
    Aug 01 10.60 km Trails both wide + single track

    View of Vancouver's English Bay from the top of the gondola station.

    Your's truly having too much fun for free. Pointing NE-ward towards the Mount Fromme area, one of the best mountain biking areas in North America.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I have been reading through and trying to get caught up on everyone. I had a good long run today until it got too hot. It started out lovely, cool and overcast that burned off around mile 8 and it started to really warm up. Learning from my more recent experiences with the heat I walked and ran the last 2-3 miles. Both Hobbes and I were exhausted when we got home. It is supposed to get super hot and humid this next week with triple digits here and even up to 90 at the beaches! Ugh - Fall can't get here fast enough! Even though it is going to be a hot week I am hoping to make it to my goal this month - I still think(hope) it is doable!

    @ddmom0811 - I love running with Hobbes the Vizsla. He gets me out there even when I don't really want to go. It is especially fun when he can run off leash - he just wants to go fast and is always looking longingly at the faster runners and the cyclists. I am sure he is hoping to get to run with them!
    @Ohhim - Hope the antibiotics and allergies are getting better!
    @mwyvr - love the view!
    @skippygirlsmom - hope your side is ok and that Skip is doing all right too. Hopefully she doesn't get a black eye
    from the wasp!

    08/02.....0.00.......8.45 - rest
    08/03.....0.00.......8.45 - unplanned rest +Agility
    08/04.....5.11.....13.56 - +Strength training
    08/06.....4.86.....22.60 - +Strength training
    08/10.....5.10.....43.50 - + Agility
    08/11.....0.00.....43.50 - Houston
    08/12.....0.00.....43.50 - Houston
    08/13.....0.00.....43.50 - Houston
    08/14.....4.19.....47.69 - Shake out run
    08/15.....7.05.....54.74 - ugly run
    08/16.....2.00.....56.74 - Dog Beach Sunday!
    08/17.....7.16.....63.90 - + Agility
    08/18.....0.00.....63.90 - +Strength training
    08/20.....0.00.....68.88 - +Strength training


  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    edited August 2015
    8/3 4.02 miles
    8/5 2.56
    8/13 4.11 (got sick for a few days)
    8/15 3.77
    8/16 2.17
    8/18 3.05
    8/19. 3.2
    8/21 3.76
    8/23. 3.65 -- traveling in Chicago and in a long time this was a first treadmill run. Did not like it really.

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    8/1: 5 miles
    8/2: 11.5 miles
    8/3: 4 miles
    8/4: XT day: 42 min bike (12 miles) and 35 min walk (2 miles), AKA: 2 episodes of Gilmore Girls
    8/5: 8 miles
    8/6: 6.5 miles with the Thursday crew
    8/7: 5 miles
    8/8: 3 miles
    8/9: 18 miles
    8/10: 4 miles
    8/11: REST DAY!!
    8/12: 10 miles
    8/13: 7 miles am, 6.4 miles pm with Thursday crew
    8/14: REST DAY!!
    8/15: 6 miles with the Saturday morning group
    8/16: 14 miles
    8/17: 5 miles
    8/18: Rest
    8/19: 9.2 miles
    8/20: 8 miles am + 6.3 miles pm with Thursday crew
    8/21: Rest (went shopping and got the last of the "sizing down" clothes I need for summer/fall)
    8/22: 5 miles
    8/23: 15.1 miles

    Perfect day for a long run: 60 degrees at the start, breezy, not too humid. I ran along the canal for a mileish and startled a crane which was fun! But then later I got bit by a bug/spider, and that was not fun. But I felt great throughout and hit the last three miles at a faster pace: 8:45, 8:40, 7:50! I'm really excited for proper training to start in September. These long mileage weeks are paying off already! I'm going to have to figure out what my new tempo and race paces will be and that's super exciting!


  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    edited August 2015
    1/8/15 - 3 miles
    3/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    4/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    6/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    7/8/15 - 2 miles
    8/8/15 - 3 miles
    10/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    11/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    13/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    14/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    16/8/15 - 3 miles
    17/8/15 - 2 miles
    19/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    20/8/15 - 1 mile
    23/8/15 - 3.5 miles

    3.5 miles round the lake and a bit, they were hosting a jet skiing event there today, gave me something else to look at for a while


  • CancerSurvivor2014
    CancerSurvivor2014 Posts: 111 Member
    MFP: August running challenge:
    New personal record 5 miles in 49 mins.
    My goal was to get it done in under an hour. My previous time was 67 mins from 6 weeks ago. I am so stoked!!
    I also picked up another mile in warm ups from last couple days.

    August goal: 45 miles
    Completed: 43
    >>>>>>>>> 2 to go <<<<<<<<<
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    8/1 - 10 miles
    8/2 - 3.2 miles
    8/3 - 5.5 miles 1st day of school here, can't believe my baby is a Sophomore!
    8/4 - 3.2 miles
    8/5 - rest day
    8/6 - 1.8 miles ending up not getting back out last night - had to bring work home with me and worked until 9:30
    8/7 - 4.4 miles in the fog :tongue: 5K Run to the Rescue with Skip and some of her teammates tomorrow.
    8/8 - 3.1 Run to the Rescue 5K today. Skip and I ran, it was trail for almost 2 miles (I've never run off the road) then onto the road, then onto parking lot gravel (ugh) then back to and finish on grass. We don't have official times, I was I did a 9:43 pace just over 30 min so not near a PR, Skip said she was about 23:49 not near her PR either. I thought it was a tough course, a few hills. The trail was hard for me very rooty and uneven, but it was a lot of fun. I finished 3rd in my AG and she finished 1st in her AG.
    8/9 - 9.3 miles
    8/10 - 3.5 miles of recovery - it's my birthday it's my birthday!! :sunglasses:
    8/11- 6.1 miles
    8/12 - 3.5 miles - Wed is usually my rest day but I need to be in work at OhDark30 the next two days so I ran today.
    8/13 - rest day
    8/14 - rest day - work got in the way for 2 days :-(
    8/15 - 6.5 miles - halfway right on schedule
    8/16 - 8.6 miles - longest run ever for Skip - so proud of her
    8/17 - 3.5 miles of leisurely run in the rain
    8/18 - rest day
    8/19 - 6.4 miles legs still sore and they talked to me the whole run - they weren't cursing so I kept going :smiley:
    8/20 - 5.1 miles
    8/21 - 3.5 miles - overslept a bit so I knew I couldn't do the 4.5 I wanted ended up with a 10:15 pace, felt great.
    8/22 - 6.5 miles
    8/23 - 3.5 miles legs so heavy ugh for the second day

    97.4 miles of 120

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited August 2015
    Thanks for the feedback on my 2-a-day question everyone. I'm kind of glad that the feedback kind of fit in with my assumptions, giving me a little more confidence in the training alterations I was considering.

    My goal for summer training was two specific things that worked hand in hand. I was running halfs comfortably with regularity and wanted to increase pace by running increased easy miles, and getting my long distance into the 16-20 mile range and doing a full in the fall (slowly at training pace so I could do other fall races too).

    I started all this doing about 24 miles/wk on 3 runs/wk. I was able to build to 56 miles/week over the summer on 5 runs per week. Part of what made that workable was 2 long runs of 12 miles and one 16 miler. I have recently started doing 20 milers which are a different thing, and I was expecting that. Add in the schedule changes with school starting and it all adds up to rethinking my traing approach as I head into fall.

    I have only had one chance at a cool run to see how my pace increased on a long run and I shaved a little over a minute on that run, very nice, but I had hoped to get faster than that as I am looking at a 6 hour marathon most likely. Doable if I have the correct nutrition, hydration, fueling, pace and even luck on race day. I was hoping to be anywhere in the 5 hours range. But it is what it is, and I have the mental readiness to go that distance, of that I have zero doubts right now.

    My initial plan was lots of miles and no speedwork. But if I'm going to do 4 days/wk with far shorter runs (4 to 6 miles) and one long run per week 16 to 20 miles) then I think it makes far more sense to do two of those shorter runs as tempo, intervals or hills. Especially hills.:smile:
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    7.2 for a slightly-longer-than-expected Sunday run, but I decided to keep going if I felt OK, and get to an even 80/100 miles for the month so far.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2015
    1- 8.35 miles. walk
    2- 5.9
    3 rest
    4- 3.24
    5 rest
    6- 3.27
    7- busy, hot, lazy unplanned rest day
    8- 3.12 to make up for unplanned rest day.
    9- 7.13 hot. HI >90
    11-1, cramps
    12- 4.38
    13- rest
    14- 4.21
    15- rest
    16- 5.57
    17- 1 shake out the road trip stiffness
    18- 4.73
    19- rest
    20- 3.47 walk
    21,22-leisure walking/ rest
    23- 11.11


    Looks like I can hit 90 for the month if I don't lose momentum. Crazy, because I feel like the whole month has been mediocre runs since I'm off pain med. Forward is still forward. I've embraced slow. Not happy about it, bit accepting that where I am.